Centro di eccellenza Jean Monnet - Euromed
The EURO-MED Centre was created by the Department of Political Studies in 1997 to develop research on Euro-Mediterranean relations, comparative politics, and international relations. In the years 1998-2005, an agreement between the University of Catania and the European Commission in the framework of the Action Jean Monnet, acknowledges the Centre as European Centre of Excellence to develop multildisciplinary activities relating to the construction of the European Union and the process of cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean area. From 1996-2013, the Centre published 68 papers authored by junior and senior scholars. The Centre is a member of EuroMeSCo. Direction: Prof. Fulvio Attinà Tel: +39. 095. 7347 209 attinaf@unict.it |
Il Centro EURO-MED è stato creato dal Dipartimento di Studi Politici nel 1997 con la missione di sviluppare attività di ricerca e documentazione sulle relazioni euro-mediterranee, la politica comparata e la politica internazionale. In seguito all'accordo intervenuto tra l'Università di Catania e la Commissione Europea nel quadro dell'Azione Jean Monnet (1998-2005) il Centro opera come Centro Europeo d'Eccellenza Jean Monnet con la missione di sviluppare attività multidisciplinari relative alla costruzione europea e ai processi di cooperazione nell'area euro-mediterranea. Dal 1996 al 2013, il Centro ha pubblicato 68 papers scritti da studiosi giovani e meno giovani. Il Centro fa parte della rete EuroMeSCo. Direzione: Prof. Fulvio Attinà Tel: +39.095. 7347 209 attinaf@unict.it |
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Since 2012, the Centre is the platform of ReSHAPE, the Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam Programme at the University of Catania |
The content can be cited as:
Author, Title, Jean Monnet Working Papers, University of Catania , JMWP No./Year. ISSN 2281-9029
Papers can be browsed online, downloaded and printed for personal use. Papers can be obtained also as an e-mail attached file.
Daniela IRRERA, Is Albania ready for Europe yet?
Keywords: Corruption, Democratisation, Enlargement, Balkans
Franca BIONDI NALIS , E.Cabet between History and Utopia
Keywords: French Revolution, Utopia, Society organisation
Linda BASILE , Competitiveness, Cooperation or Complementarity? American and European Roles in Democracy Promoptiom
Keywords: Democracy Promotion, Strategy, Transatlantic relations, Democratic Peace
65.08 Fulvio ATTINA', ‘Managing globalisation: EU’s effective multilateralism'
Keywords: Lisbon Treaty; ESDP; Security; Peace operations; United Nations; minilateralism
64.08 Andrea CIAMBRA, ‘Normative Power’ Europe: Theory and Practice of EU Norms. The Case of Macedonia
Keywords: Normative power, EU Foreign Policy, CFSP/ESDP, crisis management, Western Balkans, Macedonia, policy approximation
Linda BASILE , Participation in the Open Method of Coordination: The case of the European Employment Strategy
Keywords: Open Method of Coordination, New Modes of Governance, European Employment Strategy, Participation, Openness
Danilo DI MAURO , International involvement in Ethnic-conflict: comparing Balkans and the Middle East
Keywords: Balkans, Middle East , Conflict, Intervention, NATO, UN, Hegemony
Manuela TRAVAGLIANTI , The role of the state in the natural resources and civil war approach
Keywords: Civil war - Natural resources – Econometric models - Resource-trap
Andrea SCAVO , La Politica di Coesione dell’Unione Europea: tendenze ad una ri-nazionalizzazione nei negoziati per il 2007-2013
Keywords: Cohesion policy – Lisbon Process – Regions - Budget
Stelios STAVRIDIS , Why the EU´s constitutionalization and parliamentarization are worsening the existing democratic deficit in European foreign and defence policies Keywords: CFSP; foreign policy; defence; constitutionalization; parliamentarization; Constitutional Treaty; ratification; referendum; democratic deficit/scrutiny/disjuncture
Fulvio ATTINA', Regional security partnership: the concept, model, practice, and a preliminary comparative scheme Keywords: Regional Security Partnership – Europe - East Asia – Central Asia - Africa
57.04 Carla MONTELEONE & Rosa ROSSI , Transatlantic cooperation in conflict management Keywords: Transatlantic cooperation - Conflict management - Security - EU foreign policy
56.04 Fulvio ATTINA', State aggregation in military pacts: systemic explanations Keywords:Hegemony - Military alliances – Defense pacts – Global politics
Vania SCALAMBRIERI, Democratic conditionality within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partenership Keywords:Political Conditionality – Democracy - Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Danilo DI MAURO , The Role of the UN in the Arab-Israel Conflict: a Quantitative Analysis
Keywords: United Nations, Arab-Israel conflict, Palestine Question.
