Economic and political geography

Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: LUCA RUGGIERO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims at analysing the phenomenon of globalisation from an urban geography perspective. Students in the course will acquire the main tools to

- critically explore the multiple trajectories and strategies of urban development;

- deconstruct rhetorics, narratives and strategies of representation used by urban governance to promote growth in cities;

- establish comparisons between different territorial realities and identify the specificities present within Mediterranean contexts.

Course Structure

Lectures, presentations and lessons aimed at stimulating discussion and interaction with students

Required Prerequisites

Basic notions of Economic and Political Geography

Attendance of Lessons

Face-to-face teaching

Detailed Course Content

Images and representations in urban development strategies. Culture, creativity and technology as the new urban development paradigms. Urban neoliberalism. Globalization and emergent spaces of urban governance

Textbook Information

F.Governa e M.Memoli (a cura di) (2011) Geografie dell'urbano. Spazi, politiche, pratiche delle città. Editore: Carocci

 G.Semi (2015) Gentrification. Tutte le città come Disneyland? Editore: il Mulino 

A. Vanolo e U. Rossi (2024) Nuova geografia politica urbana. Editore: Laterza

Governa F., Memoli M.Geografie dell'urbanoCarocci20119788843055982
Semi G.Gentrification. Tutte le città come Disneyland? Il Mulino2015978-88-15-25803-8
Rossi U., Vanolo A.Nuova geografia politica urbanaLa Terza20249788842094470

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Shift from a Fordist-Keynesian to a Neoliberal economic regime and its associated reorganization of space

Role of culture in the development strategies of cities

Gentrification as global urban strategy

Global cities and urban hierarchies