Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/02 - History of political thought
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • History of modern political thought

    Program: history of political thought methodologies; origin of the modern state entities, analysis of the concept of sovereignty and the relationship between morality and politics; the modern affirmation of individualism and the theory of society’s contractual origin; revision of iusnaturalism and politics institutional techniques of liberty.

  • History of contemporaney political thought

    Program: the bourgeois society and guarantist liberalism according to Constant; Tocqueville and American civil society; J. S. Mill and politics; analysis of the concepts of power, state, ownership and liberty in the different forms of Socialism and Marxism. Political topics of XX century.

  • History of constitutionel thought and democracy

    Program: Democracy’s several conjugations: procedural democracy, participative democracy, associative democracy.

Textbook Information

  • History of modern political thought

    M. D’Addio, Storia delle dottrine politiche, Genova, ECIG, 2002: cap. 10, cap. 11, cap. 13, cap. 15, cap. 17, cap.18, cap. 19, cap. 20.

  • History of contemporaney political thought

    1) M. D’Addio, Storia delle Dottrine Politiche, Genova, ECIG, 2002: cap. 23, cap. 24, cap. 25, cap. 26, cap., 27, cap. 30, cap. 31, cap. 32.
    2) B. Constant, La libertà degli antichi paragonata a quella dei moderni, seguito da Profilo del liberalismo di P. P. Portinaro, Torino, Einaudi, 2005

  • History of constitutionel thought and democracy

    1) N. Bobbio, Il futuro della democrazia, Torino, Einaudi, 2005;

    2) P. Ginsborg, La democrazia che non c’è, Torino, Einaudi, 2006, pp. 21-94;

    3) P. Hirst, Dallo statalismo al pluralismo, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1999, pp. 59-100.

    4) Lettura consigliata : N. Bobbio, Liberalismo e Democrazia, Milano, Simonelli, 2006;