General Sociology

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Rosalia CONDORELLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will have  acquired theoretical and methodological skills that enable him to interpret and analyze the dynamics of contemporary society.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Required Prerequisites

no any

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the Foundations of Sociology. It presents the following institutional themes of Sociology: object and origin of Sociology; the main theoretical dilemmas of sociological analysis: order and change, conflict, action and structure; micro and macro sociology; modern society and the culture of modernity; the elementary forms of interaction; action, relationship and social interaction; systems of interaction and interdependence; status and roles; social groups and their properties; networks and social capital; the concepts of power and authority; bureaucracy and its dysfunctions; the elements of culture and their impact on social action; values, norms and institutions; identity and socialization; social stratification: religion and society; gender differentiation and inequality; age differentiation and inequality; race, racism and ethnocentrism; social change and globalization process. In the second part, the processes of cultural differentiation and social integration in modern globalized Western societies will be analyzed, with particular reference to the social integration models of multiculturalism, pluralism and interculturalism and their social implications. Particular attention will be given to the prospects of social integration proposed by the Islamic neo-traditionalism and liberal Islam.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

During the lessons, there will be an ongoing test which will be carried out in written mode with open questions on the topics covered. To answer the questions, the student will have 2 hours. For the evaluation of the exam, the completeness of the test, the mastery of the contents and the skills acquired as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidates will be taken into account. The end-of-course test will be conducted in written mode with open questions on the topics covered during the lessons (maximum 7). The student will have 2 hours to answer the questions. If N is the number of questions asked, a necessary but not sufficient condition to pass the exam will be to answer the questions N -1. Naturally, the maximum score of the evaluation (30/30) will be acquired only by respecting the necessary, but not sufficient, requirement to answer all the questions. For the evaluation of the exam, the mastery of the contents and the skills acquired, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate will be taken into account. If the intermediate test has been passed, students will complete the exam and the final grade will be the average grade between the grades obtained in the first and second tests. The results (with relative registration number) will be entered into the Studium platform as soon as possible and in any case a reasonable time margin will be guaranteed from the start of the next session. Having read the grade, if the student decides to withdraw from the test, he must notify the teacher of his decision within 3 (three) days of publication. After this deadline, the exam will be registered in the electronic register Both the intermediate test and the final exam require online booking. It is requested to deactivate the reservation made in case the student decides not to take the exam anymore.