Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: GEA MARZIA OLIVERI CONTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course will allow the student to acquire knowledge about the management of public health activities as well as the management of health practices, health economics and risk of health structures. Finally, skills related to the principles and problems of public health practices will be acquired with a vision oriented to One Health and the most recent and global Planetary health.

Course Structure


Required Prerequisites


Detailed Course Content


The fundamentals of public health. Health Planning. The National Health Service (SSN) from 1978 to today. The structure of the NHS: national level, regional level, local level. The skills of the NHS. Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA). Role and responsibility of the social worker in the NHS.

EPIDEMIOLOGICAL METHODOLOGY Definition, objectives and tools of epidemiology and hygiene. Health maintenance. Descriptive epidemiology: Objectives of descriptive epidemiology. Health determinants. Sources of data and measures of frequency of events (absolute frequency, ratios, proportions, rates). Incidence and prevalence. Direct, indirect, positive and negative socio-health indicators. Main socio-health indicators. Prevention of infectious and chronic degenerative diseases. Prophylaxis of infectious diseases, primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Analytical epidemiology: concept of risk and causal relationship. Risk measures: absolute, relative, attributable risk. Analytical studies: transversal or prevalence, case-control or retrospective, cohort or prospective. Evidence Based Medicine, Critical reviews, systematic reviews and PRISMA meta-analysis.


Clinical risk, direct and indirect health indicators. Sentinel event. Drafting and organization of research projects, training interventions, educational and support interventions for the individual and the community for self-management and control of risk factors and health problems

Textbook Information

Suggested books

S. BARBUTI, E. BELLELLI, G.M. FARA, G. GIAMMANCO: Igiene. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna.
W. RICCIARDI: “Igiene, Medicina Preventiva, Sanità Pubblica”. Idelson Gnocchi srl, Napoli.
C. MELONI, G. PELISSERO: “Igiene” ed. CEA Ambrosiana

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1I fondamenti della Sanità Pubblica. La Programmazione Sanitaria. Il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) dal 1978 a oggi. La struttura del SSN: livello nazionale, livello regionale, livello locale. Le competenze del SSN. I livelli essenziali di assistenza (LEA). Ruolo e responsabilità dell’ assistente sociale nel SSN.Barbuti, Belelli, Giammanco. Igiene. Monduzzi editoree
2METODOLOGIA EPIDEMIOLOGICA Definizione, obiettivi e strumenti dell’epidemiologia e dell’igiene. Mantenimento della salute. Epidemiologia descrittiva: Obiettivi dell’epidemiologia descrittiva. Determinanti di salute. Fonti di dati e misure di frequenza degli eventi (frequenza assoluta, rapporti, proporzioni, tassi). Incidenza e prevalenza. Indicatori socio-sanitari diretti, indiretti, positivi e negativi. Principali indicatori socio-sanitari. Prevenzione malattie infettive e cronico degenerative. Profilassi Barbuti, Belelli, Giammanco. Igiene. Monduzzi editore
3 Epidemiologia descrittiva: Obiettivi dell’epidemiologia descrittiva. Determinanti di salute. Fonti di dati e misure di frequenza degli eventi (frequenza assoluta, rapporti, proporzioni, tassi). Incidenza e prevalenza. Indicatori socio-sanitari diretti, indiretti, positivi e negativi. Principali indicatori socio-sanitari. Prevenzione malattie infettive e cronico degenerative. Profilassi Meloni, Pelissero. Igiene, CEA ambrosiana
4Evidence Based Medicine, Revisioni critiche, revisioni sistematiche e meta-analisi PRISMA.Ricciardi. Igiene, medicina preventiva Sanità Pubblica. Idelson Gnocchi editore
5Rischio clinico, Indicatori sanitari diretti ed indiretti. Evento sentinella. Stesura e organizzazione di progetti di ricerca, di interventi formativi, di interventi educativi e di sostegno del singolo e della comunità per l'autogestione e il controllo dei fattori di rischio e dei problemi di salute.Ricciardi. Igiene, medicina preventiva Sanità Pubblica. Idelson Gnocchi editore

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam. Elements to be evaluated: relevance of the answers, quality of their contents, ability to connect with other topics within the program, ability to report examples, quality of technical language, and overall expressive ability.

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, students can request a meeting in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measure, according to the educational goals and specific needs. In this case, it is advisable to contact the CInAP (Centre for Active and Participated Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or SLD) professor of the Department where the Degree Course is included.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it