Pedagogia generale e prospettive interculturali

Academic Year 2018/2019 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-39
Teaching Staff: Alessio Annino
Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: M-PED/01 - Theories and science of education and social education
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

General education and intercultural perspectives

Lectures starting from october 15, on Monday - Tuesday from 8:00 to 10:00

Detailed Course Content

General education and intercultural perspectives

- Analysis and meanings of the concepts of education, teaching and training

- Analysis and understanding of the theory of formation in the pedagogical debate;

- Synthesis of the problem of the identity of pedagogy;

- Training as a pedagogical category: historical analysis, problematic issues and recent perspectives;

- Think about education today. Problematic, diversity and emergency in training;

- The new frontiers of education today;

- Intervention paths of formal, non-formal and informal training agencies;

- Educational emergencies between school, family and society;

- Trying to make people aware of the question of the subject as a person situated in the complexity and changeability of social contexts

- Education in globalization era and the new frontiers of training;

- The question of new subjects to be trained in multicultural / intercultural processes

- Training and development of new media;

- The question of democracy in a pedagogical perspective through the analysis of different education forms: democracy, citizenship, person dimensions;

- The new Bildung designed for the full humanization of human beings in anthropological, social and political contexts in the direction of new horizons of democracy / and still not fully accomplished on a planetary level;

- Meanings and models of the new citizenship;

- Intercultural practices in education and training processes

- The interpersonal approach between social and educational operators

Textbook Information

- Mulè P., I Processi formativi, le nuove frontiere dell’educazione e la democrazia. Questioni pedagogiche, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2014

- Annino A., La cittadinanza attiva nella ricerca educativa, Ragazzi In volo, Catania 2012

- Annino A., La cittadinanza planetaria nell’ottica della pedagogia critica, Anicia, Roma 2013

- La scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, Firenze 2010