Stefania Paola Ludovica Panebianco
Full Professor of Scienza politica [GSPS-02/A]
Curriculum Vitae
Name Panebianco
First Name Stefania
Date and Place of Birth 31.03.1970 - Catania - Italy
Nationality Italian
University Address Dept. of Political and Social Sciences- University of Catania, Via V. Emanuele, 49 95131 Catania - Italy
Telephone +39 095 7347236
Skype s.panebianco
Institutional web-page
Academic Position
Jean Monnet Professor in EU MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action (EUMEDEA) -Grant 565729-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR
Associate Professor in Political Science (SPS04), University of Catania, since 2004.
♣ Teaching load at University of Catania: Mediterranean Politics [in English] (6 CFU), MA in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations; Strategia delle Relazioni Commerciali (6 CFU), MA in Internazionalizzazione delle Relazioni Commerciali; Politica e istituzioni dei paesi del Mediterraneo (9 CFU), MA in Storia e cultura dei paesi mediterranei.
♣ Other teaching: Migration Politics in the Mediterranean, elective course, Master in European Studies, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (I), since academic year 2007/2008.
♣ Previous teaching: The EU and its Neighbours. Politics, Institutions, Instruments, Master in International Security, IBEI, Barcelona (oct-nov 2019); Migration in the Mediterranean (virtual seminar), Arcadia University, Glenside (Pennsylvania, USA); Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Democratic Transitions in Mediterranean Countries, PhD course in Global Politics and European Integration, Scuola Superiore Catania (SSC) - University of Catania; Mediterranean Politics, PhD course in Political Systems and Institutional Change, IMT, Lucca (I).
Other academic tasks
Double Degree and International Didactics portfolio, GLOPEM Master Course.
Supervisor, SSC, Fellow Giuseppe Cannata since 2016.
Co-editor, Global Affairs, Print ISSN: 2334-0460/Online ISSN: 2334-0479 (since 2016 onwards).
Member of the PhD programme in Political Sciences teaching staff, University of Catania.
Member of IBEI Board of patrons Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona (January 2014 onwards).
Evaluation Expert for ANVUR, the Agency for Evaluation of the Italian Ministry of Education, concerning both teaching and research projects (2013 onwards).
Anonymous Referee and Reviewer for several publishers (e.g. SAGE, Routledge, Palgrave/Macmillan, Ashgate), journals (Journal of Common Market Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, Mediterranean Politics, Democratization, European Security, The International Spectator, Contemporary Italian Politics, Italian Journal of Political Science), and MIUR research grants.
Previous Activities and Positions
Visiting Professor, IBEI, Barcelona, 13 October-13 November 2019.
Supervisor, SSC, Fellows: Ornella Urso, Andrea Ciambra.
Member of the Quality Assessment Group of the Master Degree Course on Global Politics and EuroMediterranean Relations, Department of Political and Social Sciences (May 2013 –May 2019).
Member of the Quality Assessment Group of the Department of Political and Social Sciences May 2018-December 2018.
Member of the Jury for the EISA award to the best EJIR article (award 2017).
Founding member and Steering Board Member of the European International Studies Association (2013-2017).
Co-editor, Italian Political Science – Italian on-line professional journal – January 2013-December 2017 ISSN 2420-8434.
Elected Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) (2010-2016).
Elected Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (2010-2016).
Elected Member of the executive body (‘Giunta’) of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, 2012-2017.
Member of the Editorial Board of Global Affairs 2015-2016.
Convenor Standing Group sull'Unione Europea (SGUE) within SISP with Marco Brunazzo 2010-2016.
Supervisor: PhD Candidate Iole Fontana, IMT-Lucca (2012-2015). PhD dissertation: The implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Tunisia and Morocco: When domestic actors make a difference.
Co-supervisor: PhD Candidate Federica Zardo, Università di Torino (2012-2015). PhD dissertation: Whose ownership? Explaining EU-Tunisia cooperation since 1995.
PhD External examiner: IMT –Lucca, July 2015 (PhD Candidate: Nabil Shokri); SUM - Firenze, June 2014 (PhD Candidates: Silvia Colombo, Vincenzo Emanuele), June 2013 (PhD candidates: Sara Bonanni, Loretta Dell’Aguzzo), March 2012 (PhD candidates: Antonio Ciaglia, Matteo Dian, Simone Dossi, Nicola Maggini); Université de Toulouse (F), June 2012 (PhD candidate: Luigi Carafa); Università di Siena, April 2009 (PhD candidate: Meng jen, Chang).
Evaluator of Research at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ghent University (April 2014).
Expert evaluator, Programme de Bourses Fernand Braudel-IFER Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris (Juin 2014).
Member of the international jury to award the title of Associate Professor to Dr. SONG Weiqing, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macao (February 2014).
Chair of the BA Course in International Politics and Relations, University of Catania, 2007-2014.
External Evaluator, PISCOPIA Fellowship Programme, co-funded by the European Commission – Marie Curie Action and Università di Padova, 2013.
Member of the Jury for the SGIR/EISA award to the best PhD student paper (award 2013).
Member of the Jury for the SISP award to the best book authored by a SISP member ‘under 40’ (award 2012).
Member of the Jury for the award "FB Grant for Lobbyists", grant offered by FB & Associati (Roma) to the best dissertation on ’Lobbying e politiche pubbliche’ (award 2012).
Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of EuroMediterranean Studies at its launching (2008).
Member of the Editorial Board of the professional online journal Italian Political Science (2007 - 2012).
Member of the PhD programme in Global Politics and European Integration, Scuola Superiore di Catania (2008-2011).
Assistant Professor in Political Science, University of Catania (2002-2004).
Executive Secretary of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (2002-2004).
Supervisor of MA theses, Master in European Studies, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (I) (still on-going); ‘Mediterranean Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization’, University of Malta (academic years 2003-2004 and 2000-2001).
Research Fellow in EU Politics and International Relations, University of Catania, Department of Political Studies (1999-2002).
Seminars on Interest Representation at EU Level and EU Relations with Mediterranean Countries, European Institute of Cyprus, University of Siena and University of Catania (1995-2001).
Tutor of the virtual seminar Globalization and European Identity, training course within the Virtual Forum of European Studies CEFES 2000 (1999-2000, University of Catania).
Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta (academic years 1997-1998 & 1998-1999). Teaching workload at MA level (MA in Diplomatic Studies): International History, Highlights of Mediterranean History, Research and Writing Methods.
Teaching Assistant in Comparative European Survey Data at the 30th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis & Collection, University of Essex (July-August 1997).
Post-Graduate Student Assistant in International Relations and Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Catania, since June 1994.
Researcher in EU policies (education, agriculture, and external relations) at the Osservatorio Europa Mezzogiorno, research funded by the European Parliament (November 1993 - February 1994).
Research Grants and Awards
HORIZON 2020, Call: H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020, Research Project on: ‘The Right To International Protection: A Pendulum Between Globalization And Nativization?’ - Protect, coordinated by prof. Hakan Sicakkan, Universitetet I Bergen; Local Research Unit researcher. Months: 36.
Piano per la Ricerca 2016-2018, Research Project ‘La politica italiana di visti asilo e migrazione tra dinamiche interne ed esterne. Idee, attori, processi’, Dotazione ordinaria per attività istituzionale dei Dipartimenti, Università di Catania. Months: 24.
European Mobility Grant STA: April 2019 (Ankara University), March 2018 (Université Paris Est), March 2017 (University of Ljubljana), September 2014 (University of Ghent).
Jean Monnet Chair in EU MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action (EUMEDEA) -Grant 565729-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR Months: 36 (2016-2018).
Honorary Membership, EISA (European International Studies Association), awarded in 2017.
HORIZON 2020 Research Project on: Enhancing The EU’s Trans-boundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies For Multi-Level Leadership [TRANSCRISIS], coordinated by prof. M. Lodge, LSE; Local Research Unit researcher on: Managing the Immigration Crisis: Inter-Institutional Co-operation and External Relations. Months: 36.
FIR 2014 Research project on Military humanitarian missions at a crossroad? The lessons learned from the Mare Nostrum Operation and the assessment of the Operation given by the experts, ‘Finanziamento della ricerca 2014’, University of Catania. Months: 24.
PRIN 2010-11 Unit researcher on ‘La Politica Estera Italiana di fronte alle nuove sfide del sistema internazionale: attori, istituzioni e politiche’, project coordinator prof. Pierangelo Isernia (Università di Siena); units: Siena, Catania, Roma La Sapienza, Torino, Padova, Trento, Sant'Anna. Months 36.
Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Information and Research Activity on EU Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion (EUDEM) funded by the European Commission through the LLP (2010-2011),
Scientific Responsible of the European Jean Monnet Module on EU Roles in the International Governance funded by the European Commission for the years 2005-2010
Responsible of the Local Research Unit of the International Research Project ‘Migraciones Internacionales y Politica Mediterranea de la Union Europea’ funded by the Spanish Education Ministry, project coordinator Prof. Angel Chueca (University of Saragoza), 2007-2009.
Research Unit Member of the International Research Project ‘European Security Identity and the Southern Caucasus: the Role of the EU, the US and Russia’, funded by INTAS/European Commission, 2005-2007, project coordinator prof. Francesca Longo (Università di Catania). Units: Catania, Salisburgo, Tblisi e Baku. Mesi 24.
International Visitor Leadership Program, Washington/New York, June 2005, training programme organised and funded by the US Embassy in Italy with the US Dept. of State.
Research Unit of the International Research Project "Les relations trans-Méditerranéenes au temps présent: modernisation, conflits, processus d'intégration, dialogue interculturel", project involving an European network of Jean Monnet Centers of Excellence funded by the European Commission, project coordinator Prof. Maria Grazia Melchionni, Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet- Luigi Einaudi, Università La Sapienza - Roma, 2003-04. Mesi: 24.
Research Grant on Regional Interest Representation at EU Level funded by the University of Catania awarded upon public competition (November 1997-October 1999).
Training & Education
PhD in International Relations, Università degli Studi di Padova (June 1999). Thesis: The Third Level: The Evolution of EU Interest Representation.
Stage Comett at Eurochambres, Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Europee, Bruxelles (May-July 1995).
SIOI Training Course for ‘Operatore Comunitario’, with a SIOI grant (Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale), Rome (October - November 1993).
Bachelor of Political Science (International Politics) with honours (110/110 cum laude) 12 July 1993, Università degli Studi di Catania. Dissertation on the European Parliament.
Research Interests
- EU external action to face border crises (Mediterranean migration in particular).
- Mediterranean security (especially maritime security).
- The EU as an external actor of democratization in the neighborhood.
- Euro-Mediterranean relations.
• Rethinking Security in the Mediterranean Global South. Challenges to expanding borders, editor, book proposal, Palgrave.
• Co-editor (with Benjamin Tallis), Shifting Borders of European (In)Securities: Human Security, Border (In)Security and Mobility in Security, Special Issue of International Politics, to be out in 2020.
• Maritime security in the Mediterranean: the SAR regime to face the migration crisis, Special Issue, Journal of Portuguese Public Policy, edited by Regina Salvador, to be out in 2020.
• Migration Governance in the Mediterranean. The Syracuse Experience, ‘Geopolitics’, Special Issue edited by Federica Zardo and Sarah Wolff, to be out in 2020.
• The EUMedEA Crash Course: bridging teaching, research and expertise, in Anna Visvizi and Marta Pachocka (eds), Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age, in the series entitled Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology, Emerald, to be out in 2020.
• The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. EU Borders’ Control by Proxy, ‘Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies’, in print 2020.
• L’Italia e i flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo Centrale: lo snodo libico, in Baldinetti Anna, Cassarino Mirella, Maimone Giuseppe, Melfa Daniela (a cura di), Oltre-confine. Temi e fonti per lo studio dell’Africa. Volume in omaggio a Federico Cresti, dicembre 2019, Roma, Aracne.
• The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and migration governance in Italy, in Contemporary Italian Politics, 2019, vol. 11, n. 4, pp. 386-400: .
• I flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo come sfida alla sovranità statale? Il ruolo dell’Italia nella difesa dei confini europei (e nazionali) in: Atti del Convegno di Studi ‘La sovranità in Europa’ Catania-Siracusa 27-28 Aprile 2018, curati da Mario Blancato e Giuseppe don Di Rosa, Notabilis, Numero Speciale, giugno 2019.
• Libia e intervento militare. Il principio della responsabilità di proteggere nel dibattito politico italiano, con Ornella Urso, in Francesca Longo e Pierangelo Isernia (a cura di), La Politica Estera Italiana nel nuovo millennio, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019, pp. 117-148, ISBN: 978-88-15-28093-0
• When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: The EU and the Syrian crisis, co-authored with Iole Fontana, in: ‘Third World Quarterly’, 2018, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 1-17,
• Intercultural Dialogue across the Mediterranean Troubled Waters: Challenges to the Anna Lindh Foundation, in Richard Gillespie and Frederic Volpi (editors), Handbook of Mediterranean Politics London/New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 394-407, ISBN HB: Hardback 978-1-138-90398-2, ebook 978-1-315-69657-7.
• The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border security, in: Moccia Luigi and Pop Lia (eds), Migrants and Refugees Across Europe, European University Press, Boschum (Germany), 2017, pp. 139-168, ISBN 9783865152497.
• The 60th anniversary of the EU: a new élan for the EU … or maybe not, in: ‘Global Affairs’, 2017, 3:1, 1-3.
• Review: Maria Grazia Galantino and Maria Raquel Freire, Managing Crises, Making Peace. Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defence, Basingstoke, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2015. In ‘Italian Political Science’, 2017, volume 12, issue 2, 3 pp.
• The Mediterranean migration crisis: border control versus humanitarian approaches, in: ‘Global Affairs’, 2016, 2:4, pp. 441-445.
• Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti globali e risposte alla crisi migratoria, (a cura di), EGEA, Milano, 2016, ISBN: 978-88-238-4527-5
• Mare Nostrum e le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio in mare: da una risposta italiana a un approccio europeo per affrontare la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo, in Stefania Panebianco (a cura di), Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti globali e risposte alla crisi migratoria, EGEA, Milano, 2016, pp. 71-92, ISBN: 978-88-238-4527-5.
• Review: Michela Ceccorulli, Framing irregular migration in security terms: the Libya case, Florence, Italy: Florence University Press, 2014. In Italian Political Science, 2015, volume 10, issue 2, 3 pp.
• La difficile transizione democratica nel Vicinato Meridionale. Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea tra persistenza e cambiamento, in Marco Mascia (a cura di), Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale, Cacucci, Bari, 2014, pp. 169-180.
• Review: Ann-Kristin Jonasson, The EU’s Democracy Promotion and the Mediterranean Neighbours: Orientation, Ownership and Dialogue in Jordan and Turkey, London/New York, Routledge, 2013, in ‘Democratization’, 2014, vol. 21, issue 7, pp. 1358-1360.
• L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba, in Guerino D'Ignazio, Nicola Fiorita, Silvio Gambino, Francesco Raniolo, Alberto Ventura (a cura di), Transizioni e democrazia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e del vicino oriente, Edizioni Periferia, Cosenza, 2014, pp. 287-309.
• Review: Sonia Lucarelli, Luk Van Langenhove and Jan Wouters (eds), The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London/New York, Routledge, 2012, in ‘The International Spectator’, 2013, vol. 49, n. 1, pp. 155-157;
• Unione Europea, con Luciano Bardi, in G. Pasquino, M. Regalia e M. Valbruzzi (a cura di), Quarant’anni di scienza politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 201-218;
• Evaluating the Evaluation. The pros and cons of ‘VQR’ in social and political research, with Carla Monteleone and Francesco Zucchini, in ‘Italian Political Science’, 2013, issue 8, n. 1.
• Review: Pollini Gabriele, Pretto Albertina e Rovati Giancarlo (a cura di), L'Italia nell'Europa: i valori tra persistenze e trasformazioni, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, in ‘Contemporary Italian Politics’, 2013 (open access journal), 5:1, 97-98;
• L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, Milano, Egea, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-238-4348-6 (reviewed in: ‘European Review of International Studies’, Vol. 1/2014, pp. 171-173; ‘Italian Political Science’, vol. 9, issue 1, );
• Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2 (reviewed in: ‘The Journal of North African Studies’, 2015, 20:3, 492-493; ‘Democratization’, 2014, 21: 1, 189-191; ‘Mediterranean Politics’, 2014, 19: 2, 278-279; ‘Journal of Contemporary European Studies’, 2014, 22: 2, 232-234; ‘European Foreign Affairs Review’, 2014, 19: 4, 599-602, The ‘International Spectator’, 2013, 48: 3, 138–145; ‘Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali’, 2013, 80: 2, 314-316).
• Democratic Turmoil in the MENA Area: Challenges for the EU as an External Actor of Democracy Promotion, in: Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012, pp. 151-169. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2;
• Conclusion: Democratization. The Uneasy Contamination of the MENA Countries, in: Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, pp. 363-381, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2
• The Arab Spring: when democracy meets global protest, in ‘Italian Political Science’, 2012, issue 7, online journal, ISSN: 2420-8434
• L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, in: Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale, edited by Carla Monteleone, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 201-214. ISBN: 9788820407902
• Prefazione, in: Luca Ozzano, Tra la Mecca e Bruxelles. Politica e religione in Turchia, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2012, pp. 11-13. ISBN: 9788860744708
• EU democracy-assistance in the MENA region in 2011. A test for a divided power Europe?, in Ahmed Driss (sous la coordination de), Quels changements en Tunisie et quel impact sur la région de la Méditerranée, CEMI/KAS, Tunis, 2011, pp. 19-32;
• Le relazioni Euro-Mediterranee e la cooperazione regionale”volatile”, in S. Di Bella (ed.), La Sicilia ed il Mediterraneo in un riscontro interdisciplinare, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010, pp. 49-66; ISBN: 9788856836172
• Dealing with Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Basin: The EU as a Multilateral Actor, IAI1016, Documenti IAI, Istituto Affari Internazionali, agosto 2010, ISSN: 2280-6164 (online);
• Volatile Regionalism in the Mediterranean Area, in L’Europe en formation. Le partenariat euro-méditerranéen: La fin d’une vision?, edité par Dagmar Rottsches, Special issue on The EU and the Mediterranean, Année 2010 - été 2010 - n. 356, pp 153-167; ISSN: 0014-2808
• The EU and the Middle East, in Bindi Federiga (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C, 2010, pp. 183-196; ISBN: 9780815701408
• The EU as a Selective Migration-Controller in the Mediterranean? EU Political Discourse, Regional Cooperation and Migration Flows with Marcello Carammia, in Ángel Chueca, Víctor Luis Gutiérrez and Irene Blázquez (eds), Las migraciones internacionales en el Mediterráneo y Unión Europea, Huygens Editorial, Barcelona, 2009, pp. 73-102; ISBN: 9788493598181
• L’Unione Europea nel sistema politico globale, Stefania Panebianco con Attinà Fulvio, Longo Francesca, Monteleone Carla, Rosa Paolo, [IN CINESE], Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 2009, pp. 270; ISBN: 978-7-5004-8041-9
- Review: Luca Bellocchio, L'eterna alleanza? La “special relation” angloamericana tra continuità e mutamento, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006, in ‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, 1/2009, pp. 150-152;
- The EU involvement in the Mediterranean: changing priorities and strategies, in ISIG Journal - Quarterly of International Sociology, n. 3/4, 2008, pp. 115-128; ISSN: 1826-3003
- L'Unione Europea come attore esterno delle transizioni democratiche. Una comparazione tra Balcani Occidentali, Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, con Rosa Rossi, in Longo F. (a cura di), L'Unione Europea e il "cerchio di amici": Sicurezza Europea e Politica di Vicinato, Giuffré editore, Milano, 2008, pp. 129-167; ISBN: 881414477X
- La costruzione di regimi regionali di sicurezza: il caso critico del Mediterraneo, in Luciano Bardi,
Federica Bicchi e Serena Giusti (a cura di), Dimensioni e dilemmi della sicurezza nel Mediterraneo, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2008, pp. 43-74; ISBN: 978-88-498-1850-5
Review: Federica Bicchi, European Foreign Policy Making Toward the Mediterranean, New York, Palgrave, 2007, in ‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, 3/2008, pp. 481-483;
The EU as a democracy and human rights promoter in the Mediterranean: a critical view, in van Doorn M. & von Meijenfeldt R. (eds), Democracy. Europe’s Core Value?, Eburon, Delft, 2007, pp. 167-184; ISBN: 9789059721340
Sicurezza e cooperazione, in Cassano F. e Zolo D. (eds), L’alternativa Mediterranea, Feltrinelli, 2007, pp. 556-583; ISBN: 9788807104213
The constraints on EU action as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in Elgström O. & Smith M. (eds), The European Union’s Roles in International Politics, Routledge, London/New York, 2006, 136-154;
Promoting human rights and democracy in European Union relations with Russia and China, in Lucarelli S. & Manners I. (eds), Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy, Routledge, London/New York, 2006, pp. 130-146;
Security cooperation in the Mediterranean: the EMP instruments to appease different security perceptions, con Fulvio Attinà in M. G. Melchionni (ed), Le relazioni transmediterranee nel tempo presente, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), 2005, pp. 407-430;
La Commissione europea nell’Unione a 25: tra influenza nazionale e autonomia sopranazionale, in Baldini G. (ed.), Quale Europa? L'Unione oltre la crisi, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), 2005, pp. 85-109;
L’allargamento dell’Unione Europea al Mediterraneo, in Scartezzini R. e Milanese J. (eds), L’allargamento dell’UE nello scenario geopolitico europeo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005, pp. 109-140;
European Citizenship and European Identity: from Treaty Provisions to Public Opinion Attitudes, in Moxon-Browne E. (ed.), Who Are The Europeans Now?, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004, pp. 19-38;
A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity (editor), Frank Cass, London, 2003;
The EuroMediterranean Partnership in Perspective: the political and institutional context, in Panebianco S. (ed.), A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity, Frank Cass, London, 2003, pp. 1-20;
Conclusions: Towards a Mediterranean cultural identity? in Panebianco S. (ed.), A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity, Frank Cass, London, 2003, pp. 179-188;
Sfide e prospettive per un’identità mediterranea “plurale”, in ‘FOEDUS’, 2002, n. 3, pp. 63-76;
La PESC e la crisi dell’Europa sud-orientale, in Attinà F. et als, La politica di sicurezza e difesa dell’Unione Europea, CeMiSS Ricerca, Artistic and Publishing Company, Roma, 2001, pp. 143-158;
La cittadinanza europea e il processo di europeizzazione: verso quale identità europea?, in Melchionni M. G. (ed), L’identità europea alla fine del XX secolo, Biblioteca della <>, Firenze, 2001, pp. 293-311;
The EMP’s Innovative Dimension of a Cultural Dialogue: prospects and challenges, in Attinà F. & Stavridis S. (eds), The Barcelona Process and Euro-Mediterranean Issues from Stuttgart to Marseille, Giuffrè, Milano, 2001;
Burocrazia europea e interessi organizzati: il lobbying articolato e continuo sulla Commissione, in ‘Amministrare’, 2001, 2, Il Mulino;
Il lobbying europeo, Giuffré, Milano, 2000;
Relations between Interest Groups and Party Groups in the European Union, in Transnational Parties in the European Union, Bell D. & Lord C. (eds), Ashgate, Aldershot, 1998, pp. 151-67; ISBN: 1840144017
The EU Institutions faced with Non-Economic Interests: from market needs to consumer protection, in Pluralisme, lobbyisme et intégration européenne, Claeys P. et al. (eds), Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes (PIE), Bruxelles, Coll. “La Cité européenne”, n. 16, 1998, pp. 345-72; ISBN: 9052018030
European Citizenship and European Identity: from the Maastricht Treaty to Public Opinion Attitudes, Jean Monnet Working Papers in ‘Comparative and International Politics’, Dipartimento di Studi Politici, Università di Catania, JMWP n. 03.96, 1996;
La influencia de los grupos de presión sobre el proceso decisorio comunitario, in Arana Muñoz J. et al., El proceso decisorio comunitario. Negociación, adopción y evaluación de decisiones en la Unión Europea, Servicio de Publicaciones de l’Universidad de Alcalà, Alcalà de Henares, 1995, pp. 45-63;
Cittadini, elezioni e sondaggi europei, in Attinà F., Longo F., Panebianco S., Identità, partiti ed elezioni nell’Unione Europea, Cacucci, Bari, 1995, pp. 77-104;
I cittadini e lo sviluppo politico dell’Unione, in Dalla Comunità all’Unione Europea, a cura di Attinà F. e Velo D., Cacucci, Bari, 1994, pp. 211-29;
Other reviews for Italian and International Journals (‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, ‘Teoria Politica’, ‘World Affairs’).
On-line Publications
o The Mare Nostrum Operation and the SAR Approach. The Italian Response to address the Mediterranean Migration Crisis, EUMedEA Working Paper 3-2016
o A review of PhD Research Projects conducted within political science PhD Programmes run at Italian Universities, (the professional SISP journal on-line), issue 2, fall 2008
o The 2007 SISP Congress: Who studies what?, IPS (the professional SISP journal on-line: ), issue 1, spring 2008,
o The Italian Political Science Association (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica): An evaluation of SISP activities 25 years after its foundation, IPS (the professional SISP journal on-line: ), issue 0, spring 2007,
o Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean: EMP Instruments to Mitigate Divergent Security Perceptions, con Fulvio ATTINÀ, EuroMeSCo Other Research Papers, July 2004,
o EU attempts to export norms of good governance to the Mediterranean and Western Balkan countries, con Rosa ROSSI, Jean Monnet Working Paper Series, JMWP 53.04, 2004,
o Constraints to the EU as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in CFSP Forum, vol. 2, n. 3, May 2004,
o The constraints to EU action as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in ‘A European Profile in Democracy Support’ Reader of the Conference Enhancing the European profile in democracy assistance, Den Haag, July 5-6 2004,
o Sfide e prospettive per un’identità mediterranea “plurale”, available at: Jura Gentium, Rubriche,
o European citizenship and European identity: from the Maastricht Treaty to public opinion attitudes, Jean Monnet Working Paper Series, JMWP 03/96, 1996,
Organization of Summer Schools, Conferences and Seminars
♦ WECCS Crash Course, Welcome to Europe, my Country, my City, my School, organized within the ERASMUS+ WECCS project, University of Catania, 10 - 12 April 2019.
♦ EUMedEA Crash Course, University of Catania, 2016, 2017, 2018
♦ 5th EISA European Workshops of International Studies, Groningen, 6-9 June 2018, Co-convenor of WS X: Human In-security and Mediterranean Migration (HIsMed).
♦ 6th EISA Exploratory Symposia, Rapallo Italy, 25-28 October, 2017. Research Project: ‘Human (in)security in the Mediterranean (HiSMed)’.
♦ EISA Conference, Chair of the Global Affairs Section, 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona 13-16 September 2017.
♦ SISP Conference Co-Chair of the open Section: The Mediterranean faced with global challenges, SISP Conference, Milano, 15-17 September 2016.
♦ Chair of the open panel The EU Management of Insecurity Complexes in the Mediterranean - IPSA's 24th World Congress of Political Science Politics in a World of Inequality, 23-28 July 2016 – Istanbul [relocated in Poznan].
EISA Conference Local Organizer of the 9th Pan European Conference in International Relations: The Worlds of Violence, Giardini Naxos (Sicily) 23-26 September 2015.
EISA Conference Co-Chair of the Section S24: (In)security in the Global Mediterranean: Between Conflict and Cooperation, 9th Pan European EISA Conference in International Relations, Giardini Naxos (Sicily) 23-26 September 2015.
Convenor of the ‘Celebrating Europe Day’ with Enrique Baron Crespo, former EP President, within the programme ‘European Parliament to Campus’. Catania, 9 May 2015.Talk on The European Union and its Mediterranean Neighbours: new and old democracies.
SGEU Conference, Convenor of the Section on EU Foreign Policy and External Relations, 6th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics (SGEU), Tampere, 13-15 September 2012.
Convenor of the panel on ‘Global Democracy and globalization processes’, 2nd Standing Group on International Relations Conference (SGIR), Trento 13-14 July 2012.
Jean Monnet IRA academic coordinator, EUDEM Conference on ‘Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Actors, Processes and possible Outcomes’, 19-21 May 2011
Co-convenor of the panel The New Security Agenda and Its Challenges: Maritime Security, World International Studies Committee (WISC) conference, Porto, Portogallo, June 2011.
Co-convenor of the Section on EU Politics at the SISP Congress (Palermo, September 2011); Co-Chair of the panel on: ‘The EU as an international actor in trouble? New chances and challenges after Lisbon’.
Co-convenor of the Section on International Relations at the SISP Congress (Venezia, September 2010).
Co-Convenor of the Symposium on Tradition, external factors, and political change in the Arab-Mediterranean Countries: is there a transition to democracy?, Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, 19th to 24th July, 2010.
Scientific responsible of the EMUNI SUMMER SCHOOL 2009 on European Policies and Economic Transition in the Mediterranean Basin, University of Catania, 12-26 July 2009.
Responsible of the organization of the Annual SISP Conference, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.
Convenor of the Section on L'Unione Europea tra governance interna ed internazionale; Chair of the panel The European Union as Regional Actor in the Mediterranean, Annual SISP Conference, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.
Chair of the panel Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea nel sistema politico globale, Annual SISP Conference, Trento 14-17 September 2003.
Co-chair of the session ‘Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean: redefining security in the 3rd millennium’, 4th Pan-European International Relations Conference (SGIR), Kent University, September 2001.
The Human Dimension of Security and the EuroMediterranean Partnership, International Workshop organized as Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at MEDAC, University of Malta, Malta, May 1999.
Security and Development in the Mediterranean, seminars hosted at the SIOI premises, organised as Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at MEDAC, Rome, March 1999 and March 1998.
Invited Talks, Lectures, Chairs and Discussant (last 10 years)
◊ La dimensione multilaterale della sicurezza in Europa, International Disaster Medicine Association/Osservatorio cooperazione e sicurezza nel Mediterraneo, con il patrocinio dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa, in collaborazione con Centro Ricerche in European Affairs, LUISS Guido Carli, Ordine Giornalisti Campania, Napoli, Palazzo Salerno, 26 marzo 2020. Talk: ‘Le sfide alla cooperazione EuroMediterranea nel 2020’.
◊ XVI Conference of the National Migration Network, ‘The level of internationalization of higher education institutions and migration policies of states’, Krakowie, 28th -29th of November 2019. Expert speaker in Panel 4: International cooperation of universities.
◊ SISP Annual Conference, Plenary Session Round Table on ‘L’Italia di fronte alle migrazioni: molta politicizzazione, poche politiche?’, Lecce 12-14 September 2019.
◊ Convegno ‘Gli ultimi vent’anni d’Europa’, organized by Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet Punto Europa, c/o Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì, 9 maggio 2019. Talk: La costruzione del confine esterno: politica estera e immigrazione.
◊ International Workshop ‘Eu-Turkey cooperation on migration management: going beyond ad hoc short-termism’, organized by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) together with Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Mercator Stiftung within the Global Turkey in Europe V Programme, Kos - 6th May 2019.
◊ 3rd EUMIGRO Conference, Jean Monnet Module EUMIGRO, ‘Migration and integration in the European Union – facts, figures, challenges and policy responses’, 26 March 2019, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw. Keynote Speech: The EU and Mediterranean Migration: when politics (un)makes policy.
◊ Discussant of the IAI study ‘Italy in the Mediterranean: Priorities and perspectives of a European middle-power Italy in the Mediterranean: Priorities and perspectives of a European middle-power’ by Silvia Colombo and Anja Palm, presentation organized by FEPS and EYU, Palermo, 15th February 2018.
◊ REMENA Expert Meeting ‘Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Migration’ in collaboration with: Regional Program on Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa – Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung & Research Laboratory « Culture, Language, Education, Migration and Society», Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Mohammed V University of Rabat, November 30th to December 1st, 2018, Rabat, Morocco.
◊ Vienna Research Session ‘EU Migration governance in the Mediterranean: A decentring research agenda’, Vienna 8 and 9 November 2018, Institut für Europäische Integrations-forschung, Universität Wien.
Movimento Federalista Europeo, Riunione dell'Ufficio del Dibattito, Catania 24 - 25 febbraio 2018. Talk: Le crisi migratorie nel Mediterraneo.
Department Seminar series ‘L’Europa nel contesto globale: attori, processi, traiettorie’, organized by Paolo Graziano, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, University of Padova, Padova, 11 October 2017. Talk: L’UE alle prese con la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo, tra approcci umanitari e di sicurezza'.
EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Round Table: ‘The Role of Professional Associations in Responding to the Changing Higher Education Landscape’, Chaired by Richard Whitman, University of Kent.
Journée d'études de l’Institut d’études européennes et globales Alliance Europa ‘L'accueil des réfugiés en Europe’, Nantes, 9 June 2017. Exposé: L’accueil des réfugiés en Europe. Le cas de l’Italie [in French].
EISA 10th Pan-European Conference on IR, Izmir 7 September 2016, Round table: Is there still an EU foreign policy?". Talk: Is the EU loosing any foreign policy actorhood? [conference canceled]
Conference ‘I movimenti politici islamici nel mondo arabo:questioni storiche e prospettive politiche’ to debate on the book edited by Laura Guazzone ‘Storia ed evoluzione dell’islamismo arabo. I Fratelli musulmani e gli altri’ (Mondadori, 2015), Trento, 10-11 December 2015. Talk: La politica estera europea e l’islamismo.
International Conference ‘The EU and Member States in Global Affairs: Any sign of convergence?’, Florence 5-6 May 2015. Talk: EU and the Med: the Security-Democracy Nexus.
International Workshop ‘The Economic, Financial and Demographic Challenges In the MENA Region: Today and Tomorrow’, Lugano 28 April 2015. Talk: Tracks for a New Euro-Mediterranean Vision.
Region europe. ‘The construction of the European Region and Its role in the World’, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, 14 November 2014. Talk: The EU as a Normative Power. New and Old Frames Applied to the Mediterranean Area.
Mare Nostrum: International Symposium organized by the Auburn University, Catania 30 May 2014. Talk: Euro-Mediterranean Relations: searching for a post-Arab Spring new élan.
AUSE International Conference: ‘Democrazia partecipativa e partecipazione politica. Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale’, Padova 5-6 May 2014. Paper: The difficult democratic transition in the Mediterranean Neighborhood: the EU's role.
NEPAS Conference: ‘Thinking Out of the Box. Devising New European Policies to Face the Arab Spring’, Porto, 21-22 February 2013. Paper: A New Mediterranean Political Landscape? The Arab Spring and Euro-Mediterranean Relations.
International Conference ‘Transizioni e Democrazia nei Paesi del Mediterraneo e del Vicino Oriente’, Università della Calabria, Cosenza, 10-11 April 2013. Paper: Quali venti di cambiamento democratico nel Mediterraneo?
Festa dell’Europa: ‘L’Europa in bilico: la scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide’, Firenze, 8 May 2013. Talk: L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba.
Erasmus IP Summer School, A.S.T.R.A. ‘Arab Springs and Transitions: A New Perspective on the Euro-Med Partnership’, First Edition, Catania 9-22 June 2013. Lecture: The difficult democratic transition in the Mediterranean Neighborhood: the EU's role
GOSEM Summer School, Crete, September 2013. Lecture: The EU as a divided power in the Mediterranean.
EISA-SGIR 8th Pan-European Conference on IR, Warsaw 20 September 2013. Chair: Semi-Plenary Session on ‘Europe and Global Affairs’.
Jean Monnet Annual Conference ‘An Evolving Eu Engaging A Changing Mediterranean Region’, Malta 15 October 2013. Talk: The EU as a Mediterranean Power: strangled between Internal Divisions and the Economic Crisis?
Workshop organized by CGIL-ESTERI: ‘Crisi interna, crisi internazionale: obiettivi e strumenti pubblici per la politica estera dell’Italia’, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Roma, 29 February 2012. Talk: Crisi internazionali e risposte domestiche sempre più internazionali/zzate.
Conférence internationale sur ‘Changement politique en Tunisie et impact sur la Méditerranée’ organisé par la Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, le Centre des Etudes Mediterraneennes et International et EuroMeSCo, Tunis, 25-25 March. Talk: Beyond Regionalism in the Mediterranean: the UfM's neo-functionalist approach.
TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference: ‘Future Prospects for the Belgian Presidency of the EU: Global Challenges in a New Institutional Era’, Brussels 20/21 May 2010. Talk: EuroMed Relations today: common strategies for regional challenges. The EU as a global player in the Mediterranean area
Papers presented at National and International Conferences (last 10 years)
12th Pan-European Conference on IR, Prague, 12-15 September 2018. Paper: The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies in Italy.
XXXII SISP Annual Conference, Torino, 6-8 September 2018. Paper: The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies.
5th EISA European Workshops of International Studies, Groningen, 6-9 June 2018. Paper: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies.
59th ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 4-7 April 2018. Paper: Human (In)Security in the Mediterranean. SAR Operations and Emerging Norms to Address the Mediterranean Migration Crisis.
11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017. Paper: ‘The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border control’.
11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017. Paper: ‘When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: the Syrian Refugee Crisis and the EU response’, co-authored with Iole Fontana.
58th ISA Annual Convention, Baltimore, 22-25 February 2017, Paper: ‘The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border control’.
IASSR, XII. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, Catania, 25-28 January 2017, Paper: ‘When Responsibility to Protect 'hits home': the Syrian refugee crisis’, presented with Iole Fontana.
SISP Annual Conference, Milan, 15-17 September 2016. Paper: The EU, the Syrian crisis and R2P: between systemic constraints and internal divisions, presented with Iole Fontana.
WORKSHOP on Security & Stability in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Athens, 26-28 May 2016. Paper: The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border security.
International Jean Monnet Seminar ‘Migrants and Refugees Across Europe’, Rome, Italy, April 27-29, 2016. Paper: The Mare Nostrum Operation and the SAR approach: from an Italian response to a new European strategy to address the Mediterranean migration crisis?
XIII SESAMO Conference: ‘Migranti: comunità, frontiere, memorie e conflitti’, Catania 17-19 March 2016. Paper: The EU and the Syrian crisis: reframing EU migration and asylum policies as an instrument of R2P(?), co-authored with Iole Fontana.
57th ISA Annual Convention: Exploring Peace, Atlanta, 16-19 March 2016. Paper: EU and Migration in the Mediterranean: Still a Divided Power Europe? The EU High Representative Mogherini looks for unity.
ACCESS Europe ‘Europe in the World’ Workshop 'The European Union and the Arab Spring: Constructions of Security in the Southern Mediterranean', Amsterdam, 13-14 November 2014. Paper: EU Social and Cultural Construction of Security in the Southern Mediterranean, co-authored with Rosa Rossi.
EISA-SGIR 8th Pan-European Conference on IR, Warsaw 18-21 September 2013. Papers: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies; The EU as a ‘divided power Europe’ in the Mediterranean.
6th SGIR Conference ‘Regional Orders in the XXI Century, Trento 20-22 June 2013. Paper: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies.
RISP Conference, Siena University, 13-14 June 2013. Paper: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies.
13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Mediterranean Programme, Montecatini Terme, 21-24 March 2012. Paper: Current Patterns of Regional Cooperation and Political Crises in the MENA Region. A Test for a Divided Power Europe?
SISP Annual Conference, Palermo 8-10 September 2011. Paper: The EU as an International Actor in Trouble? Lessons from the Mediterranean Policy.
WISC - Third Global International Studies Conference, Porto (Portugal), 17-20 August 2011. Paper: The EU as a Multilateral Actor? Dealing with Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea.
ECPR-SGEU Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Porto, 24-26 June 2010. Paper: EU Mediterranean Volatile Regionalism.
GARNET International Conference on 'The EU in International Affairs', Brussels 22-24 April 2010. Paper: EU Mediterranean External Action.
Name Panebianco
First Name Stefania
Date and Place of Birth 31.03.1970 - Catania - Italy
Nationality Italian
University Address Dept. of Political and Social Sciences- University of Catania, Via V. Emanuele, 49 95131 Catania - Italy
Telephone +39 095 7347236
Skype s.panebianco
Institutional web-page
Academic Position
Jean Monnet Professor in EU MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action (EUMEDEA) -Grant 565729-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR
Associate Professor in Political Science (SPS04), University of Catania, since 2004.
♣ Teaching load at University of Catania: Mediterranean Politics [in English] (6 CFU), MA in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations; Strategia delle Relazioni Commerciali (6 CFU), MA in Internazionalizzazione delle Relazioni Commerciali; Politica e istituzioni dei paesi del Mediterraneo (9 CFU), MA in Storia e cultura dei paesi mediterranei.
♣ Other teaching: Migration Politics in the Mediterranean, elective course, Master in European Studies, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (I), since academic year 2007/2008.
♣ Previous teaching: The EU and its Neighbours. Politics, Institutions, Instruments, Master in International Security, IBEI, Barcelona (oct-nov 2019); Migration in the Mediterranean (virtual seminar), Arcadia University, Glenside (Pennsylvania, USA); Euro-Mediterranean Relations, Democratic Transitions in Mediterranean Countries, PhD course in Global Politics and European Integration, Scuola Superiore Catania (SSC) - University of Catania; Mediterranean Politics, PhD course in Political Systems and Institutional Change, IMT, Lucca (I).
Other academic tasks
Double Degree and International Didactics portfolio, GLOPEM Master Course.
Supervisor, SSC, Fellow Giuseppe Cannata since 2016.
Co-editor, Global Affairs, Print ISSN: 2334-0460/Online ISSN: 2334-0479 (since 2016 onwards).
Member of the PhD programme in Political Sciences teaching staff, University of Catania.
Member of IBEI Board of patrons Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals, Barcelona (January 2014 onwards).
Evaluation Expert for ANVUR, the Agency for Evaluation of the Italian Ministry of Education, concerning both teaching and research projects (2013 onwards).
Anonymous Referee and Reviewer for several publishers (e.g. SAGE, Routledge, Palgrave/Macmillan, Ashgate), journals (Journal of Common Market Studies, Cooperation and Conflict, Mediterranean Politics, Democratization, European Security, The International Spectator, Contemporary Italian Politics, Italian Journal of Political Science), and MIUR research grants.
Previous Activities and Positions
Visiting Professor, IBEI, Barcelona, 13 October-13 November 2019.
Supervisor, SSC, Fellows: Ornella Urso, Andrea Ciambra.
Member of the Quality Assessment Group of the Master Degree Course on Global Politics and EuroMediterranean Relations, Department of Political and Social Sciences (May 2013 –May 2019).
Member of the Quality Assessment Group of the Department of Political and Social Sciences May 2018-December 2018.
Member of the Jury for the EISA award to the best EJIR article (award 2017).
Founding member and Steering Board Member of the European International Studies Association (2013-2017).
Co-editor, Italian Political Science – Italian on-line professional journal – January 2013-December 2017 ISSN 2420-8434.
Elected Member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR) (2010-2016).
Elected Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (2010-2016).
Elected Member of the executive body (‘Giunta’) of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, 2012-2017.
Member of the Editorial Board of Global Affairs 2015-2016.
Convenor Standing Group sull'Unione Europea (SGUE) within SISP with Marco Brunazzo 2010-2016.
Supervisor: PhD Candidate Iole Fontana, IMT-Lucca (2012-2015). PhD dissertation: The implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Tunisia and Morocco: When domestic actors make a difference.
Co-supervisor: PhD Candidate Federica Zardo, Università di Torino (2012-2015). PhD dissertation: Whose ownership? Explaining EU-Tunisia cooperation since 1995.
PhD External examiner: IMT –Lucca, July 2015 (PhD Candidate: Nabil Shokri); SUM - Firenze, June 2014 (PhD Candidates: Silvia Colombo, Vincenzo Emanuele), June 2013 (PhD candidates: Sara Bonanni, Loretta Dell’Aguzzo), March 2012 (PhD candidates: Antonio Ciaglia, Matteo Dian, Simone Dossi, Nicola Maggini); Université de Toulouse (F), June 2012 (PhD candidate: Luigi Carafa); Università di Siena, April 2009 (PhD candidate: Meng jen, Chang).
Evaluator of Research at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ghent University (April 2014).
Expert evaluator, Programme de Bourses Fernand Braudel-IFER Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris (Juin 2014).
Member of the international jury to award the title of Associate Professor to Dr. SONG Weiqing, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macao (February 2014).
Chair of the BA Course in International Politics and Relations, University of Catania, 2007-2014.
External Evaluator, PISCOPIA Fellowship Programme, co-funded by the European Commission – Marie Curie Action and Università di Padova, 2013.
Member of the Jury for the SGIR/EISA award to the best PhD student paper (award 2013).
Member of the Jury for the SISP award to the best book authored by a SISP member ‘under 40’ (award 2012).
Member of the Jury for the award "FB Grant for Lobbyists", grant offered by FB & Associati (Roma) to the best dissertation on ’Lobbying e politiche pubbliche’ (award 2012).
Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of EuroMediterranean Studies at its launching (2008).
Member of the Editorial Board of the professional online journal Italian Political Science (2007 - 2012).
Member of the PhD programme in Global Politics and European Integration, Scuola Superiore di Catania (2008-2011).
Assistant Professor in Political Science, University of Catania (2002-2004).
Executive Secretary of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) (2002-2004).
Supervisor of MA theses, Master in European Studies, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome (I) (still on-going); ‘Mediterranean Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratization’, University of Malta (academic years 2003-2004 and 2000-2001).
Research Fellow in EU Politics and International Relations, University of Catania, Department of Political Studies (1999-2002).
Seminars on Interest Representation at EU Level and EU Relations with Mediterranean Countries, European Institute of Cyprus, University of Siena and University of Catania (1995-2001).
Tutor of the virtual seminar Globalization and European Identity, training course within the Virtual Forum of European Studies CEFES 2000 (1999-2000, University of Catania).
Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta (academic years 1997-1998 & 1998-1999). Teaching workload at MA level (MA in Diplomatic Studies): International History, Highlights of Mediterranean History, Research and Writing Methods.
Teaching Assistant in Comparative European Survey Data at the 30th Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis & Collection, University of Essex (July-August 1997).
Post-Graduate Student Assistant in International Relations and Political Science at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Catania, since June 1994.
Researcher in EU policies (education, agriculture, and external relations) at the Osservatorio Europa Mezzogiorno, research funded by the European Parliament (November 1993 - February 1994).
Research Grants and Awards
HORIZON 2020, Call: H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018-2019-2020, Research Project on: ‘The Right To International Protection: A Pendulum Between Globalization And Nativization?’ - Protect, coordinated by prof. Hakan Sicakkan, Universitetet I Bergen; Local Research Unit researcher. Months: 36.
Piano per la Ricerca 2016-2018, Research Project ‘La politica italiana di visti asilo e migrazione tra dinamiche interne ed esterne. Idee, attori, processi’, Dotazione ordinaria per attività istituzionale dei Dipartimenti, Università di Catania. Months: 24.
European Mobility Grant STA: April 2019 (Ankara University), March 2018 (Université Paris Est), March 2017 (University of Ljubljana), September 2014 (University of Ghent).
Jean Monnet Chair in EU MEDiterranean border crises and European External Action (EUMEDEA) -Grant 565729-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR Months: 36 (2016-2018).
Honorary Membership, EISA (European International Studies Association), awarded in 2017.
HORIZON 2020 Research Project on: Enhancing The EU’s Trans-boundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies For Multi-Level Leadership [TRANSCRISIS], coordinated by prof. M. Lodge, LSE; Local Research Unit researcher on: Managing the Immigration Crisis: Inter-Institutional Co-operation and External Relations. Months: 36.
FIR 2014 Research project on Military humanitarian missions at a crossroad? The lessons learned from the Mare Nostrum Operation and the assessment of the Operation given by the experts, ‘Finanziamento della ricerca 2014’, University of Catania. Months: 24.
PRIN 2010-11 Unit researcher on ‘La Politica Estera Italiana di fronte alle nuove sfide del sistema internazionale: attori, istituzioni e politiche’, project coordinator prof. Pierangelo Isernia (Università di Siena); units: Siena, Catania, Roma La Sapienza, Torino, Padova, Trento, Sant'Anna. Months 36.
Academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Information and Research Activity on EU Foreign Policy and Democracy Promotion (EUDEM) funded by the European Commission through the LLP (2010-2011),
Scientific Responsible of the European Jean Monnet Module on EU Roles in the International Governance funded by the European Commission for the years 2005-2010
Responsible of the Local Research Unit of the International Research Project ‘Migraciones Internacionales y Politica Mediterranea de la Union Europea’ funded by the Spanish Education Ministry, project coordinator Prof. Angel Chueca (University of Saragoza), 2007-2009.
Research Unit Member of the International Research Project ‘European Security Identity and the Southern Caucasus: the Role of the EU, the US and Russia’, funded by INTAS/European Commission, 2005-2007, project coordinator prof. Francesca Longo (Università di Catania). Units: Catania, Salisburgo, Tblisi e Baku. Mesi 24.
International Visitor Leadership Program, Washington/New York, June 2005, training programme organised and funded by the US Embassy in Italy with the US Dept. of State.
Research Unit of the International Research Project "Les relations trans-Méditerranéenes au temps présent: modernisation, conflits, processus d'intégration, dialogue interculturel", project involving an European network of Jean Monnet Centers of Excellence funded by the European Commission, project coordinator Prof. Maria Grazia Melchionni, Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet- Luigi Einaudi, Università La Sapienza - Roma, 2003-04. Mesi: 24.
Research Grant on Regional Interest Representation at EU Level funded by the University of Catania awarded upon public competition (November 1997-October 1999).
Training & Education
PhD in International Relations, Università degli Studi di Padova (June 1999). Thesis: The Third Level: The Evolution of EU Interest Representation.
Stage Comett at Eurochambres, Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Europee, Bruxelles (May-July 1995).
SIOI Training Course for ‘Operatore Comunitario’, with a SIOI grant (Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale), Rome (October - November 1993).
Bachelor of Political Science (International Politics) with honours (110/110 cum laude) 12 July 1993, Università degli Studi di Catania. Dissertation on the European Parliament.
Research Interests
- EU external action to face border crises (Mediterranean migration in particular).
- Mediterranean security (especially maritime security).
- The EU as an external actor of democratization in the neighborhood.
- Euro-Mediterranean relations.
• Rethinking Security in the Mediterranean Global South. Challenges to expanding borders, editor, book proposal, Palgrave.
• Co-editor (with Benjamin Tallis), Shifting Borders of European (In)Securities: Human Security, Border (In)Security and Mobility in Security, Special Issue of International Politics, to be out in 2020.
• Maritime security in the Mediterranean: the SAR regime to face the migration crisis, Special Issue, Journal of Portuguese Public Policy, edited by Regina Salvador, to be out in 2020.
• Migration Governance in the Mediterranean. The Syracuse Experience, ‘Geopolitics’, Special Issue edited by Federica Zardo and Sarah Wolff, to be out in 2020.
• The EUMedEA Crash Course: bridging teaching, research and expertise, in Anna Visvizi and Marta Pachocka (eds), Teaching the EU: Fostering Knowledge and Understanding in the Brexit Age, in the series entitled Emerald Studies in Higher Education, Innovation and Technology, Emerald, to be out in 2020.
• The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. EU Borders’ Control by Proxy, ‘Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies’, in print 2020.
• L’Italia e i flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo Centrale: lo snodo libico, in Baldinetti Anna, Cassarino Mirella, Maimone Giuseppe, Melfa Daniela (a cura di), Oltre-confine. Temi e fonti per lo studio dell’Africa. Volume in omaggio a Federico Cresti, dicembre 2019, Roma, Aracne.
• The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and migration governance in Italy, in Contemporary Italian Politics, 2019, vol. 11, n. 4, pp. 386-400: .
• I flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo come sfida alla sovranità statale? Il ruolo dell’Italia nella difesa dei confini europei (e nazionali) in: Atti del Convegno di Studi ‘La sovranità in Europa’ Catania-Siracusa 27-28 Aprile 2018, curati da Mario Blancato e Giuseppe don Di Rosa, Notabilis, Numero Speciale, giugno 2019.
• Libia e intervento militare. Il principio della responsabilità di proteggere nel dibattito politico italiano, con Ornella Urso, in Francesca Longo e Pierangelo Isernia (a cura di), La Politica Estera Italiana nel nuovo millennio, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2019, pp. 117-148, ISBN: 978-88-15-28093-0
• When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: The EU and the Syrian crisis, co-authored with Iole Fontana, in: ‘Third World Quarterly’, 2018, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 1-17,
• Intercultural Dialogue across the Mediterranean Troubled Waters: Challenges to the Anna Lindh Foundation, in Richard Gillespie and Frederic Volpi (editors), Handbook of Mediterranean Politics London/New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 394-407, ISBN HB: Hardback 978-1-138-90398-2, ebook 978-1-315-69657-7.
• The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border security, in: Moccia Luigi and Pop Lia (eds), Migrants and Refugees Across Europe, European University Press, Boschum (Germany), 2017, pp. 139-168, ISBN 9783865152497.
• The 60th anniversary of the EU: a new élan for the EU … or maybe not, in: ‘Global Affairs’, 2017, 3:1, 1-3.
• Review: Maria Grazia Galantino and Maria Raquel Freire, Managing Crises, Making Peace. Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defence, Basingstoke, Palgrave/MacMillan, 2015. In ‘Italian Political Science’, 2017, volume 12, issue 2, 3 pp.
• The Mediterranean migration crisis: border control versus humanitarian approaches, in: ‘Global Affairs’, 2016, 2:4, pp. 441-445.
• Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti globali e risposte alla crisi migratoria, (a cura di), EGEA, Milano, 2016, ISBN: 978-88-238-4527-5
• Mare Nostrum e le operazioni di ricerca e salvataggio in mare: da una risposta italiana a un approccio europeo per affrontare la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo, in Stefania Panebianco (a cura di), Sulle onde del Mediterraneo. Cambiamenti globali e risposte alla crisi migratoria, EGEA, Milano, 2016, pp. 71-92, ISBN: 978-88-238-4527-5.
• Review: Michela Ceccorulli, Framing irregular migration in security terms: the Libya case, Florence, Italy: Florence University Press, 2014. In Italian Political Science, 2015, volume 10, issue 2, 3 pp.
• La difficile transizione democratica nel Vicinato Meridionale. Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea tra persistenza e cambiamento, in Marco Mascia (a cura di), Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale, Cacucci, Bari, 2014, pp. 169-180.
• Review: Ann-Kristin Jonasson, The EU’s Democracy Promotion and the Mediterranean Neighbours: Orientation, Ownership and Dialogue in Jordan and Turkey, London/New York, Routledge, 2013, in ‘Democratization’, 2014, vol. 21, issue 7, pp. 1358-1360.
• L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba, in Guerino D'Ignazio, Nicola Fiorita, Silvio Gambino, Francesco Raniolo, Alberto Ventura (a cura di), Transizioni e democrazia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e del vicino oriente, Edizioni Periferia, Cosenza, 2014, pp. 287-309.
• Review: Sonia Lucarelli, Luk Van Langenhove and Jan Wouters (eds), The EU and Multilateral Security Governance, London/New York, Routledge, 2012, in ‘The International Spectator’, 2013, vol. 49, n. 1, pp. 155-157;
• Unione Europea, con Luciano Bardi, in G. Pasquino, M. Regalia e M. Valbruzzi (a cura di), Quarant’anni di scienza politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, pp. 201-218;
• Evaluating the Evaluation. The pros and cons of ‘VQR’ in social and political research, with Carla Monteleone and Francesco Zucchini, in ‘Italian Political Science’, 2013, issue 8, n. 1.
• Review: Pollini Gabriele, Pretto Albertina e Rovati Giancarlo (a cura di), L'Italia nell'Europa: i valori tra persistenze e trasformazioni, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, in ‘Contemporary Italian Politics’, 2013 (open access journal), 5:1, 97-98;
• L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, Milano, Egea, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-238-4348-6 (reviewed in: ‘European Review of International Studies’, Vol. 1/2014, pp. 171-173; ‘Italian Political Science’, vol. 9, issue 1, );
• Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2 (reviewed in: ‘The Journal of North African Studies’, 2015, 20:3, 492-493; ‘Democratization’, 2014, 21: 1, 189-191; ‘Mediterranean Politics’, 2014, 19: 2, 278-279; ‘Journal of Contemporary European Studies’, 2014, 22: 2, 232-234; ‘European Foreign Affairs Review’, 2014, 19: 4, 599-602, The ‘International Spectator’, 2013, 48: 3, 138–145; ‘Rivista di Studi Politici Internazionali’, 2013, 80: 2, 314-316).
• Democratic Turmoil in the MENA Area: Challenges for the EU as an External Actor of Democracy Promotion, in: Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012, pp. 151-169. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2;
• Conclusion: Democratization. The Uneasy Contamination of the MENA Countries, in: Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, edited by Stefania Panebianco and Rosa Rossi, pp. 363-381, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012. ISBN: 978-88-498-3183-2
• The Arab Spring: when democracy meets global protest, in ‘Italian Political Science’, 2012, issue 7, online journal, ISSN: 2420-8434
• L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, in: Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale, edited by Carla Monteleone, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2012, pp. 201-214. ISBN: 9788820407902
• Prefazione, in: Luca Ozzano, Tra la Mecca e Bruxelles. Politica e religione in Turchia, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore, 2012, pp. 11-13. ISBN: 9788860744708
• EU democracy-assistance in the MENA region in 2011. A test for a divided power Europe?, in Ahmed Driss (sous la coordination de), Quels changements en Tunisie et quel impact sur la région de la Méditerranée, CEMI/KAS, Tunis, 2011, pp. 19-32;
• Le relazioni Euro-Mediterranee e la cooperazione regionale”volatile”, in S. Di Bella (ed.), La Sicilia ed il Mediterraneo in un riscontro interdisciplinare, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010, pp. 49-66; ISBN: 9788856836172
• Dealing with Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Basin: The EU as a Multilateral Actor, IAI1016, Documenti IAI, Istituto Affari Internazionali, agosto 2010, ISSN: 2280-6164 (online);
• Volatile Regionalism in the Mediterranean Area, in L’Europe en formation. Le partenariat euro-méditerranéen: La fin d’une vision?, edité par Dagmar Rottsches, Special issue on The EU and the Mediterranean, Année 2010 - été 2010 - n. 356, pp 153-167; ISSN: 0014-2808
• The EU and the Middle East, in Bindi Federiga (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the European Union, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C, 2010, pp. 183-196; ISBN: 9780815701408
• The EU as a Selective Migration-Controller in the Mediterranean? EU Political Discourse, Regional Cooperation and Migration Flows with Marcello Carammia, in Ángel Chueca, Víctor Luis Gutiérrez and Irene Blázquez (eds), Las migraciones internacionales en el Mediterráneo y Unión Europea, Huygens Editorial, Barcelona, 2009, pp. 73-102; ISBN: 9788493598181
• L’Unione Europea nel sistema politico globale, Stefania Panebianco con Attinà Fulvio, Longo Francesca, Monteleone Carla, Rosa Paolo, [IN CINESE], Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 2009, pp. 270; ISBN: 978-7-5004-8041-9
- Review: Luca Bellocchio, L'eterna alleanza? La “special relation” angloamericana tra continuità e mutamento, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2006, in ‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, 1/2009, pp. 150-152;
- The EU involvement in the Mediterranean: changing priorities and strategies, in ISIG Journal - Quarterly of International Sociology, n. 3/4, 2008, pp. 115-128; ISSN: 1826-3003
- L'Unione Europea come attore esterno delle transizioni democratiche. Una comparazione tra Balcani Occidentali, Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, con Rosa Rossi, in Longo F. (a cura di), L'Unione Europea e il "cerchio di amici": Sicurezza Europea e Politica di Vicinato, Giuffré editore, Milano, 2008, pp. 129-167; ISBN: 881414477X
- La costruzione di regimi regionali di sicurezza: il caso critico del Mediterraneo, in Luciano Bardi,
Federica Bicchi e Serena Giusti (a cura di), Dimensioni e dilemmi della sicurezza nel Mediterraneo, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2008, pp. 43-74; ISBN: 978-88-498-1850-5
Review: Federica Bicchi, European Foreign Policy Making Toward the Mediterranean, New York, Palgrave, 2007, in ‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, 3/2008, pp. 481-483;
The EU as a democracy and human rights promoter in the Mediterranean: a critical view, in van Doorn M. & von Meijenfeldt R. (eds), Democracy. Europe’s Core Value?, Eburon, Delft, 2007, pp. 167-184; ISBN: 9789059721340
Sicurezza e cooperazione, in Cassano F. e Zolo D. (eds), L’alternativa Mediterranea, Feltrinelli, 2007, pp. 556-583; ISBN: 9788807104213
The constraints on EU action as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in Elgström O. & Smith M. (eds), The European Union’s Roles in International Politics, Routledge, London/New York, 2006, 136-154;
Promoting human rights and democracy in European Union relations with Russia and China, in Lucarelli S. & Manners I. (eds), Values and Principles in European Union Foreign Policy, Routledge, London/New York, 2006, pp. 130-146;
Security cooperation in the Mediterranean: the EMP instruments to appease different security perceptions, con Fulvio Attinà in M. G. Melchionni (ed), Le relazioni transmediterranee nel tempo presente, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), 2005, pp. 407-430;
La Commissione europea nell’Unione a 25: tra influenza nazionale e autonomia sopranazionale, in Baldini G. (ed.), Quale Europa? L'Unione oltre la crisi, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), 2005, pp. 85-109;
L’allargamento dell’Unione Europea al Mediterraneo, in Scartezzini R. e Milanese J. (eds), L’allargamento dell’UE nello scenario geopolitico europeo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005, pp. 109-140;
European Citizenship and European Identity: from Treaty Provisions to Public Opinion Attitudes, in Moxon-Browne E. (ed.), Who Are The Europeans Now?, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004, pp. 19-38;
A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity (editor), Frank Cass, London, 2003;
The EuroMediterranean Partnership in Perspective: the political and institutional context, in Panebianco S. (ed.), A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity, Frank Cass, London, 2003, pp. 1-20;
Conclusions: Towards a Mediterranean cultural identity? in Panebianco S. (ed.), A New Euro-Mediterranean Cultural Identity, Frank Cass, London, 2003, pp. 179-188;
Sfide e prospettive per un’identità mediterranea “plurale”, in ‘FOEDUS’, 2002, n. 3, pp. 63-76;
La PESC e la crisi dell’Europa sud-orientale, in Attinà F. et als, La politica di sicurezza e difesa dell’Unione Europea, CeMiSS Ricerca, Artistic and Publishing Company, Roma, 2001, pp. 143-158;
La cittadinanza europea e il processo di europeizzazione: verso quale identità europea?, in Melchionni M. G. (ed), L’identità europea alla fine del XX secolo, Biblioteca della <
The EMP’s Innovative Dimension of a Cultural Dialogue: prospects and challenges, in Attinà F. & Stavridis S. (eds), The Barcelona Process and Euro-Mediterranean Issues from Stuttgart to Marseille, Giuffrè, Milano, 2001;
Burocrazia europea e interessi organizzati: il lobbying articolato e continuo sulla Commissione, in ‘Amministrare’, 2001, 2, Il Mulino;
Il lobbying europeo, Giuffré, Milano, 2000;
Relations between Interest Groups and Party Groups in the European Union, in Transnational Parties in the European Union, Bell D. & Lord C. (eds), Ashgate, Aldershot, 1998, pp. 151-67; ISBN: 1840144017
The EU Institutions faced with Non-Economic Interests: from market needs to consumer protection, in Pluralisme, lobbyisme et intégration européenne, Claeys P. et al. (eds), Presses Interuniversitaires Européennes (PIE), Bruxelles, Coll. “La Cité européenne”, n. 16, 1998, pp. 345-72; ISBN: 9052018030
European Citizenship and European Identity: from the Maastricht Treaty to Public Opinion Attitudes, Jean Monnet Working Papers in ‘Comparative and International Politics’, Dipartimento di Studi Politici, Università di Catania, JMWP n. 03.96, 1996;
La influencia de los grupos de presión sobre el proceso decisorio comunitario, in Arana Muñoz J. et al., El proceso decisorio comunitario. Negociación, adopción y evaluación de decisiones en la Unión Europea, Servicio de Publicaciones de l’Universidad de Alcalà, Alcalà de Henares, 1995, pp. 45-63;
Cittadini, elezioni e sondaggi europei, in Attinà F., Longo F., Panebianco S., Identità, partiti ed elezioni nell’Unione Europea, Cacucci, Bari, 1995, pp. 77-104;
I cittadini e lo sviluppo politico dell’Unione, in Dalla Comunità all’Unione Europea, a cura di Attinà F. e Velo D., Cacucci, Bari, 1994, pp. 211-29;
Other reviews for Italian and International Journals (‘Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica’, ‘Teoria Politica’, ‘World Affairs’).
On-line Publications
o The Mare Nostrum Operation and the SAR Approach. The Italian Response to address the Mediterranean Migration Crisis, EUMedEA Working Paper 3-2016
o A review of PhD Research Projects conducted within political science PhD Programmes run at Italian Universities, (the professional SISP journal on-line), issue 2, fall 2008
o The 2007 SISP Congress: Who studies what?, IPS (the professional SISP journal on-line: ), issue 1, spring 2008,
o The Italian Political Science Association (Società Italiana di Scienza Politica): An evaluation of SISP activities 25 years after its foundation, IPS (the professional SISP journal on-line: ), issue 0, spring 2007,
o Security Cooperation in the Mediterranean: EMP Instruments to Mitigate Divergent Security Perceptions, con Fulvio ATTINÀ, EuroMeSCo Other Research Papers, July 2004,
o EU attempts to export norms of good governance to the Mediterranean and Western Balkan countries, con Rosa ROSSI, Jean Monnet Working Paper Series, JMWP 53.04, 2004,
o Constraints to the EU as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in CFSP Forum, vol. 2, n. 3, May 2004,
o The constraints to EU action as a ‘norm exporter’ in the Mediterranean, in ‘A European Profile in Democracy Support’ Reader of the Conference Enhancing the European profile in democracy assistance, Den Haag, July 5-6 2004,
o Sfide e prospettive per un’identità mediterranea “plurale”, available at: Jura Gentium, Rubriche,
o European citizenship and European identity: from the Maastricht Treaty to public opinion attitudes, Jean Monnet Working Paper Series, JMWP 03/96, 1996,
Organization of Summer Schools, Conferences and Seminars
♦ WECCS Crash Course, Welcome to Europe, my Country, my City, my School, organized within the ERASMUS+ WECCS project, University of Catania, 10 - 12 April 2019.
♦ EUMedEA Crash Course, University of Catania, 2016, 2017, 2018
♦ 5th EISA European Workshops of International Studies, Groningen, 6-9 June 2018, Co-convenor of WS X: Human In-security and Mediterranean Migration (HIsMed).
♦ 6th EISA Exploratory Symposia, Rapallo Italy, 25-28 October, 2017. Research Project: ‘Human (in)security in the Mediterranean (HiSMed)’.
♦ EISA Conference, Chair of the Global Affairs Section, 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona 13-16 September 2017.
♦ SISP Conference Co-Chair of the open Section: The Mediterranean faced with global challenges, SISP Conference, Milano, 15-17 September 2016.
♦ Chair of the open panel The EU Management of Insecurity Complexes in the Mediterranean - IPSA's 24th World Congress of Political Science Politics in a World of Inequality, 23-28 July 2016 – Istanbul [relocated in Poznan].
EISA Conference Local Organizer of the 9th Pan European Conference in International Relations: The Worlds of Violence, Giardini Naxos (Sicily) 23-26 September 2015.
EISA Conference Co-Chair of the Section S24: (In)security in the Global Mediterranean: Between Conflict and Cooperation, 9th Pan European EISA Conference in International Relations, Giardini Naxos (Sicily) 23-26 September 2015.
Convenor of the ‘Celebrating Europe Day’ with Enrique Baron Crespo, former EP President, within the programme ‘European Parliament to Campus’. Catania, 9 May 2015.Talk on The European Union and its Mediterranean Neighbours: new and old democracies.
SGEU Conference, Convenor of the Section on EU Foreign Policy and External Relations, 6th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics (SGEU), Tampere, 13-15 September 2012.
Convenor of the panel on ‘Global Democracy and globalization processes’, 2nd Standing Group on International Relations Conference (SGIR), Trento 13-14 July 2012.
Jean Monnet IRA academic coordinator, EUDEM Conference on ‘Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Actors, Processes and possible Outcomes’, 19-21 May 2011
Co-convenor of the panel The New Security Agenda and Its Challenges: Maritime Security, World International Studies Committee (WISC) conference, Porto, Portogallo, June 2011.
Co-convenor of the Section on EU Politics at the SISP Congress (Palermo, September 2011); Co-Chair of the panel on: ‘The EU as an international actor in trouble? New chances and challenges after Lisbon’.
Co-convenor of the Section on International Relations at the SISP Congress (Venezia, September 2010).
Co-Convenor of the Symposium on Tradition, external factors, and political change in the Arab-Mediterranean Countries: is there a transition to democracy?, Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, 19th to 24th July, 2010.
Scientific responsible of the EMUNI SUMMER SCHOOL 2009 on European Policies and Economic Transition in the Mediterranean Basin, University of Catania, 12-26 July 2009.
Responsible of the organization of the Annual SISP Conference, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.
Convenor of the Section on L'Unione Europea tra governance interna ed internazionale; Chair of the panel The European Union as Regional Actor in the Mediterranean, Annual SISP Conference, Catania, 20-22 September 2007.
Chair of the panel Il ruolo dell’Unione Europea nel sistema politico globale, Annual SISP Conference, Trento 14-17 September 2003.
Co-chair of the session ‘Peace and Stability in the Mediterranean: redefining security in the 3rd millennium’, 4th Pan-European International Relations Conference (SGIR), Kent University, September 2001.
The Human Dimension of Security and the EuroMediterranean Partnership, International Workshop organized as Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at MEDAC, University of Malta, Malta, May 1999.
Security and Development in the Mediterranean, seminars hosted at the SIOI premises, organised as Holder of the Italian Chair of Mediterranean Diplomacy and Relations at MEDAC, Rome, March 1999 and March 1998.
Invited Talks, Lectures, Chairs and Discussant (last 10 years)
◊ La dimensione multilaterale della sicurezza in Europa, International Disaster Medicine Association/Osservatorio cooperazione e sicurezza nel Mediterraneo, con il patrocinio dello Stato Maggiore della Difesa, in collaborazione con Centro Ricerche in European Affairs, LUISS Guido Carli, Ordine Giornalisti Campania, Napoli, Palazzo Salerno, 26 marzo 2020. Talk: ‘Le sfide alla cooperazione EuroMediterranea nel 2020’.
◊ XVI Conference of the National Migration Network, ‘The level of internationalization of higher education institutions and migration policies of states’, Krakowie, 28th -29th of November 2019. Expert speaker in Panel 4: International cooperation of universities.
◊ SISP Annual Conference, Plenary Session Round Table on ‘L’Italia di fronte alle migrazioni: molta politicizzazione, poche politiche?’, Lecce 12-14 September 2019.
◊ Convegno ‘Gli ultimi vent’anni d’Europa’, organized by Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet Punto Europa, c/o Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì, 9 maggio 2019. Talk: La costruzione del confine esterno: politica estera e immigrazione.
◊ International Workshop ‘Eu-Turkey cooperation on migration management: going beyond ad hoc short-termism’, organized by Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) together with Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) and Mercator Stiftung within the Global Turkey in Europe V Programme, Kos - 6th May 2019.
◊ 3rd EUMIGRO Conference, Jean Monnet Module EUMIGRO, ‘Migration and integration in the European Union – facts, figures, challenges and policy responses’, 26 March 2019, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw. Keynote Speech: The EU and Mediterranean Migration: when politics (un)makes policy.
◊ Discussant of the IAI study ‘Italy in the Mediterranean: Priorities and perspectives of a European middle-power Italy in the Mediterranean: Priorities and perspectives of a European middle-power’ by Silvia Colombo and Anja Palm, presentation organized by FEPS and EYU, Palermo, 15th February 2018.
◊ REMENA Expert Meeting ‘Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Migration’ in collaboration with: Regional Program on Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa – Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung & Research Laboratory « Culture, Language, Education, Migration and Society», Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences – Mohammed V University of Rabat, November 30th to December 1st, 2018, Rabat, Morocco.
◊ Vienna Research Session ‘EU Migration governance in the Mediterranean: A decentring research agenda’, Vienna 8 and 9 November 2018, Institut für Europäische Integrations-forschung, Universität Wien.
Movimento Federalista Europeo, Riunione dell'Ufficio del Dibattito, Catania 24 - 25 febbraio 2018. Talk: Le crisi migratorie nel Mediterraneo.
Department Seminar series ‘L’Europa nel contesto globale: attori, processi, traiettorie’, organized by Paolo Graziano, Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies, University of Padova, Padova, 11 October 2017. Talk: L’UE alle prese con la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo, tra approcci umanitari e di sicurezza'.
EISA 11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Round Table: ‘The Role of Professional Associations in Responding to the Changing Higher Education Landscape’, Chaired by Richard Whitman, University of Kent.
Journée d'études de l’Institut d’études européennes et globales Alliance Europa ‘L'accueil des réfugiés en Europe’, Nantes, 9 June 2017. Exposé: L’accueil des réfugiés en Europe. Le cas de l’Italie [in French].
EISA 10th Pan-European Conference on IR, Izmir 7 September 2016, Round table: Is there still an EU foreign policy?". Talk: Is the EU loosing any foreign policy actorhood? [conference canceled]
Conference ‘I movimenti politici islamici nel mondo arabo:questioni storiche e prospettive politiche’ to debate on the book edited by Laura Guazzone ‘Storia ed evoluzione dell’islamismo arabo. I Fratelli musulmani e gli altri’ (Mondadori, 2015), Trento, 10-11 December 2015. Talk: La politica estera europea e l’islamismo.
International Conference ‘The EU and Member States in Global Affairs: Any sign of convergence?’, Florence 5-6 May 2015. Talk: EU and the Med: the Security-Democracy Nexus.
International Workshop ‘The Economic, Financial and Demographic Challenges In the MENA Region: Today and Tomorrow’, Lugano 28 April 2015. Talk: Tracks for a New Euro-Mediterranean Vision.
Region europe. ‘The construction of the European Region and Its role in the World’, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, 14 November 2014. Talk: The EU as a Normative Power. New and Old Frames Applied to the Mediterranean Area.
Mare Nostrum: International Symposium organized by the Auburn University, Catania 30 May 2014. Talk: Euro-Mediterranean Relations: searching for a post-Arab Spring new élan.
AUSE International Conference: ‘Democrazia partecipativa e partecipazione politica. Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale’, Padova 5-6 May 2014. Paper: The difficult democratic transition in the Mediterranean Neighborhood: the EU's role.
NEPAS Conference: ‘Thinking Out of the Box. Devising New European Policies to Face the Arab Spring’, Porto, 21-22 February 2013. Paper: A New Mediterranean Political Landscape? The Arab Spring and Euro-Mediterranean Relations.
International Conference ‘Transizioni e Democrazia nei Paesi del Mediterraneo e del Vicino Oriente’, Università della Calabria, Cosenza, 10-11 April 2013. Paper: Quali venti di cambiamento democratico nel Mediterraneo?
Festa dell’Europa: ‘L’Europa in bilico: la scienza politica italiana di fronte alle attuali sfide’, Firenze, 8 May 2013. Talk: L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba.
Erasmus IP Summer School, A.S.T.R.A. ‘Arab Springs and Transitions: A New Perspective on the Euro-Med Partnership’, First Edition, Catania 9-22 June 2013. Lecture: The difficult democratic transition in the Mediterranean Neighborhood: the EU's role
GOSEM Summer School, Crete, September 2013. Lecture: The EU as a divided power in the Mediterranean.
EISA-SGIR 8th Pan-European Conference on IR, Warsaw 20 September 2013. Chair: Semi-Plenary Session on ‘Europe and Global Affairs’.
Jean Monnet Annual Conference ‘An Evolving Eu Engaging A Changing Mediterranean Region’, Malta 15 October 2013. Talk: The EU as a Mediterranean Power: strangled between Internal Divisions and the Economic Crisis?
Workshop organized by CGIL-ESTERI: ‘Crisi interna, crisi internazionale: obiettivi e strumenti pubblici per la politica estera dell’Italia’, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Roma, 29 February 2012. Talk: Crisi internazionali e risposte domestiche sempre più internazionali/zzate.
Conférence internationale sur ‘Changement politique en Tunisie et impact sur la Méditerranée’ organisé par la Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, le Centre des Etudes Mediterraneennes et International et EuroMeSCo, Tunis, 25-25 March. Talk: Beyond Regionalism in the Mediterranean: the UfM's neo-functionalist approach.
TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference: ‘Future Prospects for the Belgian Presidency of the EU: Global Challenges in a New Institutional Era’, Brussels 20/21 May 2010. Talk: EuroMed Relations today: common strategies for regional challenges. The EU as a global player in the Mediterranean area
Papers presented at National and International Conferences (last 10 years)
12th Pan-European Conference on IR, Prague, 12-15 September 2018. Paper: The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies in Italy.
XXXII SISP Annual Conference, Torino, 6-8 September 2018. Paper: The Mediterranean Migration Crisis: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies.
5th EISA European Workshops of International Studies, Groningen, 6-9 June 2018. Paper: Humanitarian practices and the implications of border control strategies.
59th ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco, 4-7 April 2018. Paper: Human (In)Security in the Mediterranean. SAR Operations and Emerging Norms to Address the Mediterranean Migration Crisis.
11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017. Paper: ‘The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border control’.
11th Pan-European Conference on IR, Barcelona, 13-16 September 2017. Paper: ‘When Responsibility to Protect ‘hits home’: the Syrian Refugee Crisis and the EU response’, co-authored with Iole Fontana.
58th ISA Annual Convention, Baltimore, 22-25 February 2017, Paper: ‘The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border control’.
IASSR, XII. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, Catania, 25-28 January 2017, Paper: ‘When Responsibility to Protect 'hits home': the Syrian refugee crisis’, presented with Iole Fontana.
SISP Annual Conference, Milan, 15-17 September 2016. Paper: The EU, the Syrian crisis and R2P: between systemic constraints and internal divisions, presented with Iole Fontana.
WORKSHOP on Security & Stability in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, Athens, 26-28 May 2016. Paper: The EU and Migration in the Mediterranean. Entrapped between the humanitarian approach and border security.
International Jean Monnet Seminar ‘Migrants and Refugees Across Europe’, Rome, Italy, April 27-29, 2016. Paper: The Mare Nostrum Operation and the SAR approach: from an Italian response to a new European strategy to address the Mediterranean migration crisis?
XIII SESAMO Conference: ‘Migranti: comunità, frontiere, memorie e conflitti’, Catania 17-19 March 2016. Paper: The EU and the Syrian crisis: reframing EU migration and asylum policies as an instrument of R2P(?), co-authored with Iole Fontana.
57th ISA Annual Convention: Exploring Peace, Atlanta, 16-19 March 2016. Paper: EU and Migration in the Mediterranean: Still a Divided Power Europe? The EU High Representative Mogherini looks for unity.
ACCESS Europe ‘Europe in the World’ Workshop 'The European Union and the Arab Spring: Constructions of Security in the Southern Mediterranean', Amsterdam, 13-14 November 2014. Paper: EU Social and Cultural Construction of Security in the Southern Mediterranean, co-authored with Rosa Rossi.
EISA-SGIR 8th Pan-European Conference on IR, Warsaw 18-21 September 2013. Papers: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies; The EU as a ‘divided power Europe’ in the Mediterranean.
6th SGIR Conference ‘Regional Orders in the XXI Century, Trento 20-22 June 2013. Paper: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies.
RISP Conference, Siena University, 13-14 June 2013. Paper: The EU as a democracy facilitator in the Mediterranean: challenges to domestic and international strategies.
13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Mediterranean Programme, Montecatini Terme, 21-24 March 2012. Paper: Current Patterns of Regional Cooperation and Political Crises in the MENA Region. A Test for a Divided Power Europe?
SISP Annual Conference, Palermo 8-10 September 2011. Paper: The EU as an International Actor in Trouble? Lessons from the Mediterranean Policy.
WISC - Third Global International Studies Conference, Porto (Portugal), 17-20 August 2011. Paper: The EU as a Multilateral Actor? Dealing with Maritime Security in the Mediterranean Sea.
ECPR-SGEU Fifth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Porto, 24-26 June 2010. Paper: EU Mediterranean Volatile Regionalism.
GARNET International Conference on 'The EU in International Affairs', Brussels 22-24 April 2010. Paper: EU Mediterranean External Action.
N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in The History and Culture of Mediterranean Countries - 1st Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in The History and Culture of Mediterranean Countries - 1st Year
Academic Year 2018/2019
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Module Institutions and Governance of Global Trade - DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
Master's Degree in The History and Culture of Mediterranean Countries - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in History, Politics and International Relations - 2nd Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Module Institutions and Governance of Global Trade
Academic Year 2016/2017
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Module Actors and Cooperation Processes - DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Module Institutions and Governance of Global Trade
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations - 1st Year
Module Actors and Cooperation Processes - DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES
Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and International Relations L-36 - 3rd Year
Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and International Relations L-36 - 3rd Year
Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and International Relations L-36 - 3rd Year
Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and International Relations L-42 - 3rd Year
Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and International Relations L-42 - 3rd Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Master's Degree in International Trade Relations - 1st Year
Module Institutions and Governance of Global Trade