Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MARIA PIA CASTRO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to the knowledge of social planning tools and to the introduction of community social work and main elements of social co-programming and co-planning

Course Structure

Lectures and exercitations

Required Prerequisites

No special requirements but knowledge of recent developments in social programming is helpful

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is strongly recommended

Textbook Information

Detogni C. (2007), Formulare un progetto socio-sanitario. Tecniche di progettazione applicata. Milano, FrancoAngeli (pp. 25-105);
Sordelli G. (a cura di) (2016), Il processo progettuale. Fondazione CariSpezia, in, (pp. 15-58);
Calcaterra V., Panciroli C. (2021), Il Lavoro Sociale di Comunità passo dopo passo. Trento, Erickson (pp. 7 – 113);
Borzaga C., Fazzi L., Rosignoli A. (2023), Guida pratica alla co-programmazione e co-progettazione. Trento, Erickson (pp. 7 – 109).

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Written test using social planning tools (problem/goal tree; Gantt chart; logical framework; cost table); subsequent oral test, on the remaining contents of the course