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The ReShape Online Papers Series
19 - Migration, economic and social development. A students’ Handbook 2024, Maurizio Malogioglio DOWNLOAD
18 - Migration, economic and social development. A students’ Handbook 2022, Maurizio Malogioglio DOWNLOAD
17 - World Climate Policy: Convergence and Transition, Fulvio Attinà DOWNLOAD
16 - Mediterranean Politics and the American World Order’, Fulvio Attinà DOWNLOAD
15 - Migration, economic and social development. A students’ Handbook, Maurizio Malogioglio DOWNLOAD
14 - La politica di (im)migrazione nell’Unione Europea tra vecchie e nuove sfide, Francesca Longo DOWNLOAD
13 - Mare Nostrum e Triton: la valutazione degli esperti, Fulvio Attinà DOWNLOAD
12 - The Mare Nostrun Operation and the Migration crisis in the Mediterranean. Expert online survey DOWNLOAD
11 - L'Operazione Mare Nostrum e la crisi migratoria nel Mediterraneo. Sondaggio online di esperti DONWLOAD
10 - Europe faces the immigration crisis. Perceptions and scenarios by Fulvio Attinà DOWNLOAD
09 - Inter-parliamentary cooperation in electoral monitoring by Stelios Stavridis DOWNLOAD
08 - Engendered peace building strategy: Security, development and empowerment by Ludovica Bruno DOWNLOAD
07 - European Union’s WMD Non-proliferation policy: the competence-sharing between EU institutions by Lia Caponetti DOWNLOAD
06 - The Middle East as weapons of mass destruction free zone. A proposal to overcome the deadlock by Cosimo Risi DOWNLOAD
05 - Europe’s fight against cybercrime by Nicoletta Di Noto DOWNLOAD
04 - Policing the Disorder: The EU Contribution to the Multilateral Response in Tackling the Crime-Terror Nexus by Daniela Irrera DOWNLOAD
03 - EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) Libya: Testing EU Actorness by Francesca Arcidiacono DOWNLOAD
02 - Responsibility to Protect: what role for parliamentary diplomacy? by Stelios Stavridis DOWNLOAD
01 - Merging policies as strategy against emergency threats by Fulvio Attinà DOWNLOAD
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Volume 22, issue 3, September 2014
Special Issue: Designing EU crisis management capacities. Guest Editors: Fulvio Attinà, Arjen Boin, Magnus Ekengren
Recent books by the ReSHAPE team members
Recent chapters & journal articles by the ReSHAPE team members
- Attinà Fulvio (2015), Diversity in Unity. The European Union and Member States Emergency Aid to the Countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, in Romanian Journal of European Affairs”, 15, 2, 42-56
- Attinà Fulvio (2015), Political science in Italy. Moving on amid institutional constraints and social challenges, in Barbara Krauz-Mozer et als, eds., Political Science in Europe, Krakov, Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 229-244.
- Benadusi Mara (a cura di) (2015), Antropologia dei disastri. Ricerca, Attivismo, Applicazione, numero monografico di “Antropologia Pubblica”, n.1, Firenze: Seid Editori
- Benadusi Mara (2015), Natura Contesa. Green grabbing e conservazionismo in Sri Lanka, in Meschiari M., Montes S. (a cura di), Spaction. New paradigms in space-action multidisciplinary research, Roma: Aracne, pp. 59-78
- Benadusi Mara (2015), Vestigia ai margini dello tsunami, in Saitta P. (a cura di), Fukushima, Concordia e altre macerie, Firenze: Editpress, pp. 53-66
- Benadusi Mara (2015), Cultivating Communities after Disaster: A Whirlwind of Generosity on the Coasts of Sri Lanka, in Revet S., Langumier J. (eds.), Governing Disasters: Beyond Risk Culture, PARIS: Palgrave MacMillan, Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy, pp. 87-126
- Benadusi Mara (2015), Learning to Survive in Sri Lanka: Education and Training in Times of Catastrophe, in Smeyers P., Bridges D., Burbules N., Griffiths M. (eds.), International Handbook on Interpretation in Educational Research Methods, New York: Springer, pp. 551-578
- Daniela Irrera (2015), Introduction: the European Parliament as an international actor, in The European Parliament and its International Relations, Stelios Stavridis, Daniela Irrera (eds.), Routledge, London, pp. 1-15.
