Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year- Rules and regulation in Social Policy: Maria Teresa Consoli
- Comparative political economy: Maurizio Avola
Scientific field
- SPS/12 - Sociology of law, deviance and social change
- SPS/09 - Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Term / Semester: 1° and 2°
Learning Objectives
- Rules and regulation in Social Policy
Comparative Social Policy
- Comparative political economy
Comparative Political Economy
Course Structure
- Comparative political economy
FL and S
Detailed Course Content
- Rules and regulation in Social Policy
The course aims to offer the basis for interpreting the analytical and methodological features, goals and results produced by social policies. The course, firstly introduces the basic concepts and approaches used in the field of social policies and gradually provides tools and methods for the comparative analysis in the various “social” fields. The course aims to offer a perspective of investigation in the field of social policy, of the organizational structures, the role of street-level bureaucracy and of legal culture in the comparison between the various social policies. The module aims to clarify the role of law in the provision of welfare services and formulate hypotheses for its reconstruction and analysis in the different welfare systems.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse the different "Welfare systems", their origin, the process of legal formalization, the kind of data and of sources useful to understand the empirical and programmatic implications of the different regimes.
- Comparative political economy
The course will examine the main features of the sociological analysis of economic phenomena and of the main differences in the organization of the capitalist system between convergence and diversity through the conceptual and analytical categories of economic sociology and in particular of comparative political economy. Moreover, the course aims at providing students with the theoretical and methodological basis for the analysis of labour policies (models, features, objectives, effects).
Textbook Information
- Rules and regulation in Social Policy
1. J. Baldock, L. Mitton, N. Manning, S. Vickerstaff (eds) Social Policy Oxford, University Press, 2012 chap. 1, 3, 17, 18, 20
2. L. Bifulco Social Policies and Public Action, Routledge 2017, Introduction and Chapter 10
3. M. Lipsky Street Level Bureaucracy “Introduction” pp. 1-10
4. Cotterell “The concept of legal culture” and L. Friedman “A Reply” in D. Nelken Comparing legal culture chapt. I e II pp. 13-39
Pierson and Castels The welfare state Reader, G. Esping-Andersen “Three worlds of welfare capitalism”
Castels, Leibfried, Lewis, Obinger, Pierson (eds) The Oxford Handbook of The welfare state, chap. 39 “Models of welfare” pp. 569-583
Consoli T. (ed) Migration Towards Southern Europe. The case of Sicily and the Separated Children chap. 1 and 2, pag. 7-55
- Comparative political economy
Trigilia, Economic Sociology, Routledge, 2002.
Crouch, Capitalist diversity and change, Oxford UP, 2005.
Hancke, Debating Varieties of Capitalism, Oxford UP, 2009.
Berton, Richiardi, Sacchi, The Political Economy of WorkSecurity and Flexibility, Chicago U.P., 2012.
Clasen, Clegg, Regulating the Risk of Unemployment, Oxford University Press, 2013.
De Beer, Schils, The Labour Market Triangle, Edward Elgar, 2009