Academic Year 2024/2025 - Teacher: Licia LIPARI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course focuses on the complex interactions between social phenomena and urban populations through the acquisition of skills for the processing of digital cartography using software such as GIS, QGIS and ArcMap.

Course Structure

The test will be theoretical-practical and will require knowledge of GIS software for the creation of territorial cartography.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of socio-territorial analysis: 

main approaches and methods

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

The course focuses on the concepts, methodology and techniques that contribute to the sociological study of the change in urban societies. 

It consists of three phases:  an introduction aimed at presenting the "resources" available for socio-territorial analysis; 

the second is an application centered on analysis tools and processes; 

finally, the third is of a planning and exploratory type and serves as an exercise in the formulation of research questions and hypotheses, in the correct use of data and in the critical interpretation of the results.

Participation in the course offers the opportunity to practice the use of GIS to study and geo-reference phenomena such as marginality, exclusion, vulnerability in a socio-territorial key, sustainable development (Agenda 2030, UN) and, therefore, develop analytical skills useful for planning, managing and implementing interventions social and personal support.

In particular, during the classroom workshop activities we will focus on:

definition and construction of territorial units of analysis at different scales (from national to urban);

construction of indicators;

cartographic visualisation of socio-territorial indicators.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Do a socio-territorial researchBattaglini E. (2014), Sviluppo territoriale. Dal disegno della ricerca alla valutazione dei risultati. 
2The geo-referenced analysis of the territorial systemBergamaschi M. (2022), Esplorare il territorio, Linee di ricerca socio-spaziali
3ocio-territorial approach applied Bergamaschi M. (2022), Esplorare il territorio, Linee di ricerca socio-spaziali

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The test will be theoretical-practical and will require knowledge of GIS software for the creation of territorial cartography.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Exercises with software including: 

Example: A) Management of vector layers (join between tables and data visualization);

B) Attribute management (selection of geometries and calculation of new fields); 

C) Construction of indicators and mapping.

Example examination questions:

a) State how a socio-territorial research design is constructed;

b) Explain the cartographic approach in urban sociology.