Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: MARIA PIA CASTROExpected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to the knowledge of social planning tools and to the introduction of community social work and main elements of social co-programming and co-planning
Course Structure
Lectures and exercitations
Required Prerequisites
No special requirements but knowledge of recent developments in social programming is helpful
Attendance of Lessons
Attendance is strongly recommended
Textbook Information
- Detogni C. (2007), Formulare un progetto socio-sanitario. Tecniche di progettazione applicata. Milano, FrancoAngeli (pp. 25-105);
- Sordelli G. (a cura di) (2016), Il processo progettuale. Fondazione CariSpezia, in, (pp. 15-58);
- Calcaterra V., Panciroli C. (2021), Il Lavoro Sociale di Comunità passo dopo passo. Trento, Erickson (pp. 7 – 113);
- Borzaga C., Fazzi L., Rosignoli A. (2023), Guida pratica alla co-programmazione e co-progettazione. Trento, Erickson (pp. 7 – 109).
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Written test using social planning tools (problem/goal tree; Gantt chart; logical framework; cost table); subsequent oral test, on the remaining contents of the course