Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Silvia Maria Rita Platania
Credit Value: 6
Scientific field: M-PSI/06 - Work and Organizational Psychology
Taught classes: 36 hours
Term / Semester:

Course Structure

The aim of the course is to provide a concrete and contextualized view of the main processes of management and development of human resources in organizations.
In particular, students will be provided with a conceptual and methodological reference framework thanks to which they will be able to:

- understand the operational declination of the main constructs of work psychology and of organizations applied to the management of human resources
- analyze the contexts and organizational processes from the point of view of the psychology of human resources

Detailed Course Content

Theoretical, methodological and application aspects of the main interventions that characterize the management and development of human resources in organizations.
Topics covered will concern:
- Psychosocial intervention in organizational realities
- analysis, evaluation and development of professional skills
- selection, insertion, assessment of potential and performance, motivation and incentive
- human resources and organizational culture

- psychological contract, career development and outplacement

Textbook Information

Mariani, M. G. (2011). Valutare le prestazioni: come gestire e migliorare la performance lavorativa. Bologna: Il Mulino.(240 pp. about).

Argentero, P., Cortese, C., Piccardo, C. (2010). Psicologia delle risorse umane. Milano: R. Cortina (all the text except for chapter 1, tot. 300 pp. about).

Lecture notes by the teacher