Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Sebastiano Angelo Alessandro Granata
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: M-STO/04 - Contemporary history
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

Frontal lectures and seminars

Detailed Course Content

The course will focus on the political, economic, cultural and social changes that have involved the world from the 20th to the 21st century

Textbook Information

- L. Caracciolo - A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea. Dal mondo europeo al mondo senza centro, Le Monnier 2017, dal cap. 10 al cap. 26;

- T. Detti - G. Gozzini, L'età del disordine. Storia del mondo attuale 1968-2017, Laterza 2018.