- Daniela Irrera (2015), The crime-terror-insurgency 'nexus'. Implications on multilateral cooperation in S. Romaniuk (eds.) Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Modern War, CRC Press, New York, pp. 39-52.
- Panebianco Stefania (2014), La difficile transizione democratica nel Vicinato Meridionale. Il ruolo dell¹Unione Europea tra persistenza e cambiamento, in Marco Mascia (a cura di), Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale, Cacucci, Bari pp. 169-180.
- Panebianco Stefania (2014), L’Unione Europea nel Mediterraneo: oltre la primavera araba, in Guerino D'Ignazio, Nicola Fiorita, Silvio Gambino, Francesco Raniolo, Alberto Ventura (a cura di), Transizioni e democrazia nei paesi del Mediterraneo e del vicino oriente, Edizioni Periferia, Cosenza, pp. 287-309.
- Mara Benadusi (2014), Elephants Never Forget: Capturing Nature at the Border of Ruhuna National Park (Yala), Sri Lanka, in “Capitalism Nature Socialism”, vol. 26, n. 1, pp. 77-96
- Mara Benadusi (2014), Pedagogies of the Unknown: Unpacking “Culture” in Disaster Risk Reduction Education, in “Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management”, vol. 22, n. 3, pp. 174-183
- Mara Benadusi (2014), Scuola, in Riccio B. (a cura di), Antropologia e migrazioni, Roma: Cisu, pp. 144-156
- Mara Benadusi (2014), Con-donare. Ipertrofia del dono nello Sri Lanka post-tsunami, in “Etnoantropologia”, n. 2, pp. 19-28
- Mara Benadusi e Lutri A. (2014), Le voci del biografico. Le storie di vita tra antropologia, storiografia e oltre. Giornata di studi, Catania, 24 marzo 2014, in “Archivio Antropologico del Mediterraneo”, n.16(1), pp. 173-175
- Attinà Fulvio (2014), European Aid to Foreign Countries in Emergencies - Are ECHO and the EU Large-Donor Countries on the Same Track?, in Romanian Journal of European Affairs”, 14, 3, 5-21.
- Fulvio Attinà (2014), Multilateralism and conflict management: assessing peace operations, in Telò Mario, ed., Globalisation, Multilateralilsm, Europe.Towards a better global governance?, Farnham, Ashgate, pp. 373-387
- Daniela Irrera (2014), The multilateral response in tackling the crime-terror nexus. The EU contribution, in P. C. van Duyne, J. Harvey, G. A. Antonopoulos, K. von Lampe, A. Maljević, A. Markovska (eds.), Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk, 2014, pp. 135-153.Daniela Irrera, The multilateral response in tackling the crime-terror nexus. The EU contribution, in P. C. van Duyne, J. Harvey, G. A. Antonopoulos, K. von Lampe, A. Maljević, A. Markovska (eds.), Corruption, greed and crime-money. Sleaze and shady economy in Europe and beyond, Wolf Legal Publishers, Oisterwijk, pp. 135-153.
- Daniela Irrera (2014), Civil Society and the Role of NGOs in ESDP Operations, in Scott Romaniuk and Marguerite Marlin (eds.), Beyond Borders. Democracy and Civil Society in a Global Era, Berkshire Academic Press.
- Daniela Irrera (2014), Humanitarian NGOs and EU emergencies response policy: continuity or change? In Evolving dependency relations, A. Filipiak, E. Kania, J. Van den Bosch, R. Wiśniewski (eds.), Revolutions Research Center, Poznań, pp. 100-124
- Daniela Irrera (2014), Criminalità organizzata e terrorismo: le nuove sfide alla sicurezza globale, in ‘Rivista di Politica’, 1, pp. 117-128.
- Daniela Irrera (2014), Learning From the Past: Case of the Red Brigades in Italy, in ‘Counterterrorism, Trends and Analysis’, vol. 6 no. 6, pp. 16-20.
- Daniela Irrera (2014), Editorial - Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism: different peas, same pod? (insieme a Helena Carrapico & Bill Tupman), Transnational Organised Crime and Terrorism: different peas, same pod? Double Special Issue of Global Crime, Guest Editors: Helena Carrapico, Daniela Irrera & Bill Tupman, Vol. 15, no. 03-04, pp. 213-218.
