Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Claudia Benanti
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: IUS/01 - Private law
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

Frontal lectures

Detailed Course Content

Description. The course analyses the following topics: the relation between law and family; the meaning of "family"; the models of family; the family members' rights; the status of the child and the protection of children in need. In addiction, some important judgements will be examined.

Topics. Definition of Family and analysis of different family models. Marriage. Marriage of foreigners in Italy. Polygamus marriage. Same sex marriage. Transexualism. Non-marital relationships. Protection orders against family abuses. Separation and divorce. Spousal support check. Alimony check. Different ways of becoming child. Status of child. Medically assisted procreation and protection of the embryo. Parental responsibility. Protection of children in need (especially through foster care and adoption). The rights to a private life and to a family life in CEDU judgements.

Textbook Information

T. Auletta, Diritto di famiglia, Giappichelli, Torino, 2018

  1. Corte Cost., 15 Aprile 2010, n. 138, in Famiglia e diritto, 2010, p. 653 ss. (same-sex marriage);

  2. Corte Cost., 25 Luglio 2011, n. 245, in Famiglia e diritto, 2012, p. 233 ss. (marriage involving foreign people);

  3. Corte Cost., 10 giugno 2014 n. 170, in Guida al diritto, 2014, fasc. 28, pp. 17-22 (transexualism).

  4. Corte Cost., 10 giugno 2014 n. 162, in Guida al diritto, 2014, fasc. 27, pp. 16-26 (Medically assisted procreation)

  5. CASS. CIV., sez. un., 8.5.2019, n. 12193, in Famiglia e diritto, 2019, 653-656 (surrogacy)