Academic Year 2016/2017 - 1° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-39
Teaching Staff
  • The Education of care and inclusion: Paolina Mule'
  • the design of inclusive training: Paolina Mule'
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PED/01 - Theories and science of education and social education
Taught classes: 48 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • The Education of care and inclusion
    In education reflection, assumption is that to form the subject-person contributes only intentional educational act, but also the case, the event, the entropy that has a potential morphogenetic (form creation) times greater than all 'educational action itself. It is, therefore, to return to the event, the event, a central role in the processes of formation and in the stories of life, never revealed, analyzed scientifically by pedagogy and that only recently have value, in the sense of the question of human formativity . In short, the event is life that is shaped, so should be included in educational research. Training as an event implies care hominis intended to assure the permanence of the human in the human, thus creating a balance between individual development and social. And is intersubjectivity that takes place the treatment of humans, which is intentionality in the educational relationship. And therefore it is through training as cultivation, as care, as a relationship that man is emancipated and is realized.
    This all the more reason there is in the planning of training courses aimed at integrating and social inclusion of pupils / students whether able-bodied or disabled foreigners. The first point concerns the attention to all the educators and social : social workers, educators, teachers, not losing sight of the theoretical meaning of integration and social inclusion, through some educational content such as organization, flexibility, optionality, subsidiarity.
  • the design of inclusive training
    In this module you will attempt to capture the complexity and problematic nature of the processes and practices of educational and social care, with a particular characterization of widespread and permanent learning. In this sense, it will reflect on the design of inclusive educational paths, also in the light of the DSA and the recent circular of BES in the school and in the extraschool and we will focus on the role, responsibilities and competencies that a tutor for deaf students must possess, starting from the study of existing models and significant practices that have strengthened and enhance its professionalism.To this end, they deepen current studies on educational processes and communication to understand how the tutor, as the figure of half a mediator between teacher and student is he 'able-bodied' and not, lies in the educational relationship and interpersonal. In this sense, the tutor becomes a central figure who has the task to accompany and support the training activity of the subject in training, but did not replace the teacher.
    Therefore, we analyze the most significant and effective methods to be deployed at the University when the tutor has to mediate between teacher and student is deaf to allow the latter to which the teacher to achieve mutual objectives.

Detailed Course Content

  • The Education of care and inclusion

    In education reflection, assumption is that to form the subject-person contributes only intentional educational act, but also the case, the event, the entropy that has a potential morphogenetic (form creation) times greater than all 'educational action itself. It is, therefore, to return to the event, the event, a central role in the processes of formation and in the stories of life, never revealed, analyzed scientifically by pedagogy and that only recently have value, in the sense of the question of human formativity . In short, the event is life that is shaped, so should be included in educational research. Training as an event implies care hominis intended to assure the permanence of the human in the human, thus creating a balance between individual development and social. And is intersubjectivity that takes place the treatment of humans, which is intentionality in the educational relationship. And therefore it is through training as cultivation, as care, as a relationship that man is emancipated and is realized.

    This all the more reason there is in the planning of training courses aimed at integrating and social inclusion of pupils / students whether able-bodied or disabled foreigners. The first point concerns the attention to all the educators and social : social workers, educators, teachers, not losing sight of the theoretical meaning of integration and social inclusion, through some educational content such as organization, flexibility, optionality, subsidiarity.The creation of special education - Report general education and special education - Exclusion to inclusion - The prospect of Montessori - The training planning inclusive - The relationship between education and communication - The tutor as a figure of half - The meanings of tutoring in Italy and Europe - Developments in legislation on disability in Italy - Some international documents - Disability: the challenge of integration - Pioneers of school integration - The three reasons for the waiver of inclusive

    The pedagogy of care and agencies formal, non-formal and informal - The role of the head teacher and teachers / educators
    - The role of social workers
    - Autonomy as a pedagogical problem
    - The problem of pedagogical anthropology
    - The integration and recovery in school: the theoretical dimension and application
    - The role of the DS in the difficult path of intercultural
    - Reflections on the emotional aspects of leadership in complex organizations
    - I support a person with disabilities
    - The right to education and the content of school autonomy
    - Examples of social workers and educational through the analysis of films
    -The planning of families with disabilities
    - A 'choir' of professionalism to the education
    - An overview of the helping professions with high-level training.
    They will view some movies for analysis in terms of training and social inclusion. Here are just some movies that will be analyzed, the others will be chosen with the students: Stars on Earth (Taare Zameen Par) of 2007 directed by Aamir Khan Front of the Class of 2008 based on the book by Brad Cohen and Lisa Wysocky Rain man of 1988 directed by Barry Levinson And other movies
    Montessori life for children in 2007 directed by Gianluca Maria Tavarelli Don Milani, the prior of Barbiana 2007 directed by Andrea Frazzi
    and other

  • the design of inclusive training

    In this module you will attempt to capture the complexity and problematic nature of the processes and practices of educational and social care, with a particular characterization of widespread and permanent learning. In this sense, it will reflect on the design of inclusive educational paths, also in the light of the DSA and the recent circular of BES in the school and in the extraschool and we will focus on the role, responsibilities and competencies that a tutor for deaf students must possess, starting from the study of existing models and significant practices that have strengthened and enhance its professionalism.To this end, they deepen current studies on educational processes and communication to understand how the tutor, as the figure of half a mediator between teacher and student is he 'able-bodied' and not, lies in the educational relationship and interpersonal. In this sense, the tutor becomes a central figure who has the task to accompany and support the training activity of the subject in training, but did not replace the teacher.
    Therefore, we analyze the most significant and effective methods to be deployed at the University when the tutor has to mediate between teacher and student is deaf to allow the latter to which the teacher to achieve mutual objectives.

Textbook Information

  • The Education of care and inclusion

    P. Mulè, a cura di, Il docente promotore dell’inclusione formativa e sociale, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2016

  • the design of inclusive training

    M. Pavone, Dall’esclusione all’inclusione:lo sguardo della pedagogia speciale, Mondadori Università, Milano 2010
    - P. Mulè, Ruolo e competenze del tutor nella relazione educativa tra docente e studente universitario non udente, Cooperativa sociale Ragazzi In Volo a.r.l. Onlus, Ragusa- Catania, 2012