Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-40
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PSI/05 - Social psychology
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Social Psychology. The construction of Social World
    Providing the fundamental epistemological tools to: understand the processes involved in the construction of the social world, particularly to the role that institutions play in the underlying processes of the change and of the "discontinuity" in daily life; in social institutions and in productive organizations. Particular attention will be devoted to the problems of de-institutionalization and to the psycho-social processes that weave with the specific dynamics.
  • Social interactions and interpersonal relationships
    Providing the fundamental epistemological tools to understand and control the subjective and intersubjective phenomena that substantiate the social and professional action: the processes that contribute to structure the Self and the Social Identity (personal and professional), as a function of socialization processes; the group and intergroup processes; the prejudicial thinking and the functional strategies to reduce the same; the training and the interpretation of the professional role.

Detailed Course Content

  • Social Psychology. The construction of Social World

    The concepts of Institution according to various theoretical approaches: sociological; institutional; psycho-socio-analytical; psycho-sociological. The deinstitutionalization processes. The Identity, the change and the Institutional dynamics. The psychosocial processes and the effects of the institutional experience.
    The Psycho-Socio-Cultural Institutions (Belief in Just World, Rape Myths, etc.), background attitudes of social representations and their role in the phenomenon of sexual violence: methods of reserach to explore the phenomenon and intervention tools functional to change.

  • Social interactions and interpersonal relationships

    The social interaction and relevance of the group; the construction of the Self and the Possible Selves; the Social identity and the ingroup /outgroup bias; the intergroup relationships and the strategies for the reduction of prejudicial thought; the psychological small group and the change processes; the psycho-social training and the "listening ability"; the issue of the Identity and the dynamics of empathy; the interpretation of the role and the ability to "be in the relationship".

Textbook Information

  • Social Psychology. The construction of Social World

    Licciardello O. (2016), Istituzioni e cambiamento. Processi psicosociali, Angeli, Milano.

    Licciardello O. & M.G. Cardella (2017), Alla base dell'iceberg. La rappresentazione della violenza sessuale tra atteggiamenti di superficie e sfondo. Angeli Ed., Milano.

  • Social interactions and interpersonal relationships

    Licciardello O. (2015), I gruppi. Aspetti epistemologici e ricadute applicative, Angeli, Milano