53.04 Stefania PANEBIANCO & Rosa ROSSI , EU attempts to export norms of good governance to the Mediterranean and Western Balkan countries Keywords: EU International Role - Normative Power - Mediterranean and Western Balkans Political Regimes - Democratization - Human rights protection
Fulvio ATTINA', The Euro-Mediterranean project of security partnership in comparative perspective Keywords:Euro-Mediterranean Partnership – Security – Regionalism – East Asia/Pacific – Central Asia
51.04 David MOULL, Lessons the EU should learn from the formative years of the US : Challenges to EU authority in the areas of legitimacy and interpretive competence and the implications for the conceptualization of the EU Keywords:Constitutional Law, European Union , United States , comparative legal analysis, legitimacy, interpretive competence
Fulvio ATTINA', Transatlantic Relations in Post-Iraq War Global Politics Keywords: Transatlatic relations. Iraq . Global politics. United Nations.
Lior ZEMER & Sharon PARDO, An Alternative Euro-Israeli Dispute Resolution. Proposal for the “Rules of Origin” Saga " Keywords: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership/Barcelona Process (EMP).Rules of Origin. Customs. Occupied Territories. European Court of Justice (ECJ). Palestinian Authority. Israel .
48.02 Stelios STAVRIDIS , "Parliamentary Diplomacy": Some Preliminary Findings Keywords: Parliaments. Diplomacy. Accountability. Democracy.
47.02 Al-Omari Bilal KHLAF, EU-Med Economic Prospects After Barcelona 1995 Keywords: EU-Med Relations. Trade Balance. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Developed Developing Countries.
46.02 Al-Omari Bilal KHALAF, Jordan Economy and the EU Association Agreement Keywords: EU-Med Relations, International Economic Integration Theory , Jordan Economy , Jordan 's Trade Balance
45.02 Fulvio ATTINA', Security cooperation at the regional level: from opposed military alliances to security partnerships. Is the Mediterranean region on the right track? Keywords: Security. Partnership. Mediterranean Region. Security culture.
Chiara LIGUORI, La difficile construction de l'integration maghrebine et le partenariat euro-méditerranéen
Keywords: Intégration maghrebine. Union du Maghreb Arabe. Union Européenne. Partenariat euro-méditerranéen.
43.02 Valeri MIKHAILENKO, Il Posto della Russia nel nuovo Sistema Mondiale della Sicurezza
Keywords: European security. International terrorism. Russia . Putin.
42.02 Martin SCHAIN , European-American Security in the Post-September 11 World
Keywords: Transatlantic Relations. NATO. ESDP. Defense.
41.02 Fulvio ATTINA', I Processi di Integrazione Regionale nella Politica Internazionale Contemporanea
Keywords: Regional Studies. Regional Integration. Regional Security Partnership. Comparative Regionalism.
40.02 Stelios STAVRIDIS , The First two Parliamentary Fora of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: an assesment
Keywords: EU. Mediterranean. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership/Barcelona Process. Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Forum.
39.01 Federica BICCHI , European Security Perceptions vis à vis the Mediterranean : theoretical and empirical considerations from the 1990s
Keywords: Security perceptions. Mediterranean . Migration. Islamic fundamentalism. Terrorism.
38.01 Dimitris K. XENAKIS and Dimitris N. CHRYSSOCHOOU, Between Good Governance and Democratisation: Assessing the Euro-Mediterranean Condition
Keywords: Good governance. Democratisation. Regime formation. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.
37.01 MEN Jing, Changes of Security Thinking and Its Application to Military Construction in China
Keywords: Security thinking. Military construction. Capability. Threat. Structural change.
36.01 Elena TEDESCO, Il Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo: il caso della Sicilia
Keywords: Partenariato Euro-Mediterraneo. Sicilia. Divisione del lavoro. Commercio intra-branche. Esportazioni.
35.01 Janxiong ZHANG, The " Shanghai Five" and its Implications to the Construction of Security Partnership in Asia-Pacific
Keywords: Shanghai Five. China . Asia-Pacific. Security Partnership.
34.01 Emanuel ADLER , A Mediterranean Canon and an Israeli Prelude to Long Term Peace
Keywords: Keywords: Pluralistic security communities. Barcelona Process. Mediterranean regional identity. Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israeli identity.
33.01 Florian GÜSSGEN, Of Swiss Army Knives and Diplomacy. A Review of the Union 's Diplomatic Capabilities
Keywords: ESDP. European security. CFSP.
32.01 ZHU Guichang , China and the Asia Pacific Security System
Keywords: Asia-Pacific Security System. New security concept. Security partnership building. Constructive role of China security community.
31.01 Stelios Stavridis , European Security and Defence after Nice
Keywords: EU. Defence. Security. Integration. NATO
30.01 Maria Weber , China ’s 21st Century Challenge: a balance of power between Japan and US
Keywords: China . Japan . United States. ASEM. China-Europe relations.
29.01 Fulvio Attinà , The European Security Partnership, Nato and the European Union
Keywords: Helsinki Process. Security partnership. Military alliance. NATO. ESDP.
28.00 Fulvio Attinà , Strategies for democratising multi-state systems and the European Union
Keywords: Democratic deficit. Election of the President of the Commission. Parliaments. European political parties. EU institutional reform.
