Academic Year 2018/2019 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/13 - African history and institutions
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

  • African History

    Lessons are organised around lectures. Historical documents, newspapers, maps, photos and videos will be used during class activities.

  • African History

    Lessons are organised around lectures. Historical documents, newspapers, maps, photos and videos will be used during class activities.

Detailed Course Content

  • African History

    The first part of the course analyses historiographical problems for the study of Africa (related mainly to sources and approaches) and the systems of political, social and economic organisation of the first modern era. Then particular attention will be devoted to the Arab conquest and the spread of Islam, Euro-African relations and slave trade, the eighteenth-century major turn.

  • African History

    The second part of the course focused on the modern era analyses first the colonial phenomenon, notably the scramble for Africa, natives' resistance, colonial administration, economy and society, Italian colonialism. Secondly, nationalist ideologies, the decolonisation process, crisis and conflicts of independent states will be under scrutiny.

Textbook Information

  • African History

    G. Calchi Novati, P. Valsecchi, L’Africa ritrovata. Dalle prime forme politiche alle indipendenze nazionali, Carocci, Roma 2018 (I ed. 2005).

    M. Kwamena-Poh, J. Tosh, R. Waller, M. Tidy, African History in Maps, trad. it. Atlante storico dell’Africa, SEI, Torino 1989 [Bibl. Dip.: AA.7. 55].

  • African History

    G. Calchi Novati, P. Valsecchi, L’Africa ritrovata. Dalle prime forme politiche alle indipendenze nazionali, Carocci, Roma 2018 (I ed. 2005).

    M. Kwamena-Poh, J. Tosh, R. Waller, M. Tidy, African History in Maps, trad. it. Atlante storico dell’Africa, SEI, Torino 1989 [Bibl. Dip.: AA.7. 55].