Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° YearCredit Value: 6
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Course Structure
The course aims to give competences about professional social work with communities and about participated social planning.
Th course includes theoretical lessons, workshops and exercises.
Detailed Course Content
module 1 - The community social service: developments and experiences;
module 2 - Welfare changes and challenges for community social service;
module 3 - Social planning: phases and tools;
module 4 - Calls and forms: the planning of a project proposal in the social field;
module 5 - Participated social planning: actors and dynamics;
module 6 - From participated social planning to co-planning: new local welfare scenarios.
Textbook Information
1. Allegri E. (2015), Il servizio sociale di comunità. Roma, Carocci (pp. 15-146);
2. Dominelli L. (2015), Servizio sociale. La professione del cambiamento. Trento, Erickson (pp. 243-274);
3. Orlandini M., Rago S., Venturi P. (2014), Co-produzione. Ridisegnare i servizi di welfare. AICCONricerca, Short Paper n. 1. In (pp. 1-13);
4. Sordelli G. (a cura di) (2016), Il processo progettuale. Fondazione CariSpezia, in, (pp. 15-58);
5. Detogni C. (2007), Formulare un progetto socio-sanitario. Tecniche di progettazione applicata. Milano, FrancoAngeli (pp. 25-105);
6. Brunod M., Moschetti M., Pizzardi E. (a cura di) (2016), La coprogettazione sociale. Trento, Erickson (pp. 21-68).