Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: CARLA VASTA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of company law

Course Structure

Frontal lessons

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of private law

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance not mandatory

Detailed Course Content

The topics of the course will be: Collective enterprise and social enterprise. Company in general. The general partnership. The limited partnership. The joint-stock company. Companies with shares listed on regulated markets. The limited liability company. Liquidation. Transformation. Fusion. Professional companies. Cooperative companies. Ownership structures: the regulation of significant shareholdings and reciprocal shareholdings; the shareholders' agreements; the discipline of the assembly and voting proxies. Liability action of minorities, powers of denunciation and right of withdrawal; administration and the control system

Textbook Information

Manuale di diritto commerciale a cura di Marco Cian, Giappichelli, 2023, pp. 305-688, Codice civile aggiornato

m. Cian Manuale di diritto commerciale, V ed. Giappichelli 20239788892143791

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

oral exam aimed at ascertaining the student's knowledge and presentation ability

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

the shareholders' meeting in joint-stock companies; the liability action of the directors; the dissolution of the company