Spanish Language
Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: RAFFAELLA VALENTI PETTINOExpected Learning Outcomes
The student learns to use a repertoire of frequently used formulas and structures to talk about himself, about what he does, to satisfy concrete needs; implements strategies to understand simple and commonly used information through questions, asks similar ones and responds to simple statements; learn articles, verb conjugations, grammatical structures and simple syntax patterns. The course aims to develop the four skills: listening, reading, written production, oral production.
Course Structure
concept maps
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Textbook Information
Required texts:
§ Francisca Castro, Uso de la gramática española elemental, Ed. Edelsa.
§ Quesada Marco, S., España siglo XXI, Ed. actualizada y ampliada, Edelsa.
§ Real Academia de la lengua española (2001): Diccionario de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. Disponibile anche online su
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
For the written test there is a grammatical test with multiple choice questions and completion exercises. For the oral test the frequently asked questions concern: personal presentation in the language; talk about future projects and justify your choices; the democratic transition, the linguistic question, society, the autonomy and competences of individual autonomous communities, language.
Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises
For the written test there is a grammatical test with multiple choice questions and completion exercises. For the oral test the frequently asked questions concern: personal presentation in the language; talk about future projects and justify your choices; the democratic transition, the linguistic question, society, the autonomy and competences of individual autonomous communities, culture.