Methods and Techniques of Social Service
Module Methods and Techniques of Social Service I

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MARIA PIA CASTRO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course, through the analysis and the experimentation of the methods and techniques of Social workers, aims to favour students' awareness on complexity and responsibilities of professional social work.

Course Structure

Lectures and exercitations

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of principles and fundamentals of professional social work

Detailed Course Content

The course is to be considered unique with the 3 CFUs provided in the second semester. Specifically, during the first semester the course provides basic knowledge on theoretical models that guide professional intervention, it examines steps, ways of intervention and professional practices characterizing the helping process, it explains the issue of institutional networking, the enhancement of beneficiaries' networks, social work's organizational and technical documentation, and it aims to foster reflexivity on the emotional dimension of the helping relationship.

Taking into account the professionalizing nature of the course, several sessions are planned to make exercitations on topics covered.

Textbook Information

-      Fargion S. (2013, ristampa 2022). Il metodo del servizio sociale, Carocci. Capp. 2, 3, 4 (pp. 47 – 177);

-      Mazza R. (2021). Il metodo nel processo d’aiuto del servizio sociale, Pisa University Press. Cap. 3 (pp. pp. 47-120);

-      Bini L. (ed. 2018, ristampa 2021). Documentazione e Servizio sociale, Carocci. Capp. 1-4; 6-8 (pp. 1-135; 171-213);

-      Malacrida L., Pedroni M. C., Turati M. (2022). Scrivere nel lavoro sociale, Erickson;

-      Sicora A. (2021). Emozioni nel servizio sociale, Carocci;

-      Gui L. (2022), voce Trifocalitàin Campanini A. (a cura di), Nuovo dizionario di Servizio sociale (3a ed. 2022), Carocci, 748-752.

-    Dispense disponibili su studium 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral examination