Anno accademico 2019/2020 - 1° anno
Docente: Maurizio Malogioglio
Crediti: 6
SSD: SPS/13 - Storia e istituzioni dell'Africa
Organizzazione didattica: 150 ore d'impegno totale, 114 di studio individuale, 36 di lezione frontale

Modalità di svolgimento dell'insegnamento

lezioni frontali

Presentazioni degli studenti


esame finale: 2 papers di 5 pagine ciascuno

Prerequisiti richiesti

Background in scienze politiche, economia, relazioni internazionali, diritto, sociologia, lingue

Frequenza lezioni

3 lezioni a settimana

Contenuti del corso

A Brief History of Economic Development and introduction to Sustainable Development

  • The age of modern growth
  • Why some countries developed
  • Present inequalities
  • Limits to growth and Planet Boundaries
  • Climate Change
  • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Sustainable Sevelopment Goals (SDGs)

A Brief History of Development Aid

  • Evolution
  • Aid and its discontents
  • Actors in development Aid: Governments, Non-governmental Organizations, Foundations, private sector

Migration and Economic Development

  • Highlights, facts
  • Remittances
  • Regional corridors
  • Push and pull factors
  • Migration hump
  • Migration bands
  • Impact of remittances and migration on the economy of sending and receiving countries
  • Political issues in Migration

Migrants’ Integration Issues, Co-development (how to promote migrants' role in the development of their countries of origin)

  • Origin of the concept
  • The Migration for Development Programme of the International Organization for Development
  • Trés por Uno (Mexico experience)
  • The Italian experience, MIDA (Migration for Development Africa)

Circular and Return Migration: an Introduction

  • Concepts
  • Seasonal schemes

Co-development: case studies

  • How to diminish the cost of sending money home
  • Financial inclusion and education,
  • The importance of communication on migration issues at home and in the receiving countries
  • Community projects, migrants as entrepreneurs at home

Circular migration: OECD National experiences in promoting circular, return migration, seasonal/temporary migration schemes

  • Canada
  • USA
  • Netherlands
  • Denmark
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Germany

Summing up: Issues on Migration at Country level

  • Country studies:
  • Issues (land, credit, etc)

Environmental migration : Causes of environmental migration, institutional and legal issues

  • Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in the Mediterranean and Middle East Region
  • Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in Africa
  • Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in the Asia-Pacific region
  • Environmental issues and Environmental Migration in Latin America
  • Definition of climate-environmental refugee (Geneva Convention, etc). Number of displaced people. Is there protection of environmental migrants- displaced persons? Issues and examples

Social remittances

  • Definition
  • Issues
  • Examples

Readmissions Agreements (voluntary return, forced return , development aid packages to promote return)

  • Main issues
  • European policies
  • Examples of Readmissions Agreements
  • Political/economic/financial issues

Trafficking and smuggling of people

  • Main issues
  • European policies
  • The economics of trafficking and smuggling
  • Political issues

Environmental and Economic Migration and the Theories of International relations: Realism, Liberal Institutionalism and Constructivism.

  1. The Migration Compact and The Refugee Compact
  2. Interpretation of the Compacts according to the Realists Theory of International Relations
  3. Interpretation according to the Institutional Theory
  4. Interpretation according to the Constructivist Theory

International Action on Migration:

  • La Valletta - EU Trust Fund for Africa
  • Migration Compact implementation actions

Actors in Migration:

  1. IOM
  2. UNHCR
  3. UNODC
  4. IFAD
  5. WB
  6. Medecins Sans frontiers
  7. Oxfam
  8. Other International non Governmental Organizations
  9. FAO
  10. Other

How to get a job in Humanitarian aid?

  • Should one study International Development, Public Health, Environmental studies, or Political Science, Media, Languages, etc?
  • An illustration of the myriad of careers and specialism available within the sector and of the pros and cons of each option

Career development Work in a UN Organization:

  • Type of jobs:
    • Resource mobilization (with public sector)
    • Resource mobilization (individual)
    • Partnerships with private sector, Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Professional skills required
  • Practical examples of work, students analysis of partnerships with corporations, screening of potential private sector partners for a UN organization, national and international NGOs
  • Readings:

Agreements between UN and corporations, INGO, NGOs, will be provided for students’ analysis

Career development

  • Interviews simulations with students

Testi di riferimento

Readings- Mandatory From the web:

  • World Migration Report IOM 2018-19 Capitoli specifici verranno indicati. Scaricabile dal sito della International Organization for Migration

Mandatory, to be distributed

  • Migration and Development, Hot Topics and Recommendations for National and International Action, Manola Sorg, GLOPEM 2017
  • Co-managing Economic Migration Flows and Promoting the Investment of Remittances for Development - Policy Tools Available to Development Agencies, European Institutions, Governments Maurizio Malogioglio, GLOPEM 2018
  • Is migration a threat or an opportunity for both origin and destination countries?GLOPEM 2018
  • Policies to harness the potential of economic migration, Maurizio Malogioglio, GLOPEM 2019

Additional readings, Not mandatory, but useful for deeper understanding

  • World Migration Report 2015-2016-2017. Can be downloaded from the site of the International Organization for Migration
  • Martin: The Global Challenge of Managing Migration, 2013.

Final examination:

  • Short paper 3-5 pages, by all students on main implementation issues in selected Readmission Agreements (political, economic, etc). Students choose one or two.
  • Short Paper 2-3 pages, by all students on Debate in Europe on economic migrants’ quotas, foreign labor needs (political, economic, practical, etc)