General pedagogy and intercultural education
Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ALESSIO ANNINOExpected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to allow to recognize the educational and cultural needs of all citizens and foreign citizens in particular, and to make them understand the importance of educational interventions in contexts in which there is prejudice and marginalization, categorization and the risk of stereotyping. . Furthermore, the course aims to pedagogically orientate towards the ability to apply knowledge and understanding in an intercultural perspective in support of difficult integration processes. The main objectives are therefore: 1. Knowing how to formulate opinions and appropriate critical evaluations in the cultural and social complexity of the contemporary world. 2. Through pedagogical reflections in relation to person-subjects and contexts, to seek in specific educational situations the intercultural theoretical and methodological elements indispensable in the construction of intercultural educational projects. 3. With the help of the tools of intercultural education, develop the ability to listen and dialogue within heterogeneous social, cultural and professional contexts in order to achieve the recognition of otherness and the settlement of conflicts.
Course Structure
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
The course program intends to dwell on the different aspects of general pedagogy, from the definition of the discipline itself, to the determination of its field of action, up to the treatment of intercultural pedagogy through the close connection with education for differences, including the definitions of politics as active participation towards a full socio-cultural integration, to get to analyze the migratory phenomena in a formative and planning perspective. The course aims to stimulate reflections on the key points of the pedagogical discipline, through the meanings of education, education and training, and then look at its epistemological status in an age of complexity. Particular attention will be given to the interaction between the school and the family, and to that between them and the territory, in an era of frenetic cultural changes and longer life expectancies, for which the lifelong learning perspective assumes fundamental meanings from a training perspective. The course deals with some issues of contemporary multicultural societies, with particular reference to the contexts of education and school. The areas addressed will be: historical and recent migrations; elements of intercultural teaching; the use of museums, libraries, websites and historical sites as possible paths for the interaction between different groups that live together in the same portion of the territory; possible interventions by students and other scholars, or possibly interviews and dialogues with immigrant pupils and parents present in educational contexts, in order to develop individual reflection on intercultural issues. The course will develop according to a planned path between the themes of the texts, the in-depth contents and the classroom activities with the participation of the students.
Textbook Information
- M. Santerini, From foreigners to citizens, Mondadori, Milan 2018
- P. Mulè, edited by, The vertical curriculum and Citizenship and Constitution teaching, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2019
Author | Title | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
F. Frabboni-F. Pinto Minerva | Introduzione alla pedagogia generale | Laterza | 2018 | |
M. Santerini | Da stranieri a cittadini | Mondadori | 2018 | |
P. Mulè, a cura di | Il curricolo verticale e l'insegnamento Cittadinanza e Costituzione | Pensa Multimedia | 2019 |
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | The definition of pedagogy. Intercultural pedagogy: reference epistemologies. | M. Santerini, Da stranieri a cittadini, Mondadori, Milano 2018 |
2 | Migrations in history. Immigration data and historical-educational analyzes. The stranger: guest or enemy? Education for globalization and the change of perspectives. Empathy and conviviality. Pluralism. | M. Santerini, Da stranieri a cittadini, Mondadori, Milano 2018 |
3 | Prejudices, ideologies, cultures: the formative path of man in a lifelong perspective | M. Santerini, Da stranieri a cittadini, Mondadori, Milano 2018 |
4 | The key elements for integration. The teaching of languages and L2 in particular. The ethnic niches. | M. Santerini, Da stranieri a cittadini, Mondadori, Milano 2018 |
5 | Racism, integration, inclusion: intercultural education from an anti-racist perspective | M. Santerini, Da stranieri a cittadini, Mondadori, Milano 2018 |
6 | Introduction to general pedagogy. Identity of pedagogy, science and utopia. Epistemological order, nature / culture; body / mind; subjectivity / intersubjectivity | F. Frabboni-F. Pinto Minerva, Introduzione alla pedagogia generale, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018 |
7 | Pedagogy between subject, society and culture: learning and contexts. Education for difference and migrant thinking | F. Frabboni-F. Pinto Minerva, Introduzione alla pedagogia generale, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018 |
8 | The places and times of education: school, training and the ages of life. Lifelong learning | F. Frabboni-F. Pinto Minerva, Introduzione alla pedagogia generale, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018 |
9 | The definition of vertical curriculum and citizenship education | P. Mulè, a cura di, Il curricolo verticale e l'insegnamento Cittadinanza e Costituzione, Pensa MultMedia 2019 |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
- Origins of the word "democracy"
- The pedagogical models prevalent in intercultural study
- intercultural policies
- Language teaching in integration processes
- The question of pedagogical problematicism
- Bruner and learning processes
-The formative quadrilateral
- The training system and the main agencies
- The issue of civic education in Italy
- The meanings of multiculturalism and Interculture
- The meeting space: field of use and how it is structured.
- Interculture in the school;
- John Dewey and the class as a laboratory of democracy;
- The term "education";