Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Daniela FISICHELLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Through the framework of the complex international legal system in the field of human rights protection, the ultimate goal is to provide students with the conceptual tools allowing them to apply the rules to specific cases really occurred.

Course Structure

Classroom lectures.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of international law is recommended.

Attendance of Lessons

Lectures attendance is compulsory, according to the Study Course Rules of procedure.

Detailed Course Content

International human rights protection at the regional level.

Textbook Information

R. Pisillo Mazzeschi, International Human Rights Law - Theory and Practice, Giappichelli, Springer, 2021, p. 17-32 (up to par. 2.3.5), p.125-133, p.179-544.

The text provides a comprehensive bibliography, including a long list of cases brought before international organs, helpful for choosing the topic for the final exam and to developing it.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam consists of an oral presentation of a paper previously drafted, likely to be complemented by a ppt presentation, on a topic previously agreed with the professor. Both parts of the course, on universal protection of human rights as well as on regional ones, will be included in the paper.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Questions will be on the paper presented at exams as well as on topics covered during the lectures.