Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Alessandra La Rosa
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/02 - History of political thought
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

History of modern political thought: origin of the modern State, analysis of assolutism, jusnaturalism and the theory of society's contractual origin, modern costitutionalism

History of contemporaney political thought: English constitutionalism and liberalism; French constitutionalism and liberalism; different forms of Socialism;, crisis of liberal democracy and the idea of nation

The problem of democraty: the concept of rapresentative democracy and its crisis

Textbook Information

1) M. D'Addio, Storia delle dottrine politiche, ECIG, Genova 2002, cap. 10, cap. 11, cap. 13, cap. 15, cap. 17, cap. 18, cap. 24, cap. 25, cap. 26, cap. 27, cap. 30, cap. 31, cap. 32

2) J. Benda, Discorso alla nazione europea ( we reccomend the edition with A. Agnelli's Presentazione, Marsilio, Venezia, 1999

One of the following texts:

3) N. Bobbio, Il futuro della democrazia, Einaudi, Torino 1995

F. Sciacca (a cura di), Rappresentanza e Potere. Crisi e superamento di un modello?, Albo Versorio, Milano 2018