Academic Year 2019/2020 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-39Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
Taught classes: 35 hours
Laboratories: 12 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Course Structure
The traditional frontal teaching will be made more dynamic and interactive by the use of appropriate strategies to encourage the involvement and active participation of students through examples drawn from the professional experience of the teacher and a stimulus for dialogue and critical reflection.
As educational tools, the use of a video projector, the connection to the Internet and the viewing of videos are envisaged. For the integrative teaching activities, of a laboratory nature, two thematic paths are hypothesized with the participation of experts in the identified areas of thematic study (dialogue with other professions and media representation of the Social Service; new media, deontology and aid work).
Class attendance is compulsory and finalized to the intermediate written test at the end of the first module and oral at the end of the second one.
Detailed Course Content
I Module
- The philosophical and anthropological roots of social service
- Interventions and strategies to combat poverty from the classical era to the contemporary age
- The Tremezzo Conference as a founding event of the social service
- The “Pioneers” of the profession and the great post-war institutions
- The casework, the group work, the community work
- The development of the profession from the post-war period to the present
- The institutional rules and the relationship between ethics and law
- The founding values of social service
- The human right, “situated values” and “relational values”
II Module
- The principles and foundation of social work in an international perspective
- Deontology and evaluation and the ethical dilemmas encountered during the practice
- The system of responsibilities envisaged by the code of ethics: toward the users, the company, the colleagues, the organization and the profession
- Confidentiality e professional secret
- The sanctioning system and the disciplinary procedure
- Continuous education and cultural production as a ethical requirement
- Dialogue with other profession
- The proposal to reform the code of ethics in the light of socio-cultural innovation
Supplementary teaching and laboratory activities with external experts:
1) Journalism and social service in the confrontation between the respective deontological instances. Representation of the profession and public opinion. Mainstream media and social service between truth and disinformation. Deontology and new technologies: new challenges and ethical dilemmas.
2) Digital revolution and social service: new challenges and ethical questions raised by the use of social media in the absence of guidelines.
Textbook Information
- Biffi F., Pasini A., Principi e Fondamenti del Servizio Sociale, Concetti base, valori e radici storiche, ed. Erickson, 2018
- Stefani M., Le origini del servizio sociale italiano. Tremezzo: un evento fondativo del 1946. Saggi e testimonianze, ed. Viella, 2012, from page 31 to 52, from 83 to 107; from page 295 to 327
- Cacioppo M., Tognetti Bordogna M., Il racconto del servizio sociale. Memorie, narrazioni, figure dagli anni cinquanta ad oggi, ed. Franco Angeli, 2008, from page 19 to 62 from page 272 to 302
- Filippini S., Bianchi E., Le responsabilità professionali dell’Assistente sociale, ed. Carocci, 2013,