Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year - Curriculum Terzo settore e impresa sociale
Teaching Staff: Elisa Lombardo
Credit Value: 3
Scientific field: SPS/10 - Urban and environmental sociology
Taught classes: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Starting from theoretical reflections, empiric assessments and case studies, the training objective is to develop interpretive models and related techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis from which research can be conducted and analysis that restores the description, interpretation and effective evaluation of the different dimensions of a territory: socio-demographic, morphological, ecological, organizational, and possible development trajectories.

Course Structure

The teaching will focus on laboratory activities through computers that allow the use of software such as GIS, QGIS and ArcMap.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to focus on the complex interactions that are established between society and the environment (with particular references to rural contexts) through the acquisition of skills for the processing of digital cartography using software such as GIS, QGIS, and ArcMap.

Textbook Information

Battaglini E. (2014), Sviluppo territoriale. Dal disegno della ricerca alla valutazione dei risultati, Angeli, Milano.