Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Terzo settore e impresa sociale
Teaching Staff: Francesco Mazzeo Rinaldi
Credit Value: 3
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

The course introduces students to the key features of social innovation (SI), to the conditions that favor its development and to social relevance areas where the phenomenon is more frequent in Italy. The course also deals with the relationship between SI and enterprise, with particular reference to the management methods of the SI within the profit and non-profit organizations

Textbook Information

Borzaga C., Fazzi L. (2011) Le imprese sociali. Carocci. Cap. 1,2,3

Caroli M.G. (ed) (2016) Modelli ed esperienze di innovazione sociale in Italia. Secondo rapporto sull'innovazione sociale. FrancoAngeli, Milano. pp. 23-79;168-189.