Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Attilio Luigi Maria TOSCANO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to allow students to adequately learn the technical-legal language and the foundations of Italian constitutional and administrative law, in its relations with the European Union system.

Course Structure

Frontal/traditional teaching.

Required Prerequisites

Basic exposure and analysis skills.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

Law and the legal system. The sources of law. The State and its constituent elements. The form of State. The form of government. The European Union. The Constitution of the Republic. The form of regional State in Italy. The social democratic State. The parliamentary form of government in Italy. The sources of State law. The public administration. Administrative acts. Civil, criminal and administrative liability. Ordinary jurisdiction. Ministerial supervision. Legal nature and functions of the C.S.M. The association of magistrates. Fundamental principles and rights. The Constitutional Court. Regions and local autonomies.

Textbook Information

Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition. For an in-depth analysis of the Italian judicial system, we also recommend: Toscano A.L.M., Control over magistrates, E.S.I., Naples, 2020. The study must be accompanied by an updated text of the Constitution and the main regulatory sources indicated in the lessons, available online at the website

Lauricella G.Fondamenti di diritto pubblicoGiuffrè Francis Lefebvre20229788828843153
Toscano A.L.M.Il controllo sui magistratiEdizioni scientifiche italiane20209788849544527

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Law and the legal system.Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
2The sources of law. The sources of State law.Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
3The Constitution of the Republic. The State and its constituent elements. The form of State. The form of government. Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
4The European Union.  Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
5The form of regional State in Italy. The social democratic State. The parliamentary form of government in Italy.  Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
6The public administration. Administrative acts. Civil, criminal and administrative liability. Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
7Ordinary jurisdiction. Ministerial supervision. Legal nature and functions of the C.S.M. The association of magistrates.Toscano A.L.M., Control over magistrates, E.S.I., Naples, 2020.
8Fundamental principles and rights.  Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.
9The Constitutional Court. Regions and locals autonomies.Lauricella G., Foundations of public law, Giuffrè, Milan, II ed., 2022 or possibly a new edition.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Disposition and norm. Sources. State sovereignty. Form of regional state. Form of parliamentary government. Euro-Union sources. Characteristics of the Italian Constitution. State legislative power. Government formation. Legislative process. Principle of legality. Typicality of administrative acts. Organization of ordinary jurisdiction. Social rights. Decisions of the Constitutional Court.