Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: PATRIZIA SCIUTO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course intends to allow students to know the unifying origins of European legal systems, through the understanding of the fundamental role played by Roman law and its legal and cultural tradition.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons.

Required Prerequisites

No prerequisites.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at lessons is highly recommended.

Detailed Course Content

The constitutional experience of Ancient Rome. The system of legal sources from the Royal Age to Justinian. Scientia iuris and the principles of equity, fairness and good faith. Roman Law as a unifying and standardizing factor for current legislation. The derivation of European legal systems from Justinian codification. The role of Roman Law and of the case-law method in common law systems. Relationships and correspondences between Corpus Iuris Civilis and European codes.

Textbook Information

P. SCIUTO, Giurisprudenza romana e sistemi giuridici europei, Catania, 2023, pp. 9-89; 137-191.

PATRIZIA SCIUTOGiurisprudenza romana e sistemi giuridici europeiLibreria editrice Torre2023978-88-7132-151-6

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination.