Luigi Caranti
Full Professor of Filosofia politica [GSPS-01/A]
Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Luigi Caranti
• Full Professor of Political Philosophy – Università di Catania.
• Extensive Teaching experience in various countries (USA, Italy, Brazil, Argentina) and at different levels (from undergraduate to M.A. course to Ph.D. seminars).
• Visiting positions held in various centers including Columbia University, Boston University, Australian National University, Philipps Universität – Marburg, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universdade Federale de Santa Catarina, Universdade Federale de Minas Gerais
• Principal investigator of EU funded international projects: 3 Marie S. Curie Individual Grants (Global Fellowship, IEF, ERG); 1 Marie S. Curie RISE Grant; 1 EU/AUS Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Training.
• Over 1.7M€ attracted for research (1.1M€ in the last 10 years).
• Fluent in English, French, Italian; good knowledge of German; basic knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese.
• Areas of Specialization: Kant, Political Philosophy
• Areas of Competence: Epistemology, Human Rights, Ethics of Social Media, Ethics of AI
UF Santa Caterina, Department of Philosophy 21.01-08-04 2018. Visiting Professor
UF Minas Gerais, Department of Philosophy 02.09-01-12 2018. Visiting Professor
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Department of Philosophy 07.03-07.06 2019. Visiting Professor
Columbia University, SIPA 06.2011-06.2013, visiting scholar
Columbia University, SIPA Fall 2009, visiting scholar
Boston University, Department of Philosophy, Spring 2002, visiting professor
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 1997, Gastwissenschaftler
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 2001-02, Gastwissenschaftler
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 2006-08, Gastwissenschaftler
ANU - Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, 2004-2006, guest lecturer
Universität Wien, Institut für Philosophie, 2000-01, Gastwissenschaftler
Università di Catania
Professore ordinario di filosofia politica (Sep 2018 - present)
Professore associato di filosofia politica (Dec 2006 – Aug 2018)
Visiting researcher (June 2013-June 2014)
LUISS - Guido Carli (2001-2007)
Researcher (2005-2007)
Post-doc (Jan 2001 – Oct 2005)
Università di Catania, Italy
M.A. course “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (2012-present)
M.A. course “Ethics and Politics in the Digital Era” (2020-present)
M.A. course “Filosofia dei diritti sociali” (2021-present)
Undergraduate course “Introduction to Political Philosophy” (2007-2014)
Ph.D. seminar (2012-present)
UF Santa Caterina, Brazil (21.01-08-04 2018)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
UF Minas Gerais, Brazil (02.09-01-12 2018)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (07.03-07.06 2019)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
LUISS - Guido Carli, Italy(2001-2007)
Graduate Seminar “Peace Theories” (course taught in English)
Graduate seminar: “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
Boston University, USA (2002)
Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Modern Philosophy
Boston University, USA (1997 – 2000)
Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Logic
Direction of International Projects (with research funds attracted)
FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 4th Edition - (2022-2028). Project funded with 365.000€
Marie Curie RISE (Catania 2018-2023). Project funded with 545.500€
Marie Curie IOF (Columbia University and CNR - 2011-2014). Project funded with 314.000€
Marie Curie ERG (Università di Catania - 2008-2011). Project funded with 45.000€
Marie Curie IES (Philipps Universität, Marburg - 2005- 2007). Project funded with 197.676€.
Leader of the European Institutions (LUISS, Lancaster, Bielefeld, University of Helsinki) in the EU-Australia Network of Degrees in Ethics, Human Rights and Institutions (2007-2008) within the EU/Australia Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training. EU contribution to the project: 250.000€.
Other International Grants
DAAD Research Fellowship (Germany 2001 – 2002)
ÖAD Research Fellowship (Austria 2000 - 2001)
Post M.A. Teaching Fellowship, Boston University (1997 - 2000)
DAAD Research Fellowship to study Philosophy in Germany (Mar - Aug 1997)
DAAD Language Fellowship for foreign researchers to study German in Germany (July – Aug 1995)
Membership in Editorial Board of International and National Journals
Kantian Review (Cambridge University Press, ISSN: 1369-4154)
Kant Studien (De Gruyter, ISSN: 1613-1134)
Public Reason. Journal of Political and Moral Philosophy (CSRB, ISSN 2065-7285)
Studi kantiani (Fabrizio Serra editore, ISSN 1123-4938)
Politica e società (Il Mulino, ISSN 2240-7901
Political Science and Public Opinion (
Peer Review Activity
Reviewer for the following journals: American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, International Theory, Journal of International Political Theory, European Journal of Political Theory, European Journal of International Relations, International Studies Quarterly Constellations, Review of Metaphysics, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Review of International Studies, International Journal for the Study of Skepticism, Philosophy in Review, Philosophers’ Imprint.
Apical Roles in International Scientific Societies
Board Member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association
Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association – Italy Chapter (2016-2020)
Advisor for the "Center for International and Comparative Political Philosophy, Tsinghua University, China"
Institutional Roles in the Italian University System
Reviewer for the National Agency for the Evaluation of University System and Research (ANVUR -VQR)
MIUR Reviewer of FIRB Projects
Representative of Social and Political Sciences (“Area 14”) in the UNICT Steering Committee on Research (2009-2013)
Direction of Ph.D. Programs
Co-Director of Graduate Studies (with Prof. Sebastiano Maffettone), Ph.D. in Political Theory, Luiss - Guido Carli (2003-2007)
Member of ‘Collegio docenti’ Dottorato Scienze politiche UNICT (since 2010)
Direction of International Colloquia
2009- present: Colloquium on Philosophy and Global Affairs, Università di Catania (
2006-2007: Colloquium on Ethics, Politics, and Society, Luiss - Guido Carli, (with Sebastiano Maffettone)
Organization of International Congresses (last 5 years)
11-13 October 2018: Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics. Multilateral Kant Colloquium - 8th Edition
22-24th of September 2021 Justice, Peace, and Cosmopolitical Values. Kant Multilateral Colloquium, - 9th edition
The Kantian Federation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Kant’s Political Legacy. Human Rights, Peace, Progress. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2017.
La pace fraintesa. Kant e la teoria della pace democratica. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino 2012
Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2007.
Kant e lo scetticismo. Lungro (CS): Marco Ed. 2004.
(with H. Allison), Libertà trascendentale ed autorità della morale in Kant. Roma: Luiss Edizioni 2002.
Editions of Collective Works
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with D. Celentano) Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2021.
Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays. Roma: Luiss University Press 2007
Papers in peer reviewed journals
1. (with Nunzio Alì) “The Limits of Limitarianism. Why Political Equality is not Protected by Robeyns’ Democratic Argument” Politica e Società, 10 (1) 2021: 89-116. doi: 10.4476/100808
2. (with Nunzio Alì) “How Much Economic Inequality is Fair in Liberal Democracies? The Approach of Proportional Justice” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2021: 1-20 doi:10.1177/0191453720987865
3. “Kant’s Political Legacy. Replies to Sangiovanni, Williams and Guyer” Kantian Review, 24 (2) 2019: 289-305.
4. “Response to Robert Louden” Kant-Studien, 110(1) 2019: 132-135. doi:10.1515/kant-2019-0010
5. “The Dignity Approach to Human Rights and the Impaired Autonomy Objection”, Human Affairs, 29(3), 2019: 273-285. doi:
6. “Autonomy and human dignity. A reassessment of Kant’s political legacy. Human rights, peace, progress” Philosophy and Society, 29(4): 598-612.
7. “Kant’s Political Legacy. Replies to Pinzani, Consani, Tonetto, Dos Santos, Barbieri, Dutra, Faggion, Klein.” Estudos kantianos 6 (1) 2018: 117-129.
8. “Replies to my Critics” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3 (1) 2018: 110-116. DOI 10.7203/REK.3.1.12335
9. "The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy" Philosophy and Public Issues 7 (1) 2017: 127-144.
10. "How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant's Third Ingredient for Peace" Journal of International Political Theory, 2017. 14 (1): 1-18.
11. "Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace: Three Concerns" Journal of Political Philosophy 2016; 24 (4), 446-469.
12. “Defending Kant after Darwin: A Reassessment of Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose " Estudos Kantianos, 2015; 3 (1), 67-74.
13. “Two Faces of Republicanism: Kant and Rousseau”, Estudos Kantianos 2/2013, 129-144.
14. “The One Possible Basis for the Proof of the Existence of the External World: Kant’s Anti-Sceptical Argument in 1781 Fourth Paralogism,” Kant Studies Online, 9/2011; 1-31.
15. “Kant e l’agire politico”, Rivista di filosofia, (1) 2011: pp. 77-104.
16. “The Causes of World Poverty. Some Reflections on Thomas Pogge’s Analysis”, Theoria, (125) 2010; 36-53.
17. “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project,” in Journal of Human Rights 18 (3), 2006: 23-45.
18. “The Refutation of Idealism in the Reflexionen zum Idealismus (1787-1793) in: Kant Studien, 97 (3), 2006: 318-342.
19. “Logical Purposiveness and the Principle of Taste,” in: Kant Studien, 96 (3), 2005: 364-375.
20. “The Problem of Idealism in Kant’s Pre-Critical Period,” in: Kant Studien, 95 (3), 2004: 283-303.
21. “Kant: una guerra perpetua per una pace perpetua?” in Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, 2/2004: 105-123.
22. "Dalla pace kantiana alla pace democratica", in Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, 3/2004, 47-64.
Book chapters
1. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
2. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
3. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
4. “What’s Wrong with a Kantian Foundation of Human Rights” In: Himmelmann, B and Serck-Hanssen, C. (eds.) The Court of Reason. Vol. 3. Berlin: De Gruyter 2021: 1401-1410.
5. (with Denise Celentano) “Introduction” in Celentano, D. and Caranti L. Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2021, 1-5.
6. (with Nunzio Alì) “Redistribution, recognition, and pluralism: a Rawlsian criticism of Fraser” in Celentano, D. and Caranti L. Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2020, 163-183.
7. “The Ultimate Ground of Morality (and Law) in Naturrecht Feyerabend” in S. Bordoni and M. Ruffing (Eds.). Kant´s "Naturrecht Feyerabend": Analysis and Perspectives Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 131-144.
8. “The Kantian Federation: Two Hermeneutical Problems” in (H. Klemme and A. Falduto Eds.) Kant und seine Kritiker Olms Weidemann, Hildescheim Zuerich New York 2018, 347-362.
9. “Kant e la filosofia politica oggi” in (ed. Claudio La Rocca) Imparare a filosofare. Kant e la filosofia oggi, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2017, 73-92.
10. "A Fundamentação a priori dos Direitos Humanos em Kant" in Kant e o A-Priori, Santos, L. R.; Louden, R. B.; Marques, U. R. A. (Eds.). Marilia: Oficina Universitária, 2017, 325-341.
11. "Mare Nostrum/Triton. La dimensione della giustizia politica" in S. Panebianco (ed.) Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti global i e risposte alle crisi migratorie. Milano: Egea 2017, 29-46.
12. “The Guarantee of Perpetual Peace: Three Concerns.” In: Goldman, A., Patrone T., Formosa, P., Eds. Politics and Teleology in Kant. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2014, 145-162.
13. “What’s Wrong with a Guarantee of Perpetual Peace?” In: Bacin, S., La Rocca, C., Ferrarin, A., Ruffing, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XI International Kant Congress¸ De Gruyter, Berlin New York 2013, IV, 611-622.
14. “Human Rights and Democracy”, in T. Cushman (Ed.) 2012, Handbook of Human Rights. Abingdon New York: Routledge, 85-99.
15. “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights,” in T. Cushman (Ed.) 2012, Handbook of Human Rights, Abingdon New York: Routledge, 35-44.
16. “Politica,” in S. Besoli, C. La Rocca, R. Martinelli, L’universo kantiano, Quodlibet, Macerata 2011, 367-389.
17. “Prefazione” In Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. Pogge, T. (Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010) v-xxiv.
18. “Per una teoria kantiana dei diritti umani,” in C. La Rocca (Ed.), Leggere Kant, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2007, p.203-226.
19. “Preface” in L. Caranti (Ed.), Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays, Luiss University Press, Roma 2007, 5-15.
20. “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace” in Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays, Luiss University Press, Roma 2006, 177-204.
21. “Etica delle relazioni internazionali. Il dibattito contemporaneo” in: AA. VV. Etica delle relazioni internazionali, Costantino Marco Ed., Lungro (CS), 2004: p.415-464.
22. “Forme politiche e forme culturali: una distinzione problematica,” in Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, VII (1), 2002: 35-40.
23. “Il dibattito sulla nozione di ‘idealismo trascendentale’ tra gli interpreti americani di Kant,” in: Paradigmi, XVI, n.47, 1998: 303-330.
24. “Can Kant’s Ethics Support Rawls’ Political Theory?,” in: Quaderni del Centro di Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali, L, 1998.
25. “Il concetto di condizione epistemica in Kant. L’interpretazione di Henry Allison,” in: Colloquium Philosophicum, 1996: 89-105.
26. “Il kantismo nell’epistemologia di K.R. Popper,” in: Quaderni del Centro di Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali, IV, Roma, 1995.
27. “Kantian a priori and Phenomenon according to C.D. Broad,” in: Papers of the 17th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 1994, (Eds.) J. Hintikka and K. Puhl, 105-111.
Encyclopedia Entries
“Right” in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant. New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 180-181.
“Cosmopolitan/Cosmopolitanism” in in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant., New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 207-208.
“Kingdom of Ends” in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant., New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 252-254.
“Rispetto” Enciclopedia Filosofica Bompiani, vol. 10, 2006, p. 9776-9777.
Thomas Pogge, Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. (Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010)
D. Miller, Popper. Una biografia scientifica, Rubbettino, Roma 1999.
J. Agassi, “Individualismo metodologico e le scienze sociali” Atti del congresso “Popper ed il mestiere dello scienziato sociale”, Luiss - Guido Carli, February 2002.
D. Miller, “L’interpretazione della probabilità in economia”, Atti del congresso “Popper ed il mestiere dello scienziato sociale”, Luiss - Guido Carli, February 2002.
Daniele Archibugi, The Global Commonwealth of Citizens. Princeton: PUP 2008, in Philosophy and Social Criticism, 36 (3) 2010.
Alice Ponchio, Etica e diritto in Kant. Un’interpretazione comprensiva della morale kantiana, in Studi kantiani 26 2013: 200-2.
Paul Guyer, Kant. Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2006 in Philosophy in Review, 28 (2) 2008.
Rebecca Iseli, Kants Philosophie der Mathematik. Bern/Stuttgard/Wien: Haupt, 2001 in The Review of Metaphysics, 55 (3) 2002.
Hans Albert/Dario Antiseri, Epistemologia, ermeneutica e scienze sociali. Roma: Luiss Edizioni 2002 in Nuova civiltà delle macchine, 20 (2) 2002.
INVITED TALKS (last 10 years)
1. 26 novembre 2019, Universidad Complutense, Network RIKEPS, Keynote speaker “Kant’s Critique of Democracy”
2. 12-13 settembre 2019, Universidad de Evora, International Colloquium. Keynote speaker “The Dignity Approach to Human Rights
3. 7 agosto 2019 University of Oslo, XIII International Kant Congress “What’s Wrong with a Kantian Theory of Human Rights?”
4. 12 giugno 2019 Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, “Come il cosmopolitismo riduce i conflitti: una nuova lettura del diritto di visita kantiano”
5. 19 settembre 2018, Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy, Keynote speaker “Human Rights: Three Foundational Approaches and One Proposal”
6. 11 maggio 2018, University of Belgrade, Keynote speaker “Kant on Human Rights and Political Agency”
7. 6 luglio 2018 Universität Mainz. Paper read “The Ultimate Ground of Morality (and Law) in Naturrecht Feyerabend”
8. 18 ottobre 2017, Milano, Politeia: Discussione pubblica di Kant's Political Legacy
9. 30 aprile 2017 Halle. VII. Multilaterales Kant-Kolloquium. Titolo conferenza "The Kantian Federation and its Critics"
10. 11 gennaio 2017, Lucca, Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci Titolo conferenza "Kant e la filosofia politica oggi"
11. 25 settembre 2015, Austria, Universität Wien, XII International Kant Congress, "Defending Kant after Darwin. A Reassessment of Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose"
12. 12 settembre 2014, Spagna, Universidad Complutense, "Is Kant's Teleology in Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose defensible?"
13. 12 novembre 2013, Malta, University of Malta, Titolo della conferenza: "Why Democracies are Less Likely to Fight Each Other"
14. 12 ottobre 2013, Italia, John Cabot University, “How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant’s Third Ingredient for Peace”
15. 15 ottobre 2013, Italia, Università statale di Milano. “La pace fraintesa”
16. 21 aprile 2012, Russia (Kaliningrad), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
17. 23 maggio 2010, Italia, XI International Kant Congress Titolo della conferenza: ‘What’s Wrong with a Guarantee of Perpetual Peace?’
18. 10 settembre 2009, Germania, European Consortium of Political Research, Università di Potsdam, Session: “Kant and the International Relations”; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
19. 21 aprile 2009, Russia, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
20. 20-22 novembre 2008, Germany: Philosophisches Seminar – Universität zu Köln. Titolo della conferenza: “Not All human Beings Are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights. A Reply to Joshua Cohen’s View of Democracy”
21. 19 ottobre 2007, Italia: Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Italian American Philosophy Meeting; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
22. 05 ottobre 2006 Italia: Titolo conferenza “Imperialism and Human Rights” Università di Palermo
Nord America
1. 6.agosto 2016 NYC, USA Hofstra University. Titolo della conferenza: "Kant's Critique of Democracy"
2. 6 aprile 2013, USA, San Francisco, ISA Annual Meeting, Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
3. 2 aprile 2013 USA, San Francisco, ISA Annual Meeting, Titolo della conferenza: “Non-Democratic IGOs Also Promote Peace. The Case of the Arab League and ASEAN"
4. 25 ottobre 2012, USA Ney York City, New School of Social Research. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
5. 19 ottobre 2012, USA Paolo Alto, Stanford University, PoliSci Department. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
6. 12 novembre 2011, USA, Durham, Duke University, Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
7. 15 aprile 2010, Canada, Montréal, University of Sheerbroke, Titolo della conferenza: “The One Possible Argument for the Existence of the External World”
8. 11 novembre 2009, USA, New Heaven, Yale University, Philosophy department, Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
9. 10 novembre 2009, USA, Mansfield, University of Connecticut, Philosophy department. Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
10. 5-7 ottobre 2007, USA, La Jolla: UC San Diego; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
Sud America
1. 15 gennaio 2019 UBA Conference “Kant’s Political Legacy: Reply to my Critics”
2. 10 giugno 2019 UBA Workshop “Kant’s Notion of Personhood and the Dignity Approach to Human Rights”
3. 5 settembre 2018 UFMG Graduate Seminar “The Philosophy of Human Rights. An Introduction”
4. 5 marzo 2018 Porto Alegre UFRGS. Titolo della conferenza "Is There a Human Right to Democracy? A Kantian Answer"
6. 23 gennaio 2018 Florianopolis UFSC. Simposio su Kant's Political Legacy
7. 21 settembre 2017 Brasile Marilia UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “The Word ‘Democracy’ in Kant’s Political Writings”
8. 22 settembre 2017 Brasile Marilia UNESP. Discusison pubblica di Kant's Political Legacy
9. 6 August 2015, Brazil - Marilia. UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “Kant's A priori Foundation of Human Rights”
10. 10 August 2015, Brazil - Natal. UFRN. Titolo della conferenza: "A quasi-Kantian Foundation of Human Rights"
11. 14 agosto 2014, Brasile, Porto Alegre. UFRGS. Discussione pubblica di Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy
12. 11-13 agosto 2014, Brasile, Marilia. UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “The Foundations of Human Rights. The Esteem View”
13. 8 agosto 2014, Brasile, Belo Horizonte. UFMG. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
14. 6 agosto 2014, Brasile, Florianopolis. UFSC. Titolo della conferenza: “How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant’s Third Ingredient for Peace”
15. 24 agosto 2012, Brasile, Federal University of Rio. Titolo della conferenza: “The One Possible Argument for the Existence of the External World”
16. 20 agosto 2012, Brasile, University of Sao Paolo – Marilia. Titolo della conferenza: “Two Faces of Republicanism: Kant and Rousseau”
1. 12 March 2010, South Africa, University of Witswaterand, Philosophy department, Titolo della conferenza : “Pogge’s Causal Explanation of World Poverty: Some Refinements”
2. 14-22 December 2006 South Africa: University of Witswatesrand Johannesburg. Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time back to Kant. From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
1. 25 October 2007, China, Tsinghua University, (Beijing), Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”, “
2. 29 October 2007, China, Peking University, (Beijing), Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
3. 21 April 2006, China, Pekin University, (Beijing). Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project”
4. 22 April 2006, China, Tsinghua University (Beijing). Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project”
5. 24 April 2006, China, Academy of Social Sciences (Shanghai). Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
6. 2 May 2006, China, Wuhan University (Wuhan). Titolo della conferenza: “Can Kant’s Ethics Support Rawls’ Political Theory?”
1. 14-15 February 2007, Melbourne, University of Melbourne. Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace?”
2. 16-17 December 2007, Adelaide, University of Adelaide. Titolo della conferenza: “The Ultimate Betrayal: NOT All Men Are Born Equal in Rights and Dignity”
Prof. Luigi Caranti
• Full Professor of Political Philosophy – Università di Catania.
• Extensive Teaching experience in various countries (USA, Italy, Brazil, Argentina) and at different levels (from undergraduate to M.A. course to Ph.D. seminars).
• Visiting positions held in various centers including Columbia University, Boston University, Australian National University, Philipps Universität – Marburg, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universdade Federale de Santa Catarina, Universdade Federale de Minas Gerais
• Principal investigator of EU funded international projects: 3 Marie S. Curie Individual Grants (Global Fellowship, IEF, ERG); 1 Marie S. Curie RISE Grant; 1 EU/AUS Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Training.
• Over 1.7M€ attracted for research (1.1M€ in the last 10 years).
• Fluent in English, French, Italian; good knowledge of German; basic knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese.
• Areas of Specialization: Kant, Political Philosophy
• Areas of Competence: Epistemology, Human Rights, Ethics of Social Media, Ethics of AI
UF Santa Caterina, Department of Philosophy 21.01-08-04 2018. Visiting Professor
UF Minas Gerais, Department of Philosophy 02.09-01-12 2018. Visiting Professor
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Department of Philosophy 07.03-07.06 2019. Visiting Professor
Columbia University, SIPA 06.2011-06.2013, visiting scholar
Columbia University, SIPA Fall 2009, visiting scholar
Boston University, Department of Philosophy, Spring 2002, visiting professor
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 1997, Gastwissenschaftler
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 2001-02, Gastwissenschaftler
Philipps-Universität Marburg, Institut für Philosophie, 2006-08, Gastwissenschaftler
ANU - Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, 2004-2006, guest lecturer
Universität Wien, Institut für Philosophie, 2000-01, Gastwissenschaftler
Università di Catania
Professore ordinario di filosofia politica (Sep 2018 - present)
Professore associato di filosofia politica (Dec 2006 – Aug 2018)
Visiting researcher (June 2013-June 2014)
LUISS - Guido Carli (2001-2007)
Researcher (2005-2007)
Post-doc (Jan 2001 – Oct 2005)
Università di Catania, Italy
M.A. course “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (2012-present)
M.A. course “Ethics and Politics in the Digital Era” (2020-present)
M.A. course “Filosofia dei diritti sociali” (2021-present)
Undergraduate course “Introduction to Political Philosophy” (2007-2014)
Ph.D. seminar (2012-present)
UF Santa Caterina, Brazil (21.01-08-04 2018)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
UF Minas Gerais, Brazil (02.09-01-12 2018)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (07.03-07.06 2019)
Graduate Seminar “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
LUISS - Guido Carli, Italy(2001-2007)
Graduate Seminar “Peace Theories” (course taught in English)
Graduate seminar: “Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights” (course taught in English)
Boston University, USA (2002)
Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Modern Philosophy
Boston University, USA (1997 – 2000)
Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Courses:
Introduction to Ethics
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Logic
Direction of International Projects (with research funds attracted)
FCT Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus - 4th Edition - (2022-2028). Project funded with 365.000€
Marie Curie RISE (Catania 2018-2023). Project funded with 545.500€
Marie Curie IOF (Columbia University and CNR - 2011-2014). Project funded with 314.000€
Marie Curie ERG (Università di Catania - 2008-2011). Project funded with 45.000€
Marie Curie IES (Philipps Universität, Marburg - 2005- 2007). Project funded with 197.676€.
Leader of the European Institutions (LUISS, Lancaster, Bielefeld, University of Helsinki) in the EU-Australia Network of Degrees in Ethics, Human Rights and Institutions (2007-2008) within the EU/Australia Cooperation in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training. EU contribution to the project: 250.000€.
Other International Grants
DAAD Research Fellowship (Germany 2001 – 2002)
ÖAD Research Fellowship (Austria 2000 - 2001)
Post M.A. Teaching Fellowship, Boston University (1997 - 2000)
DAAD Research Fellowship to study Philosophy in Germany (Mar - Aug 1997)
DAAD Language Fellowship for foreign researchers to study German in Germany (July – Aug 1995)
Membership in Editorial Board of International and National Journals
Kantian Review (Cambridge University Press, ISSN: 1369-4154)
Kant Studien (De Gruyter, ISSN: 1613-1134)
Public Reason. Journal of Political and Moral Philosophy (CSRB, ISSN 2065-7285)
Studi kantiani (Fabrizio Serra editore, ISSN 1123-4938)
Politica e società (Il Mulino, ISSN 2240-7901
Political Science and Public Opinion (
Peer Review Activity
Reviewer for the following journals: American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, International Theory, Journal of International Political Theory, European Journal of Political Theory, European Journal of International Relations, International Studies Quarterly Constellations, Review of Metaphysics, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Review of International Studies, International Journal for the Study of Skepticism, Philosophy in Review, Philosophers’ Imprint.
Apical Roles in International Scientific Societies
Board Member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association
Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association – Italy Chapter (2016-2020)
Advisor for the "Center for International and Comparative Political Philosophy, Tsinghua University, China"
Institutional Roles in the Italian University System
Reviewer for the National Agency for the Evaluation of University System and Research (ANVUR -VQR)
MIUR Reviewer of FIRB Projects
Representative of Social and Political Sciences (“Area 14”) in the UNICT Steering Committee on Research (2009-2013)
Direction of Ph.D. Programs
Co-Director of Graduate Studies (with Prof. Sebastiano Maffettone), Ph.D. in Political Theory, Luiss - Guido Carli (2003-2007)
Member of ‘Collegio docenti’ Dottorato Scienze politiche UNICT (since 2010)
Direction of International Colloquia
2009- present: Colloquium on Philosophy and Global Affairs, Università di Catania (
2006-2007: Colloquium on Ethics, Politics, and Society, Luiss - Guido Carli, (with Sebastiano Maffettone)
Organization of International Congresses (last 5 years)
11-13 October 2018: Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics. Multilateral Kant Colloquium - 8th Edition
22-24th of September 2021 Justice, Peace, and Cosmopolitical Values. Kant Multilateral Colloquium, - 9th edition
The Kantian Federation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Kant’s Political Legacy. Human Rights, Peace, Progress. Cardiff: University of Wales Press 2017.
La pace fraintesa. Kant e la teoria della pace democratica. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino 2012
Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2007.
Kant e lo scetticismo. Lungro (CS): Marco Ed. 2004.
(with H. Allison), Libertà trascendentale ed autorità della morale in Kant. Roma: Luiss Edizioni 2002.
Editions of Collective Works
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with A. Pinzani) Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World. London: Routledge 2022
(with D. Celentano) Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2021.
Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays. Roma: Luiss University Press 2007
Papers in peer reviewed journals
1. (with Nunzio Alì) “The Limits of Limitarianism. Why Political Equality is not Protected by Robeyns’ Democratic Argument” Politica e Società, 10 (1) 2021: 89-116. doi: 10.4476/100808
2. (with Nunzio Alì) “How Much Economic Inequality is Fair in Liberal Democracies? The Approach of Proportional Justice” Philosophy and Social Criticism, 2021: 1-20 doi:10.1177/0191453720987865
3. “Kant’s Political Legacy. Replies to Sangiovanni, Williams and Guyer” Kantian Review, 24 (2) 2019: 289-305.
4. “Response to Robert Louden” Kant-Studien, 110(1) 2019: 132-135. doi:10.1515/kant-2019-0010
5. “The Dignity Approach to Human Rights and the Impaired Autonomy Objection”, Human Affairs, 29(3), 2019: 273-285. doi:
6. “Autonomy and human dignity. A reassessment of Kant’s political legacy. Human rights, peace, progress” Philosophy and Society, 29(4): 598-612.
7. “Kant’s Political Legacy. Replies to Pinzani, Consani, Tonetto, Dos Santos, Barbieri, Dutra, Faggion, Klein.” Estudos kantianos 6 (1) 2018: 117-129.
8. “Replies to my Critics” Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3 (1) 2018: 110-116. DOI 10.7203/REK.3.1.12335
9. "The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy" Philosophy and Public Issues 7 (1) 2017: 127-144.
10. "How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant's Third Ingredient for Peace" Journal of International Political Theory, 2017. 14 (1): 1-18.
11. "Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace: Three Concerns" Journal of Political Philosophy 2016; 24 (4), 446-469.
12. “Defending Kant after Darwin: A Reassessment of Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose " Estudos Kantianos, 2015; 3 (1), 67-74.
13. “Two Faces of Republicanism: Kant and Rousseau”, Estudos Kantianos 2/2013, 129-144.
14. “The One Possible Basis for the Proof of the Existence of the External World: Kant’s Anti-Sceptical Argument in 1781 Fourth Paralogism,” Kant Studies Online, 9/2011; 1-31.
15. “Kant e l’agire politico”, Rivista di filosofia, (1) 2011: pp. 77-104.
16. “The Causes of World Poverty. Some Reflections on Thomas Pogge’s Analysis”, Theoria, (125) 2010; 36-53.
17. “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project,” in Journal of Human Rights 18 (3), 2006: 23-45.
18. “The Refutation of Idealism in the Reflexionen zum Idealismus (1787-1793) in: Kant Studien, 97 (3), 2006: 318-342.
19. “Logical Purposiveness and the Principle of Taste,” in: Kant Studien, 96 (3), 2005: 364-375.
20. “The Problem of Idealism in Kant’s Pre-Critical Period,” in: Kant Studien, 95 (3), 2004: 283-303.
21. “Kant: una guerra perpetua per una pace perpetua?” in Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, 2/2004: 105-123.
22. "Dalla pace kantiana alla pace democratica", in Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche, 3/2004, 47-64.
Book chapters
1. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Knowledge: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
2. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Morality: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
3. (with A. Pinzani) “Introduction”. In L. Caranti, A. Pinzani (eds.) Kant and the Problem of Politics: Rethinking the Contemporary World. (London: Routledge, 2022)
4. “What’s Wrong with a Kantian Foundation of Human Rights” In: Himmelmann, B and Serck-Hanssen, C. (eds.) The Court of Reason. Vol. 3. Berlin: De Gruyter 2021: 1401-1410.
5. (with Denise Celentano) “Introduction” in Celentano, D. and Caranti L. Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2021, 1-5.
6. (with Nunzio Alì) “Redistribution, recognition, and pluralism: a Rawlsian criticism of Fraser” in Celentano, D. and Caranti L. Paradigms of Justice. Redistribution, Recognition and Beyond. London: Routledge 2020, 163-183.
7. “The Ultimate Ground of Morality (and Law) in Naturrecht Feyerabend” in S. Bordoni and M. Ruffing (Eds.). Kant´s "Naturrecht Feyerabend": Analysis and Perspectives Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, 131-144.
8. “The Kantian Federation: Two Hermeneutical Problems” in (H. Klemme and A. Falduto Eds.) Kant und seine Kritiker Olms Weidemann, Hildescheim Zuerich New York 2018, 347-362.
9. “Kant e la filosofia politica oggi” in (ed. Claudio La Rocca) Imparare a filosofare. Kant e la filosofia oggi, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2017, 73-92.
10. "A Fundamentação a priori dos Direitos Humanos em Kant" in Kant e o A-Priori, Santos, L. R.; Louden, R. B.; Marques, U. R. A. (Eds.). Marilia: Oficina Universitária, 2017, 325-341.
11. "Mare Nostrum/Triton. La dimensione della giustizia politica" in S. Panebianco (ed.) Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti global i e risposte alle crisi migratorie. Milano: Egea 2017, 29-46.
12. “The Guarantee of Perpetual Peace: Three Concerns.” In: Goldman, A., Patrone T., Formosa, P., Eds. Politics and Teleology in Kant. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2014, 145-162.
13. “What’s Wrong with a Guarantee of Perpetual Peace?” In: Bacin, S., La Rocca, C., Ferrarin, A., Ruffing, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XI International Kant Congress¸ De Gruyter, Berlin New York 2013, IV, 611-622.
14. “Human Rights and Democracy”, in T. Cushman (Ed.) 2012, Handbook of Human Rights. Abingdon New York: Routledge, 85-99.
15. “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights,” in T. Cushman (Ed.) 2012, Handbook of Human Rights, Abingdon New York: Routledge, 35-44.
16. “Politica,” in S. Besoli, C. La Rocca, R. Martinelli, L’universo kantiano, Quodlibet, Macerata 2011, 367-389.
17. “Prefazione” In Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. Pogge, T. (Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010) v-xxiv.
18. “Per una teoria kantiana dei diritti umani,” in C. La Rocca (Ed.), Leggere Kant, Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2007, p.203-226.
19. “Preface” in L. Caranti (Ed.), Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays, Luiss University Press, Roma 2007, 5-15.
20. “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace” in Kant's Perpetual Peace. New Interpretative Essays, Luiss University Press, Roma 2006, 177-204.
21. “Etica delle relazioni internazionali. Il dibattito contemporaneo” in: AA. VV. Etica delle relazioni internazionali, Costantino Marco Ed., Lungro (CS), 2004: p.415-464.
22. “Forme politiche e forme culturali: una distinzione problematica,” in Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, VII (1), 2002: 35-40.
23. “Il dibattito sulla nozione di ‘idealismo trascendentale’ tra gli interpreti americani di Kant,” in: Paradigmi, XVI, n.47, 1998: 303-330.
24. “Can Kant’s Ethics Support Rawls’ Political Theory?,” in: Quaderni del Centro di Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali, L, 1998.
25. “Il concetto di condizione epistemica in Kant. L’interpretazione di Henry Allison,” in: Colloquium Philosophicum, 1996: 89-105.
26. “Il kantismo nell’epistemologia di K.R. Popper,” in: Quaderni del Centro di Metodologia delle Scienze Sociali, IV, Roma, 1995.
27. “Kantian a priori and Phenomenon according to C.D. Broad,” in: Papers of the 17th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 1994, (Eds.) J. Hintikka and K. Puhl, 105-111.
Encyclopedia Entries
“Right” in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant. New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 180-181.
“Cosmopolitan/Cosmopolitanism” in in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant., New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 207-208.
“Kingdom of Ends” in G. Banham, D. Schulting, N. Hems (Eds.) The Continuum Companion to Kant., New York and London: Continuum, 2012; p. 252-254.
“Rispetto” Enciclopedia Filosofica Bompiani, vol. 10, 2006, p. 9776-9777.
Thomas Pogge, Povertà mondiale e diritti umani. (Roma-Bari: Laterza 2010)
D. Miller, Popper. Una biografia scientifica, Rubbettino, Roma 1999.
J. Agassi, “Individualismo metodologico e le scienze sociali” Atti del congresso “Popper ed il mestiere dello scienziato sociale”, Luiss - Guido Carli, February 2002.
D. Miller, “L’interpretazione della probabilità in economia”, Atti del congresso “Popper ed il mestiere dello scienziato sociale”, Luiss - Guido Carli, February 2002.
Daniele Archibugi, The Global Commonwealth of Citizens. Princeton: PUP 2008, in Philosophy and Social Criticism, 36 (3) 2010.
Alice Ponchio, Etica e diritto in Kant. Un’interpretazione comprensiva della morale kantiana, in Studi kantiani 26 2013: 200-2.
Paul Guyer, Kant. Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2006 in Philosophy in Review, 28 (2) 2008.
Rebecca Iseli, Kants Philosophie der Mathematik. Bern/Stuttgard/Wien: Haupt, 2001 in The Review of Metaphysics, 55 (3) 2002.
Hans Albert/Dario Antiseri, Epistemologia, ermeneutica e scienze sociali. Roma: Luiss Edizioni 2002 in Nuova civiltà delle macchine, 20 (2) 2002.
INVITED TALKS (last 10 years)
1. 26 novembre 2019, Universidad Complutense, Network RIKEPS, Keynote speaker “Kant’s Critique of Democracy”
2. 12-13 settembre 2019, Universidad de Evora, International Colloquium. Keynote speaker “The Dignity Approach to Human Rights
3. 7 agosto 2019 University of Oslo, XIII International Kant Congress “What’s Wrong with a Kantian Theory of Human Rights?”
4. 12 giugno 2019 Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici, “Come il cosmopolitismo riduce i conflitti: una nuova lettura del diritto di visita kantiano”
5. 19 settembre 2018, Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy, Keynote speaker “Human Rights: Three Foundational Approaches and One Proposal”
6. 11 maggio 2018, University of Belgrade, Keynote speaker “Kant on Human Rights and Political Agency”
7. 6 luglio 2018 Universität Mainz. Paper read “The Ultimate Ground of Morality (and Law) in Naturrecht Feyerabend”
8. 18 ottobre 2017, Milano, Politeia: Discussione pubblica di Kant's Political Legacy
9. 30 aprile 2017 Halle. VII. Multilaterales Kant-Kolloquium. Titolo conferenza "The Kantian Federation and its Critics"
10. 11 gennaio 2017, Lucca, Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci Titolo conferenza "Kant e la filosofia politica oggi"
11. 25 settembre 2015, Austria, Universität Wien, XII International Kant Congress, "Defending Kant after Darwin. A Reassessment of Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose"
12. 12 settembre 2014, Spagna, Universidad Complutense, "Is Kant's Teleology in Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose defensible?"
13. 12 novembre 2013, Malta, University of Malta, Titolo della conferenza: "Why Democracies are Less Likely to Fight Each Other"
14. 12 ottobre 2013, Italia, John Cabot University, “How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant’s Third Ingredient for Peace”
15. 15 ottobre 2013, Italia, Università statale di Milano. “La pace fraintesa”
16. 21 aprile 2012, Russia (Kaliningrad), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
17. 23 maggio 2010, Italia, XI International Kant Congress Titolo della conferenza: ‘What’s Wrong with a Guarantee of Perpetual Peace?’