- Fulvio Attinà (2013), Mediterranean Security Revisited, in “Democracy and Security”, 2013, 9, 1-2, 120-136.
- Mara Benadusi (2013), The two-faced Janus of disaster management: still vulnerable, yet already resilient, in "South East Asia Research", 21, 3, pp. 419-438
- Mara Benadusi (2013),Cultiver des communautés après une catastrophe. Déferlement de générosité sur les côtes du Sri Lanka, in Sandrine Revet et Julien Langumier (dir.), Le Gouvernement des Catastrophes, Paris, Karthala, pp. 103-146.
- Mara Benadusi (2013), Learning to survive: education and training in times of catastrophe. In: Smeyers P., Bridges D., Burbules N., Griffiths M. (eds.), International handbook on interpretation in educational research methods. New York: Springer.
- Daniela Irrera (2013), The Externalisation of the EU Internal Security Strategy in the Framework of Multilateralism: The Case of the Fight against Transnational Organised Crime, in Maria O'Neill, Ken Swinton and Aaron Winter (eds.), New Challenges for the EU Internal Security Strategy, Cambridge Scholars.
- Daniela Irrera (2013), NGOs, Peace Supoport Activity, and the UNPREDEP Mission in Macedonia, in Joseph R. Rudolph and William J. Lahnemn, eds., From Mediation to Nation-Building. Third Parties and the Management of Communal Conflict, Lanham MD., Lexington Books, 463-480.
- Francesca Longo (2013), Justice and Home Affairs as a New Dimension of the European Security Concept, in European Foreign Affairs Review 18, 1, 29–46.
- Francesca Longo (2013), Il Security Sector Reform e la sicurezza internazionale: il ruolo dell'Unione Europea, in Carla Monteleone, a cura di, Politiche di Sicurezza e Cambiamento Globale, Angeli, 116-135.
- Daniela Irrera (2012), Humanitarian NGOs on the Ground: Roles for Civil Society in Conflict Management, in Malyarenko T. and Wolff S., eds., Crisis Management and Conflict Prevention in Eastern Europe and the Balkans: Lessons for Ukraine-EU Cooperation, Moswow, Skhidniy Vidavnichiy Dom’ Publishing, 167-186.
- Daniela Irrera (2012), The EU Strategy in Tackling Organized Crime in the Framework of Multilateralism in Kaunert K. and Leonard S. European Security Governance and the European Neighbourhood after the Lisbon Treaty , Routledge, London, pp. 47-59.
- Stefania Panebianco (2012), L'Unione Europea "potenza divisa" nel Mediterraneo, in Monteleone C. (ed), Politiche di sicurezza e cambiamento globale Franco Angeli, pp. 201-214.
- Stefania Panebianco (2012), Democratic Turmoil in the MENA Area: Challenges for the EU as an External Actor of Democracy Promotion in S. Panebianco and R. Rossi (eds), Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, pp. 151-169.
- Stefania Panebianco (2012), Conclusion: Democratization. The Uneasy Contamination of the MENA Countries, in S. Panebianco and R. Rossi (eds), Winds of Democratic Change in the Mediterranean? Processes, Actors and possible Outcomes, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, pp. 363-381.
- Fulvio Attinà (2011), Assessing the EU’s commitment to multilateralism. CSDP and Member States’ propensity to participate in peace missions, in “Australian and New Zealand Journal of European Studies”, 3, 2, 5-17.
- Daniela Irrera (2011), The roles of NGOs in Humanitarian Interventions and the Peace Support Operation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in R. Marchetti - N. Tocci (eds.) Conflict, Society, and Peacebuilding. Comparative Perspectives, London, London, Routledge, 120-145.
- Daniela Irrera (2011), The EU Strategy in Tackling Organized Crime in the Framework of multilateralism, in Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 12, 4, 1–13.
- Daniela Irrera (2011), Civil society and humanitarian action: NGOs’ Roles in peace Support Operations, in Perspectives, 19, 1, 85-106.
- Francesca Longo (2011), The Mediterranean dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice, in Marise Cremona, Jorg Monar & Sara Poli, eds., The external dimension of the European Union’s area of freedom, security and justice, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 367-388.