Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: ANTONIO LAS CASAS

Course Structure

The first part of the course will be devoted to the description of the basic features of contract law and of the general functions of contract, with particular reference to business contracting. Then, the course will focus on international contracts and on the issues it raises, such as, in particular, the problem of applicable law and the methods for dispute resolution. In the final part, some common business contracts will be examined and some written samples will be illustrated, in order to understand their economic function and their typical clauses.

Attendance of Lessons

Strongly recommended, in order to gain the appropriate terminology and to fully understand the economic functions and practical implications of the notions studied.

Detailed Course Content

Functions and basic regulation of contract as a general tool for circulation of wealth

Business contracts

International contracting

The internationality of contract and the issues it raises

The problem of applicable law and the principle of freedom of choice 

Negotiation and drafting of international contracts

Structure of contract and typical clauses

Dispute resolution: jurisdiction and arbitration in international contracting

International sale of goods

Distribution contracts

Agency contracts

Franchise contracts

Joint ventures

Textbook Information

Renzo Cavalieri- Vincenzo Salvatore, An introduction to international contract law, Giappichelli (2019),


Renzo Cavalieri, Vincenzo SalvatoreAn introduction to international contract lawGiappichelli2019

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1the notion of contract
2basic rules of contract law
3international contract
4applicable law
5freedom of choice
6conflict of laws rules
7negotiation of international contracts
8drafting of international contracts
9typical clauses
10dispute resolution
11international arbitration
12international sale of goods
13distribution contracts
14agency contracts
15franchise contracts
16joint ventures

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

Final mark will depend on the assessment of following aspects:

- pertinence of answers

- quality and comprehension of the contents

- ability to connect different topics

- ability to give examples

- ability to empoy appropriate technical terms

- ability to properly present concepts and topics

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What is an international contract?
Applicable law
Negotiation of international contracts
Drafting of international contracts
International arbitration
Internatonal sale of goods contracts
Distribution Contracts
Agency contracts
Franchise contracts
Joint ventures