18. 10 settembre 2009, Germania, European Consortium of Political Research, Università di Potsdam, Session: “Kant and the International Relations”; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
19. 21 aprile 2009, Russia, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
20. 20-22 novembre 2008, Germany: Philosophisches Seminar – Universität zu Köln. Titolo della conferenza: “Not All human Beings Are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights. A Reply to Joshua Cohen’s View of Democracy”
21. 19 ottobre 2007, Italia: Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Italian American Philosophy Meeting; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
22. 05 ottobre 2006 Italia: Titolo conferenza “Imperialism and Human Rights” Università di Palermo
Nord America
1. 6.agosto 2016 NYC, USA Hofstra University. Titolo della conferenza: "Kant's Critique of Democracy"
2. 6 aprile 2013, USA, San Francisco, ISA Annual Meeting, Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
3. 2 aprile 2013 USA, San Francisco, ISA Annual Meeting, Titolo della conferenza: “Non-Democratic IGOs Also Promote Peace. The Case of the Arab League and ASEAN"
4. 25 ottobre 2012, USA Ney York City, New School of Social Research. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
5. 19 ottobre 2012, USA Paolo Alto, Stanford University, PoliSci Department. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
6. 12 novembre 2011, USA, Durham, Duke University, Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
7. 15 aprile 2010, Canada, Montréal, University of Sheerbroke, Titolo della conferenza: “The One Possible Argument for the Existence of the External World”
8. 11 novembre 2009, USA, New Heaven, Yale University, Philosophy department, Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
9. 10 novembre 2009, USA, Mansfield, University of Connecticut, Philosophy department. Titolo della conferenza: “Human Rights and Democracy”
10. 5-7 ottobre 2007, USA, La Jolla: UC San Diego; Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”
Sud America
1. 15 gennaio 2019 UBA Conference “Kant’s Political Legacy: Reply to my Critics”
2. 10 giugno 2019 UBA Workshop “Kant’s Notion of Personhood and the Dignity Approach to Human Rights”
3. 5 settembre 2018 UFMG Graduate Seminar “The Philosophy of Human Rights. An Introduction”
4. 5 marzo 2018 Porto Alegre UFRGS. Titolo della conferenza "Is There a Human Right to Democracy? A Kantian Answer"
6. 23 gennaio 2018 Florianopolis UFSC. Simposio su Kant's Political Legacy
7. 21 settembre 2017 Brasile Marilia UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “The Word ‘Democracy’ in Kant’s Political Writings”
8. 22 settembre 2017 Brasile Marilia UNESP. Discusison pubblica di Kant's Political Legacy
9. 6 August 2015, Brazil - Marilia. UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “Kant's A priori Foundation of Human Rights”
10. 10 August 2015, Brazil - Natal. UFRN. Titolo della conferenza: "A quasi-Kantian Foundation of Human Rights"
11. 14 agosto 2014, Brasile, Porto Alegre. UFRGS. Discussione pubblica di Kant and the Scandal of Philosophy
12. 11-13 agosto 2014, Brasile, Marilia. UNESP. Titolo della conferenza: “The Foundations of Human Rights. The Esteem View”
13. 8 agosto 2014, Brasile, Belo Horizonte. UFMG. Titolo della conferenza: “Kantian Peace and Liberal Peace. Three Misunderstandings”
14. 6 agosto 2014, Brasile, Florianopolis. UFSC. Titolo della conferenza: “How Cosmopolitanism Reduces Conflict. Narrow and Broad Readings of Kant’s Third Ingredient for Peace”
15. 24 agosto 2012, Brasile, Federal University of Rio. Titolo della conferenza: “The One Possible Argument for the Existence of the External World”
16. 20 agosto 2012, Brasile, University of Sao Paolo – Marilia. Titolo della conferenza: “Two Faces of Republicanism: Kant and Rousseau”
1. 12 March 2010, South Africa, University of Witswaterand, Philosophy department, Titolo della conferenza : “Pogge’s Causal Explanation of World Poverty: Some Refinements”
2. 14-22 December 2006 South Africa: University of Witswatesrand Johannesburg. Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time back to Kant. From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
1. 25 October 2007, China, Tsinghua University, (Beijing), Titolo della conferenza: “Kant’s Theory of Human Rights”, “
2. 29 October 2007, China, Peking University, (Beijing), Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
3. 21 April 2006, China, Pekin University, (Beijing). Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project”
4. 22 April 2006, China, Tsinghua University (Beijing). Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace? Reflections on the Realist Critique of Kant's Project”
5. 24 April 2006, China, Academy of Social Sciences (Shanghai). Titolo della conferenza: “One More Time Back to Kant: From the Democratic Peace to the Kantian Peace”
6. 2 May 2006, China, Wuhan University (Wuhan). Titolo della conferenza: “Can Kant’s Ethics Support Rawls’ Political Theory?”
1. 14-15 February 2007, Melbourne, University of Melbourne. Titolo della conferenza: “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace?”
2. 16-17 December 2007, Adelaide, University of Adelaide. Titolo della conferenza: “The Ultimate Betrayal: NOT All Men Are Born Equal in Rights and Dignity”
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in Policies and Social Services - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Sociology of networks, information and innovation - 1st Year
Academic Year 2020/2021
Master's Degree in Sociology of networks, information and innovation - 1st Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Science of administration and organization - 2nd Year
Module Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical Analysis
Academic Year 2016/2017
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Science of administration and organization - 2nd Year
Module Constitutionalism and Democracy. A Philosophical Analysis
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Science of administration and organization - 2nd Year