Academic Year 2016/2017 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 9
Scientific field: SPS/02 - History of political thought
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • History of modern political thought
    Objectives: The course aims for students to acquire the theoretical knowledge of the trends of modern political thought and to connect it with the philosophical, institutional economical and social aspects of the 16th, 17th and 18th century. The module also aims to develop students’ ability to analyse classical texts.
  • History of contemporaney political thought
    Objectives: the course aims for students to acquire the theoretical knowledge of the trends of contemporary political thought, in particular with reference to the concepts of Democracy, Liberalism and Socialism. The module also aims to develop students’ ability to analyse the contemporary political thought texts and their capacity of historical and interpretative connection between the issues covered.
  • History of constitutionel thought and democracy
    Objectives: the course aims for students to develop critical and interpretative abilities as to the relationship between civil society, Democracy and State through the analysis of specific theories of the 20th and 21st century.

Detailed Course Content

  • History of modern political thought

    Program: history of political thought methodologies; origin of the modern state entities, analysis of the concept of sovereignty and the relationship between morality and politics; the modern affirmation of individualism and the theory of society’s contractual origin; revision of iusnaturalism and politics institutional techniques of liberty.

  • History of contemporaney political thought

    Program: the bourgeois society and guarantist liberalism according to Constant; Tocqueville and American civil society; J. S. Mill and politics; analysis of the concepts of power, state, ownership and liberty in the different forms of Socialism and Marxism. Political topics of XX century.

  • History of constitutionel thought and democracy

    Program: Democracy’s several conjugations: procedural democracy, participative democracy, associative democracy.

Textbook Information

  • History of modern political thought

    M. D’Addio, Storia delle dottrine politiche, Genova, ECIG, 2002: cap. 10, cap. 11, cap. 13, cap. 15, cap. 17, cap.18, cap. 19, cap. 20.

  • History of contemporaney political thought

    1) M. D’Addio, Storia delle Dottrine Politiche, Genova, ECIG, 2002: cap. 23, cap. 24, cap. 25, cap. 26, cap., 27, cap. 30, cap. 31, cap. 32.
    2) B. Constant, La libertà degli antichi paragonata a quella dei moderni, seguito da Profilo del liberalismo di P. P. Portinaro, Torino, Einaudi, 2005

  • History of constitutionel thought and democracy

    N. Bobbio, Il futuro della democrazia, Torino, Einaudi, 2005; P. Ginsborg, La democrazia che non c’è, Torino, Einaudi, 2006, pp. 21-94.;P. Hirst, Dallo statalismo al pluralismo, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1999, pp. 59-100.
    Lettura consigliata : N. Bobbio, Liberalismo e Democrazia, Milano, Simonelli, 2006;