Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year- Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical Analysis: Luigi Caranti
- LE ISTITUZIONI ITALIANE FRA '800 E '900: Giuseppe Astuto
Scientific field
- SPS/01 - Political philosophy
- SPS/03 - History of political institutions
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
- Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical AnalysisThis course unit aims to introduce students to the problem of justice in contemporary liberal democracies. By looking at the most advanced results in contemporary political philosophy, the course will face the problem of defining the fundamental (i.e. meta-constitutional) principles of justice that should shape national institutions. Cursory remarks will be made also regarding the theme of international and global justice. Students will learn to formulate, assess, and criticize complex and abstract arguments while gaining a better understanding of how democratic institutions realize the ideals of equality and freedom for all citizens.
- LE ISTITUZIONI ITALIANE FRA '800 E '900The course aims to provide students the conceptual tools about the evolution of the institutions with a particular regard to the italian history. It’s also proposed to transmit elements on the methodological aspects with the purpose to know the functioning of the actual institutions and the changes necessary for it’s working.
- LE ISTITUZIONI ITALIANE IN ETA' CONTEMPORANEAThe goal to achieve is the same of the module n.2. In particular the student have to obtain the skill to draw a search path and transfering the knowledge from the formal-theoretical level to the practical-political one, coherently with the decisional, executive and organizational processes of the various professional areas which the Degree course addresses to.
Detailed Course Content
- Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical Analysis
This course unit will deal with the following topics: the renewal of normative political philosophy with John Rawls, the cultural background of A Theory of Justice (1971), fundamental concepts, the two principles of justice and their justification, the problem of stability and its revision in Political Liberalism (1993), the problem of international justice and the criticisms by J Habermas.
The module provides knowledge on the institutions of the modern age, on the unitary State construction and on the transformations between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Once the lessons are finished the students will have to master all that knowledge, showing to know how to detect the necessary tools about specified researching themes discussed during the course.
Following the method of the second module, the third goes on with the critical analysis of the institutional themes in the contemporary Italy. In particular will focus on the fascist regime, on the republican Constitution and on the institutional and administrative transformations that happened in the second half of the twentieth century. The aim is to provide useful tools to the understanding of the complexity of the political-institutional phenomena.
Textbook Information
- Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical Analysis
1. V. Ottonelli (a cura di), Leggere Rawls, Il Mulino, Bologna 2010.
2. J. Habermas, "Reconciliation Through the Use of Public Reason" The Journal of Philosophy Vol. 92, n.3, p.109-131. Traduzione italiana disponibile in J. Habermas, L'inclusione dell'altro. Feltrinelli, 1998, pp.63-115.