Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Rosalia CONDORELLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The 3 module  of Sociology Institutions aims to encourage students to acquire theoretical and methodological skills that enable them to appropriately interpret and analyze the social inequality  processes  characterizing contemporary society.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Required Prerequisites

no any

Attendance of Lessons

Strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

 In an interdisciplinary perspective,  the third module - 3 credits - of  Sociology Istitutions  intends to provide to students the theoretical coordinates necessary to interpret the processes of differentiation and inequality social in contemporary society. In the framework of the traditional debate between nature and culture and referring to the main sociological theories in which these processes have been explained, the following themes will be analyzed: inequality, stratification and social classes; processes of differentiation and inequality of gender: age and inequality; processes of racial and ethnic differentiation and inequality.

Textbook Information

. Bagnasco A., Barbagli M., Cavalli A., Corso di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012, Cap. XI, XIII, XIV, XV.

 Suggested lectures

Connell R., Questioni di genere, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam will consist of a written test, with open questions, covering the entire course. To answer the questions, the student will have a maximum of 120 min. Naturally, the maximum score of the evaluation (30/30) will be acquired only by respecting the necessary, but not sufficient, requirement to answer all the questions. The results of the test (student registration number and grade) will be entered in the Studium platform (Documents section) as soon as possible, and in any case guaranteeing the time margin of one week from the start of the next exam. Within 3 (three) days of publication, the student must communicate to the owner of the course, through a certified entry channel (PEC, UNICT Portal, etc.) of his possible decision to withdraw from the test. After this deadline, the exam will be recorded in the electronic report.

For the evaluation of the exam,  contents and skills acquired as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate will be taken into account.