Academic Year 2018/2019 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Daniela Irrera and Danilo Di Mauro
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: SPS/04 - Political science
Taught classes: 96 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Credit Value: 12
Scientific field: SPS/04 - Political science
Taught classes: 96 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Course Structure
Frontal classes; seminars given by external lecturers
Detailed Course Content
- Comparative politics
- Politics, domestic and international dimensions
- Comparative research method
- Democratic and non-democratic regimes
- Conceptualization and measurement of democracy
- Democratisation processes and democratic transitions
- Interest groups as actors of political change
- International political institutions
- The main theoretical paradigms and approaches;
- Peace and war;
- International cooperation;
- International and regional organisations;
- Regionalism and multilateralism;
- the globalization process;
- the global political agenda.
- Transnational actors
- the global civil society; the Non-Governmenetal-Organisations (NGOs);
- global terrorism; rogue/failed States; ISIS
- the European security system;
- the United Nations system; peacekeeping/peacebuilding/peace-enforcement
- the management of global security.
Textbook Information
B. Pisciotta, P. Grilli di Cortona, O. Lanza, L. Germano, Capire la politica, Utet Università 2016
Capitoli: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8
F. Attinà, Il sistema politico globale, 2011 (testo disponibile su Studium)