Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° YearCredit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/07 - General sociology
Taught classes: 63 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Course Structure
The course includes frontal lessons will take place starting March, from Monday to Wednesday.Frenquency is recommended
Detailed Course Content
The course includes two parts. The first part reflects on the following institutional topics of Sociology: object and origin of Sociology; the main dilemmas of sociological analysis: order, change, conflict, action and structure; micro and macro sociology; modern society and culture of modernity; the elementary forms of interaction; social action, social relationship and interaction; systems of interaction and interdependence; status and roles; social groups and their properties; networks and social capital; the power and authority concept; bureaucratic organizations and their disfunctions; elements of culture and their implications for social action; values, norms and institutions; identity and socialization; social stratification:; religion and society; gender differentiation and inequality; age differentiation and inequality; racial and ethnic differentiation and inequality; social change and the process of globalization.
The second part regards cultural differentiation processes in Western modern globalized societies. They will be analyzed by taking into account social inclusion and integrations models conceptualized by contemporary social theory (pluralist, multiculturalist, interculturalist approach) and their implications for safeguarding social integration itself and social cohesion. Particular attention will be given to perspectives of social integration proposed by Islamic neotraditionalism and liberal Islam and to their social implications
Textbook Information
1st part
Bagnasco A., Barbagli M., Cavalli A., Corso di Sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012, Introduzione, Cap. II, III, IV, V, VI, X, XI, XIII, XIV, XV, XXIV (for per il Cap XXIV,, pp.609-614, 628-635).
Additional teaching materials will be suggested during the lessons and published in STUDIUM
Suggested readings
Connell R., Questioni di genere, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2009 (p. 1-276).
Mancini P., Manuale della comunicazione pubblica, Laterza, Roma, 2002 (p.1-254).
Pace E., Guolo R., I Fondamentalismi, Laterza, Roma, 2002 (p.1-157).
2st part
Sartori G, Pluralismo, multiculturalismo ed estranei, Bur, Milano, 2010.
Donati P , Oltre il multiculturalismo, Laterza, Roma, 2008, pp. 3-19, pp. 27-32.
Cesareo V., Società multietniche e multiculturalismi, Vita e pensiero, Milano, 2007, Cap. II.
Guolo R., L’islam è compatibile con la democrazia?, Laterza, Roma, 2007, pp.77-137.
Suggested readings:
Souad Sbai, L’inganno. Vittime del multiculturalismo, Cantagalli, Siena, 2010(p.1-248).
Bassam Tibi , Euro-Islam. L’integrazione mancata, Marsilio, 2003 (p.1-188).
Salem E.M., Berti F., Lezioni di cultura islamica, Cantagalli, Siena, 2003 (p.1-152).
Samir Khalil, Islam, Cantagalli, Siena, 2008 (p.1-220).