Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: IOLE PINA FONTANA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will know the political system of the European Union in its legislative and executive functions; the institutional quadrilateral and the relationship between executive and legislative; the functions of the institutions; decision-making procedures, and theories of the European integration process.

Course Structure

Classroom lessons.

Required Prerequisites

It is advisable to take the exam of Political Science before following this course

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance not compulsory but strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content


Textbook Information


Marco Brunazzo e Vincent Della SalaLa politica dell'Unione EuropeaMondadori2019978-88-6184-632-6
Francesca LongoL'Unione Europea: Teorie a ConfrontoGiuffrè20059788814119033
Amy KreppelLe implicazioni politiche della riforma costituzionale: le relazioni tra esecutivo e legislativo nell'Unione Europea. Rivista Italiana di Scienza PoliticaCambridge/ il Mulino2009
Sergio FabbriniL'Unione Europea come democrazia composita? Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, n.1, p.13-42Cambridge/il Mulino2004
Francesca LongoUn sistema partitico senza un governo di partiti nell'Unione Europea? in Mascia M. (a cura di), Verso un governo di partito europeo transnazionaleAuse2014

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exams 

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Examples of frequently asked questions and/or exercises The relationship between executive and legislative powers in the EU; Decision-making processes and interinstitutional relations; Role and functioning of the European institutions.