27.00 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Fulvio Attinà , Partnership and Security: Some theoretical and empirical reasons for positive developments in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Keywords: Western security culture. Arab security culture. Security community. Confidence building measures.
26.00 Donatella M. VIOLA, International Relations and European Integration Theory:The Role of the European Parliament Keywords: European integration theories. International Relations theories. European Parliament. Political Groups.
25.99 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Pierre WILLA, La Méditerranéen comme Espace Inventé Keywords: Regionalism. Constructivism. Mediterranean Policy. Euro-Med.
24.99 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Said HADDADI, The Western Mediterranean as a Security Complex. A liaison between the European Union and the Middle East Keywords: Regional Security. Security Complex. The Maghreb. South-West Europe.
Maria Grazia MELCHIONNI , L'invitato in Ritardo: la Storia e l'Integrazione Europea Keywords: History. Teaching. Integration Process.
Janusz RUSZKOWSKI, Geopolitical Model of the Baltic Europe in the Nineties Keywords: Baltic Sea States Council. Geopolitics. EU's Baltic Co-operation Programmes.
Eugenio GUCCIONE, Storia e Politica dell'Integrazione Europea: un'Esperienza di Insegnamento
Keywords: History. Teaching. Integration Process.
Liu FEI & Shen YANNAN, Report on European Studies in China , Keywords: Academic Exchange. EU-China Relations.
Çigdem NAS, The Approach of the European Parliament to the Issue of Ethnic Minorities and Minority Rights in Turkey within the Context of the European Minority Rights Sub-Regime. Keywords: Ethnic minorities. European Parliament. European Union. Turkey .
Fulvio ATTINA', Strategies for Democratising the European Union and the Issue of the Election of the President of the Commission Keywords: Democracy. Accountability. Commission' President. National Parliaments.
17.98 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Dimitris K. XENAKIS, The Barcelona Process: Some Lessons From Helsinky Keywords: CSCE/OSCE. Institutionalisation. Euro-Mediterranean Systemic Complexity.
16.98 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Nicola MINASI, The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area and its Impact on the Economies Involved Keywords: Free Trade Area. Structural Funds. Multilateralism. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
15.98 Special edition Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Kostas APOSTOLIDES, Cyprus and the Enlargement of the European Union
Keywords: Enlargement. Mediterranean . Accession process
Dimitris N. CHRYSSOCHOOU, Democracy and Integration Theory in the 1990s: A Study in European Polity-Formation. Keywords: Integration Theory. Democracy. European Polity.
Jean-Philippe PAUWELS, Federation par Disociation et Protection des Minorité: le cas de la Communauté Germaphone en Belgique. Keywords: Minorities, Federalism, Belgium , Germanphone Community.
Martin BALDWIN-EDWARDS, Third country nationals and welfare systems in the European Union. Keywords: Immigrants. Social policy. European Welfare Systems.
Grazia D. SANTANGELO , The Baltic States return to Europe : the Baltic Re-Integration Problem Between the Nordic and the Eu Option.
Keywords: Enlargement. Estonia . Latvia . Lithuania . Regional Integration.
Claudio M. RADAELLI, Policy tranfer in the European Union: Institutional Isomorphism as a Source of Legitimacy.
Keywords: Policy Transfer. Institutionalism. Isomorphism. EMU. Taxation. Media ownership.
Grazia D. SANTANGELO , The IT Revolution and Europe : The European Lag and reaction. An Analysis of ESPRIT. Keywords: ESPRIT. Information Technology. Trans-European Networks.
Grazia D. SANTANGELO , The Single market for financial services: the European Response to the process of financial transnationalisation. Keywords: De-regulation. Re-regulation. Transnationalisation. Regional blocks.
Fulvio ATTINA' Globalization and crime. The emerging role of international institutions. Keywords: Internal security. Europol. Globalization. Crime.
Roderick PACE, The European Union’s Next Mediterranean Enlargement. Challenges and Uncertainties. Keywords: EU Enlargement. Turkey . Cyprus . Malta . Mediterranean .
Alberto BIN, ‘Mediterranean diplomacy’. Evolution and prospects. Keywords: Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. CSCE/CSCM. CFSP. Mediterranean Forum.
04.96 Fulvio ATTINA', Regional cooperation in global perspective. The case of the "mediterranean" regions. Keywords: Regionalism. Globalization. Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).
Stefania PANEBIANCO , European citizenship and European identity: from the Maastricht Treaty to public opinion attitudes. Keywords: Citizenship. Identity. Public Opinion (Eurobarometer).
Valentina BARBAGALLO , European integration and environment: are we going towards a cleaner federal State? Keywords: Environment. (Multi-level) Governance. European Parliament (Environment Committe).
Francesca LONGO, La democrazia dell’Unione Europea e la riforma del secondo pilastro.
Keywords: Democracy. CFSP. IGC. Budget.