Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year - Curriculum Curriculum unico / L-39
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 15
Scientific field
  • M-PSI/05 - Social psychology
  • M-PSI/08 - Clinical psychology
Taught classes: 120 hours
Term / Semester:

Detailed Course Content

  • The Social Psycology and the Construction of the Social Word

    The concepts of Institution according to various theoretical approaches: sociological; institutional; psycho-socio-analytical; psycho-sociological. The deinstitutionalization processes. The Identity, the change and the Institutional dynamics. The psychosocial processes and the effects of the institutional experience.
    The Psycho-Socio-Cultural Institutions (Belief in Just World, Rape Myths, etc.), background attitudes of social representations and their role in the phenomenon of sexual violence: methods of reserach to explore the phenomenon and intervention tools functional to change

  • Social psycholoy: social interactions and interpersonal relationship

    The social interaction and relevance of the group; the construction of the Self and the Possible Selves; the Social identity and the ingroup /outgroup bias; the intergroup relationships and the strategies for the reduction of prejudicial thought; the psychological small group and the change processes; the psycho-social training and the "listening ability"; the issue of the Identity and the dynamics of empathy; the interpretation of the role and the ability to "be in the relationship".

Textbook Information

  • The Social Psycology and the Construction of the Social Word

    Licciardello O. (2016), Istituzioni e cambiamento. Processi psicosociali, Angeli ed., Milano.

    Licciardello O. & M.G. Cardella (2017), Alla base dell'iceberg. La rappresentazione della violenza sessuale tra atteggiamenti di superficie e sfondo. Angeli Ed., Milano.

  • Social psycholoy: social interactions and interpersonal relationship

    Licciardello O. (2015), I gruppi. Aspetti epistemologici e ricadute applicative, Angeli, Milano