Danilo Di Mauro

Associate Professor of Scienza politica [GSPS-02/A]
Danilo Di Mauro, PhD
Associate professor in Political Science, Università di Catania , Via V. Emanuele II n. 8, Palazzo Reburdone 95131 (stanza 9), Catania, Italy,
Tel. 095 70305 238


> Education and training

PhD in Political Science, Italian Institute of Human Science (SUM) – Scuola Normale Superiore – Università di Firenze (2005-2009), MA in Political Science and International Relations (University of Catania) – summa cum laude, 2004; National certification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) to the position of associate professor (2017).
Summer schools in quantitative methods: ICPSR Summer School in Quantitative Methods for Social Science, Ann Arbor (MI-USA) 2008 and 2011; ELCDEM workshop in Content Analysis, University of Amsterdam (2011); SRAM Comparative Survey Research Methodology, University of Siena (2010); Workshop on Concept Analysis: “Hyperpolitics” Università di Napoli “Federico II” (2007); Essex Summer School in Social Science, Data Analysis and Collection, University of Essex (2006).

> Research Activity
Since May 2018 Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Catania Department of Political and Social Sciences.
Previous positions: Post-Doc Research Fellow (2016-2018), Unitelma Sapienza – University of Rome, H2020 project EUENGAGE; Research Associate, (different part-time and temporary short-term contracts from July 2014 to 2017) Global Governance Program, RSCAS-EUI; Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, (2015-2016), University of Catania; Researcher, (short-term contracts), European Union Democracy Observatory RSCAS-EUI; Researcher, June-September 2012, University of Siena, H2020 Project ‘Transword’; Marie Curie Research Fellow (2010-2011), Marie Curie Initial Training Network in Electoral Democracy (ELECDEM), RSCAS-EUDO; Post-Doc Research Fellow, 2009 - 2010, Centre for the Study of Political Change (CIRCaP), University of Siena; Visiting scholar at the Department of Political Science, University of Kansas - USA (2008) and George Mason University, Fairfax VA-USA (2005).

> Teaching
Political Science, BA in History, Politics and International Relations; "Valutazione del rendimento istituzionale" (Policy evaluation-Performance Management) MA in History and Culture of Mediterranean Countries; Public Administration (2018), MA in Public Administration; University of Catania.

> Awards

Giovanni Sartori Prize, Italian Political Science Review (IPSR/RISP), Cambridge University Press (2018); ITANES/IPSR Prize, Prereg Challenge (2018); Center for Open Science (COS), US, “Prereg Prize” (2018).

> Publications
They include the monographs "UN and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: American Hegemony and the UN intervention since 1947", Routledge (2012), "Attitudes Towards Europe Beyond Euroscepticism: supporting the European Union through the crisis", Palgrave (2016) and "EU’s Global Engagement: A Database of CSDP Military Operations and Civilian Missions Worldwide, V1 and V2" (2016-2017). The special issues "Europe at Stake: European Union in Italian Politics and Society", with Fabio Serricchio on Perspective on European Politics and Society (2014); "Beyond Euro-skepticism, understanding attitudes towards the EU", with Beaudonnet L. (2012) European Integration Online Papers.
Among the most recent coauthored articles: Immigration, security and the economy: who should bear the burden of global crises? Burdensharing
and citizens’ support for EU integration in Italy (2020); Political elites and immigration in Italy: party competition,
polarization and new cleavages (2020), Contemporary Italian Politics; Citizens, immigration and EU as a Shield, European Union Politics (2019); The European Union under Threat of a Trend toward National Sovereignty Journal of Contemporary European Research (2018); the articles appeared on Italian Political Science Review (RISP/IPSR) Targeting the government in the referendum vote. The case of the aborted 2016 Italian constitutional reform (2018), Debating Europe, Transforming Identities: Assessing the impact of Deliberative Poll treatment on identity (2016), Analysis of roll-call voting in the UN General Assembly (2009)
Other publications include book chapters (5) and working papers of the Institute of International Affairs (IAI-Rome), the Jean Monnet EUROMED Centre (University of Catania) - http://www.fscpo.unict.it/EuroMed and the EUDO “Spotlight on..” series http://www.eui.eu/Projects/EUDO-PublicOpinion/EUDOSpotlight.aspx .

See https://www.iris.unict.it/ for the complete detailed list.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019