Academic Year 2021/2022 - 2° Year - Curriculum Istituzioni e servizi pubblici
Teaching Staff: Roberto Vignera
Credit Value: 3
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 18 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

The course is structured into one single module of 3 CFU. The issues will be treated with particular attention to their importance for the profession of sociologist and social worker. The course will be structured through lectures, during which the topics included in the program will be presented and analyzed.

Detailed Course Content

The contents of the Social and Health Integration course have been programmed taking into account the importance of coordination between health care interventions and social interventions, based on personalized assistance projects. Particular care has been taken in making the link between social and health policies practically tangible, in the awareness that this will allow to give unitary answers within increasingly integrated care pathways, with the involvement and enhancement of broad professional skills and resources, institutional and not, present on territory. Therefore, taking into consideration the profiling of the Master's Degree Course (LM87) within which this teaching will be given, with particular reference to the role and functions that the sociologist and social worker take on in the context of this integrative process, the topics included in the teaching program will be: the definition, the principles and the regulatory framework of reference for social and health integration; the actors and levels of this integrative process; institutional integration; program agreements, service conference and conventions; the planning of socio-health integration; management integration; the delegation; the socio-health district; the relevance of the information system; team work; the case management; social-health integration in some peculiar intervention areas.

Textbook Information

Text 1: Bissolo G. Fazzi L., Costruire l'integrazione sociosanitaria, Carocci, 2012.

Text 2: Pawson R. et al., “Realist Review - a New Method of Systematic Review Designed for Complex Policy Interventions.” Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 10, Suppl 1, pp. 21–34, 2005.