Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-STO/02 - Modern history
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • La costruzione dello Stato moderno
    The program offers a general historical information, and a particular in-depht analysis of the most important historiographical issues. National histories and the overall picture of the European and non-European history will be discussed with particular attention.
  • La definizione del quadro internazionale
    Analysis of the History of the Idea of Europe with particular attention to exchanges and conflicts among the West and the Rest of the World.

Detailed Course Content

  • La costruzione dello Stato moderno

    During the first module, a general analysis of the history of the modern world, from the geographical discoveries of the fifteenth century to the early decades of the nineteenth century, will be carried out.

  • La definizione del quadro internazionale

    Analysis of the History of the Idea of Europe with particular attention to exchanges and conflicts among the West and the Rest of the World.

    The programme retraces, from the historical point of view, the awareness of “being European” which developed within a tradition that stems from Greek thought and reaches the end of the Nineteenth century.