Fabrizio Sciacca

Professore ordinario di Filosofia politica [GSPS-01/A]
Fabrizio Sciacca

Office address: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania
Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 39, I-95131 Catania
Phone (office) +39 0957461290 + 5
E-mail: fsciaccaunict@gmail.com


Professor (‘professore ordinario’) of Political philosophy
Department of Political and Social Sciences
University of Catania (I)

Affiliate Member at
School of Law, Centre for Law, Democracy and Society
Queen Mary University of London (UK)

-BA in LAW (with high honors) at University of Catania
-PhD (with high honors) in Legal Philosophy at Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento “Sant’Anna”, Pisa

Board Member, Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica (SIFP)
Member, Internationale Vereiningung für Rechtsphilosophie (IVR)
Member, Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (GAP)
Member, Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica (SIFA)
Member, Società Europea di Filosofia Analitica (ESAP)
Member, Kant-Gesellschaft

Native language: Italian
Fluent in English and German
Good written and oral skills in French and Nordic languages

2025 Visiting Professor at Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Valencia, Spain
2024 Visiting Professor at Queen Mary University School of Law, London, UK
2000 Visiting Scholar at Juristisches Seminar, Universität Kiel, Germany
1996-97 Visiting Scholar at Philosophisches Seminar, Universität Tübingen, Germany
1994-95 Visiting Scholar at Institut für Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie, Universität des
Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
1989 Visiting fellow at Juristisches Seminar, Universität Mannheim

Power. Justice. Rights. Normativity.
Political Philosophy. Governance and Global Justice. Democracy.
Healthcare and Social Justice.

2012-2023 Academic Director of the PhD Programme in “Political Sciences" (Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze politiche), University of Catania
2004-2009 Responsible of the Jean Monnet Action Project “Human Rights and European Identity”, University of Catania. Responsibility for teaching to graduate students Responsible of Erasmus agreements: University of Montpellier (F), University of Minho (P)

2022-2025 Co-PI of partner unit (University of Catania) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research
-Doctoral Training Network (MSCA-DN) “Climate Urgency C-Urge - An Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency”
2018-2021 Member of the Project "Kant in South America", Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
2013-2017 Coordinator of the TEMPUS EU Programme Strenghtening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery (SHESPSS)
2009-2012: Key-Staff member of the International Research Network "Institutionalising Values: Beyond Human Rights?" funded by the British Art and Humanities Research council (University of Stirling, UK)
2008-2010 Responsible of the Catania Unit Research within the PRIN project on “Paradigmas of the Constitutionalism in Modern and Contemporary European Thought”
2006-2007 Principal Investigator of a research project funded by the University of Catania (PRA) on “Security and Rights”
2004-2009 Responsible of the Jean Monnet Action Project (European Module) “Human Rights and European Identity”, funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture
2005-2006 Coordinator of the Catania Unit Research research project of relevant national interest (PRIN) on “Liberty and power: vicissitudes of a dialectical problem in modern and contemporary political thought”
2005 Responsible of the research project financed by the University of Catania (PRA) on “Injustice and rights”
2003-2004 Member of the PRIN project on “The civil government like social aspiration, political experience and economic purpose in the modern and contemporary political thought”.
2003 Responsible of the research project financed by the University of Catania (PRA) on “Human rights. Ethics and politics”
2001-2002 Member of the PRIN research project on “Social structures and powers of government in modern and contemporary age”

Paper-giver, panel organizer and/or discussant at many relevant national and international conferences on political and legal philosophy

Author of about a hundred publications, including monographs, articles in peer-reviewed journals, volume contributions, and editions of philosophical works.
N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

Anno accademico 2017/2018

Anno accademico 2016/2017

Anno accademico 2015/2016

I'm on leave for the present academic year.

For requests, please email me at fsciacca@unict.it