Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/04 - Political science
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Global civil society and global politics
    The module examines the controversial role played by civil society on a global level. The purpose is twofold:
    1. To describe the relations different organizations have established with their own members and supporters, namely the interests they represent and the legitimacy of their activities;
    2. To analyze the relations they have developed with formal authorities – States and international governmental organizations – namely, the participation to global policy-making and the access to politicization processes.

  • NGOs and global politics
    The module combines an ample theoretical overview with a dynamic analysis of the practical implications NGOs can produce on the main domains of global politics.

Detailed Course Content

  • Global civil society and global politics

    The module provides to postgraduate students a set of highly professional and advanced abilities to analyze the different typologies of civil society organizations, their identities and tools, the participation procedures used to access international and regional organizations.

  • NGOs and global politics

    The module has a special focus on peace and security studies, and will stress the practical implications of the roles played by Non Governmental Organizations and social movements in essential topics namely, democratization, human rights, environmental problems, humanitarian action, conflict transformation, natural disasters management.

Textbook Information

  • Global civil society and global politics

    Sample reading list:

    Cakmat C. (2008), Civil society actors in International law and world politics: definition, conceptual framework, problems,

    Carothers T. (2000), ‘Civil society’, Foreign policy, vol. 117, pp. 18-29.

    Clark A. (1995), ‘Non-governmental organizations and their influence on international society’, Journal of international affairs, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 507-525.

    Galtung J. (1987), ‘A New Era for Nongovernmental Organizations in the UN?’, Transnational Associations, no. 3, pp. 183-186.

    Irrera D. (2010), NGO's roles in the Humanitarian Interventions and Pace Support Operations in Multilateral security and ESDP operations, Fulvio Attinà and Daniela Irrera (eds.), Ashgate, London, 2010.

  • NGOs and global politics

    Sample reading lists:

    Marchetti R. – Tocci N. (2009), ‘Conflict society: understanding the role of civil society in conflict’, Global Change, Peace &Security, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 201-217.

    Nettesheim M. (2004), Decision-making in the EU: identity, efficiency, and democratic legitimacy, in “Revue européenne de droit public”, 16, 1.

    Stone D. (2001), ‘Think Tanks, Global Lesson-Drawing and Networking Social Policy Ideas’, Global Social Policy, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 338-360.