Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-39
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Culture and society

    The educational target associated with the progress of the first module is outlined as an implementation of a plan of study designed to present some of the most important institutional issues of sociology in the different configurations that these have taken with respect to those of other social sciences, with particular regard to their theoretical and methodological profiles.

  • Institutions and social change

    The educational targets associated with the progress of the second module also include the creation of a plan of study designed to present some important institutional issues of sociology in the different configurations that these have taken with respect to those of other social sciences, with particular regard to their theoretical and methodological profiles.

  • Groups and organizations

    In the third module some issues of medical sociology will be specifically addressed to students in Social Work. Particular attention will be placed in emphasizing those tools of theoretical and empirical orientation through which to define and deal with some problems that characterize the provision and use of health care resources in contemporary societies.

Detailed Course Content

  • Culture and society

    The elements of culture and their relevance for social action; the notion of social structure; the sociological concept of individual and collective social actor, the various stages of the process of socialization, the notion of social interaction.

  • Institutions and social change

    Norms and institutions; the deviant behavior; stratification and social mobility; secularisation and religious fundamentalism.

  • Groups and organizations

    Organized groups; health care facilities and the use of therapeutic resources. The impact of cultural determinants on Health-Illness related behavior. Illness and social system. The professionalization of the medical practice.

Textbook Information

  • Culture and society

    Text 1: Bagnasco A. Barbagli M. Cavalli A., Corso di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012; Introduction, capp: III, V, VI.

  • Institutions and social change

    Text 1: Bagnasco A. Barbagli M. Cavalli A., Corso di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012, capp: IV, VIII, XI.
    Text 2: Giddens A. Sutton P., Fondamenti di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014, cap: IX.

  • Groups and organizations

    Text 3: Vignera R., Protagonisti e interpreti della sociologia sanitaria, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2005, first part, capp. I, III, IV; second part, cap. I.