Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Storia e cultura del Mediterraneo
Teaching Staff: Licia Lipari
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/10 - Urban and environmental sociology
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

The course provides students with the interpretative and methodological tools useful for the sociological analysis of the more recent transformations of Mediterranean urban and rural systems. One intends to develop one reflection on the processes of social change that involve the Mediterranean territories with reference to migratory, residential and tourist mobility, to social movements, to transformation and destination of cultural and landscape resources. Furthermore the course focuses on the architectural design of some Mediterranean cities and on the dynamics of sustainable development. The different coastal areas of the Mediterranean present one differentiated development of design types both with reference to private space and to that public.

Detailed Course Content

Topics and textbook:

1. Social changes, C. COLLOCA (2011), “Urbanesimo”.

2. Interdisciplinary perspectives on Urban changes, G. AMENDOLA (2019), “Sguardi sulla città moderna”.

3. Urban-rural migration trends in South Europe, C. COLLOCA (2015), “Il modello mediterraneo di

immigrazione e il diritto alla città”.

4. New social morphology, sustainability and tourism mobility in The Strait of Messina, L. LIPARI (2019), “Scenari dello Stretto”.

Textbook Information

1) Carlo Colloca, “Urbanesimo”, in G. Bettin Lattes e L. Raffini (eds), Manuale di Sociologia, Cedam, Padova, Vol. II, 2011, pp. 867-905.

2) Giandomenico Amendola, Sguardi sulla città moderna. Narrazioni e rappresentazioni di urbanisti, sociologi, scrittori e artisti, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2019.

3) Carlo Colloca, “Il modello mediterraneo di immigrazione e il diritto alla città”, in M. Omizzolo e P. Sodano (eds), Migranti e territori. Lavoro, diritti e accoglienza, Ediesse, Roma, 2015, pp. 159-180.

4) Licia Lipari, Scenari dello Stretto. Attrattività, mutamenti e nuova morfologia socio-territoriale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019.