Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • the sociological tradition
    Students should be able to understand the specialized vocabulary in the fields of sociology, distinguishing between the concepts of structure, institution, inequality, socialization and deviance. They must also demonstrate the ability to critically interpret and benchmark what emerges from classical studies in the fields of sociology.
  • culture and society
    The students will have to master the specialized vocabulary and to critically interpret the findings from studies of contemporary authors, selected since their theoretic work provides conceptual tools for understanding the main political, social and economic phenomena, both in international and national levels.

Detailed Course Content

  • the sociological tradition

    The course introduces, in this first part, to the knowledge of basic notions in the field of Sociology, bringing back to these the major theoretical perspectives and research topics. The main aim is the knowledge of theoretical and empirical results, obtained from the classic studies in sociology, distinguishing the main macro and micro sociological approaches.

  • culture and society

    The module focuses on the analysis of contemporary authors and has the dual objective of bringing the sociological analysis of current events and dwell on the analysis of those scholars identifying a “sociological way” for the study of culturally relevant phenomena. These theories are referred to the main political, historical and social phenomena characterizing contemporary society.

Textbook Information

  • culture and society