Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Scientific field
  • SECS-P/01 - Economics
  • SECS-P/06 - Applied economics
Taught classes: 84 hours
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°

Course Structure

  • Applied economics

    Lectures and exercise modules.

Detailed Course Content

  • Applied economics

    Applied Economics

    Individuals and firms’ decisions. The context of entrepreneurial activity. The concept of the market: interaction between supply and demand. The limits of the markets. Economic analysis of firms and markets: objectives and behavior of the firms in the markets; the theory of production: the production function; the short and long run cost functions; the firm's production decisions; business strategies and pricing policies; market structures. The factors markets.

Textbook Information

  • Applied economics

    N.G.Mankiw, M.P. Taylor, A. Ashwin (2015). Principi di economia per l’impresa, Zanichelli, Bologna, prima edizione.


    There is also an English version of the text: Mark Taylor, Andrew Ashwin, N. Mankiw (2014) Business Economics, .Cengage Learning EMEA. ISBN-13: 978-1408076019